Russian Brides

среда, 13 августа 2008 г.

Techniques to Attract Women - The Building Blocks

There is a whole world of techniques to attract women. It's been growing since the 1980's. When I tell you about techniques to attract women I'm not talking about theories or test trials, I mean tested and proven ways that attract a woman's psyche, her emotional switches, and her programmed behavior. I'm talking about scientifically proven material that will be the topic of this article.

Now keep in mind all this is only one toe into the pool of understanding you can have if you get the right information.All close human relationships rely more on comments and opinions than they do on questions. So within the first few minutes, once you've gotten a woman's attention, speak in terms of opinions and comments.

This is the way old friends talk and this is exactly the kind of impression you have to make if you want to learn more techniques to attract women. This technique is just the training wheels to get you riding in the right direction.Any other technique will be useless if you can' get away from the standard boring questions women get from guys hundreds of times a week.

There are many guys that quickly develop their own techniques to attract women. They do this by using their own personalities and tendencies. So the best techniques to attract women come out by understanding the matrix of what's happening and applying your own personal touch.

The best techniques to attract women come from within, but to get to that level you have to get the right information that will show you what forces are really at work. To get the full picture you'll need to pay out a little money. The people who know this information know they are holding onto the truth and inner sanctum of how to get women, which is one of the most valuable things in the world.

Top 10 Mistakes Guys Make When Asking a Girl Out

1) Being Immature - If you are a bit nervous it's easy to start telling silly jokes or playing around a little too much. Be mature but still have fun, just don't make it cheesy.

2) Don't ask her out in front of a group. This will put her under pressure to say 'yes' or 'no'. If she's not completely confident or worried what her friends might think it will be more likely to be a 'no'.

3) Don't try to touch her. There is a time and place but getting too physical with her will make her think you treat her like an object rather then a person.

4) Do not ask her immediately. If she does not know you it is easy for her to say 'no'. Get to know her before you ask her out.

5) Getting a friend to do the asking. This is a definite no-no. No girl wants to be asked out through a friend and it doesn't put you in a good light. If you are going to ask her out, find the time and place to ask her and do it yourself. You don't have to make a big deal out of asking her out, but you do have to do it yourself.

6) Don't try to win her over with gifts. Either she likes you or she doesn't. Buying little gifts for her or expensive flowers will no change her mind.

7) Make sure you look your best. Have a shave, put on some new clothes and try a bit of breath freshener. The way you look now is the way she will assume you always look, so look you best.

8) Don't be too persistent. If she says 'no', it means she is not interested at this point in time. You can still be her friend but if you keep asking her out after she has given you such a clear signal she is not interested you will only scare her off completely.

9) Smile and keep eye contact. If you are looking around nervously she will think you are not really interested or have other things on your mind. You don't have to stare at her but just gently move your eyes around her face.

10) Find out about her. If you are going to ask her out, find out what she likes. What hobbies or sports is she into. It's also a great way to start getting to know her as you might be able to do some of those things together.

I Don't Want to Be Your Girlfriend - Confused and Upset Men!

Men relationships emotions! Well there's three words to make women knowingly smile and men grimace!

There is an increasing trend of confused men and frustrated women. Where this is coming from we can only guess, but we can be sure the effect is there.

We can't blame either gender for this either, as society is probably responsible for some of this change, with a huge influence from the media, but there is something we can do about it.

Men relationships and emotions

The problem is, something is driving women to want men to open up about their feelings and talk about them as they would with their girlfriends. Women are frustrated that men will not open up and men are confused, because not only do they not know how to, but they don't see what all the fuss is about and why they are in trouble if they don't.

Women's drive to want their men to be like their girlfriends in discussing feelings results in a hurt and angry man and to be honest these men have a point.

Men and women are very different and it is these differences that make us attractive to each other. Trying to change these differences can cause so many problems. Women expect men to change and get upset when they don't. Men are frustrated because they do express emotions but just differently to women.

Women complain "that men do not express their emotions", or "Men are only interested in talking about cars or sport". What women need to understand is, this is just the way men are designed and trying to fight it only causes conflict, and to be honest what is wrong with what men are more interested in talking about?

Surly women want men to be men. Men are a package that provides strength and security for women, this is what women want men to be. A real man makes a woman feel like a woman.

Men do not want to be your girlfriend and if to please you, they do try to meet your needs, the eventual effect is a emasculate man. The beaten man then becomes a further victim because the woman now feels like she is the man of the family, she doesn't feel like a woman and now every-one's in trouble.

If women want to talk about emotions then that's what girlfriends are for. Women are brilliant at verbal expression men are not! We are designed differently, men and women have very different strengths. Just look at how many airline pilots are women, a very small percentage and there are now far more women mental health workers and teachers, why? Because we are different and more naturally gifted in certain areas.

If both sexes can understand that men and women are different, almost like a different species and then understand what the differences are, whilst focusing on the strengths of that gender, then the world would be a happier place.

Surly it's so much easier to appreciate and desire men with all their faults, than to complain about them and then try to change them to become more like women.

Wouldn't it be better to forgive what you perceive to be the faults of the opposite sex and embrace the positives.

And to the women that constantly complain about your men, let's face it, you're no picnic either.

Top Three Getting Back Together Tips

So you've broken up, rejections stings; but you need getting back together tips, you want to get your ex back.  Maybe you acted pretty stupidly to make him/her leave; maybe your boyfriend/girlfriend just doesn't understand what they're losing (what you have to offer). But you're determined to bring him/her back.

At this stage you might have acted a little foolishly: called your ex incessantly, texting them to no end; or even stood begging at their front door.  Truth is you can't snap your fingers and make them see the light; you have to be a little sneaky and let their real love for you come back out to the surface and get them back into your life.  How do you do this, you might ask.  Well, obviously you're reading this article, so why don't I tell you some of the most successful tips in getting back together. 

First: stay calm, put on your "cool" mask; in fact you want your ex now to think that you aren't interested very much in him/her any more.  When you talk to him/her agree with the breakup, say that it was good that you broke up and that you're now moving on.  This is good for you because you are no longer in denial, and now this has the effect of putting you ex off balance.  He/she expected you to continue to complain, protest, or mourn the breakup.  In effect you have turned the tables on him/her; now you have rejected them. 

Second: inject more uncertainty into his/her mind; tell them that you have moved on and you're seeing some new friends.  You shouldn't say yes or no if you're actually dating any of them (because you may not) but you want the imagination of his/her mind to now start to work on them.  We all want what we can't have and the fact that you may be seeing someone else means that he's not dating you.  All of a sudden you become more desirable in his/her eyes because you are "seeing" other people. 

Congratulations, you have just using his/her envious or jealous tendencies against them.  You don't want to hurt them obviously; but you are using subtle psychological tricks to pull out his underlying love and affection for you. 

Thirdly, ask him/her to do you a favor.  Simple enough you say, but why?  Whenever we do a favor for someone it is because we love and care for them, we are interested in their well-being.  When you ask someone to do a favor for you, you are in effect forcing him/her to nurture good loving feelings toward you because we always act in accordance to our internal motivations.  When he or she acts on these feelings they tend to become stronger and more substantial. 

Now you might call this a beginning to getting back together; are there more steps to getting back your ex?  Yes there certainly are and they are covered in more depth at our website devoted to getting back together, getting your ex back.  But if you can do these things, you have done a lot already.  Good luck. 
