Russian Brides

суббота, 31 января 2009 г.

Simple Tips on How to Approach a Girl You Like

I know going up to a girl that you like and striking a conversation is difficult, but I want to reassure you that it can be done. The truth is that we tend to over complicate things. The thoughts race around in our heads of what to say and how to say it and the majority of the time we end up psyche ourselves out before we even put the first foot forward. The how to approach a girl that you like is one asked by many. I'll let you in on some tips from the opposite sex that are bound to work.

The truth is to approach a girl  you like you just need to go up to her and say something. Don't over think things ahead of time and let your fears get the best of you worrying about the type of reaction you will get when you do approach her.

Talking with her will be a whole lot easier if you learn to keep it simple. Women like someone that can set them eat ease and make them feel comfortable and laugh.

I have seen guys at bars that aren't what you consider to be overly good looking, but have an uncanny ability to just walk up to girls and start talking with them and make them laugh and have a good time for the rest of the night. The key to their success is first and foremost, Taking Action, and they realize that sure not everyone is going to like them, but getting out there and trying is better than sitting around wondering what if.

There are loads of women out there that want to be with someone who will put their minds at ease and allow themselves to have a good time without worrying about the pressure of being hit on.

The ultimate secret when finding out how to approach a girl you like is to simply be yourself and make her smile. Putting a girl's mind at ease is the best aphrodisiac that you can possibly come across.

Simple Tips on How to Approach a Girl You Like

I know going up to a girl that you like and striking a conversation is difficult, but I want to reassure you that it can be done. The truth is that we tend to over complicate things. The thoughts race around in our heads of what to say and how to say it and the majority of the time we end up psyche ourselves out before we even put the first foot forward. The how to approach a girl that you like is one asked by many. I'll let you in on some tips from the opposite sex that are bound to work.

The truth is to approach a girl  you like you just need to go up to her and say something. Don't over think things ahead of time and let your fears get the best of you worrying about the type of reaction you will get when you do approach her.

Talking with her will be a whole lot easier if you learn to keep it simple. Women like someone that can set them eat ease and make them feel comfortable and laugh.

I have seen guys at bars that aren't what you consider to be overly good looking, but have an uncanny ability to just walk up to girls and start talking with them and make them laugh and have a good time for the rest of the night. The key to their success is first and foremost, Taking Action, and they realize that sure not everyone is going to like them, but getting out there and trying is better than sitting around wondering what if.

There are loads of women out there that want to be with someone who will put their minds at ease and allow themselves to have a good time without worrying about the pressure of being hit on.

The ultimate secret when finding out how to approach a girl you like is to simply be yourself and make her smile. Putting a girl's mind at ease is the best aphrodisiac that you can possibly come across.

How to Flirt With Girls - 3 Most Mind Blowing Flirting Tips You Should Not Miss at Any Cost

Flirting is a way of attracting attention and making advances towards a person to whom you yourself are attracted. There are ways and ways of flirting, but we shall begin with just three tips first....

Verbal Flirtation-

This is the easiest and safest way to flirt in the beginning. Talking enticingly, yet with a lot of confidence and assurance is the first thing to master. Your skills of communication and the art of pun are very important. The art of verbal flirtation should be subtle and not brazen or uncomely in any way. To give you an example- if the girl happens to mention that you have "taken her unawares", your reply could be- "no, I've not taken your innerwear"? The idea is to make her laugh. Using humor is an art, so learn to play around with words.

Complimenting a girl-

Be lavish and free when complimenting a girl. There is so much to compliment her about! It could be her smile, her way of pronouncing a word or even a phrase which she uses frequently. Grab every opportunity to compliment your girl. The color of her hair, the texture and even the style should be complimented. But see that the compliment is true and not false or she will see through that and assume that you are poking fun at her, which of course you surely would not be meaning.


Take care not to make obscene gestures. Girls don't appreciate that at all. Run your fingers gently on her forearm. That will send tingling sensations through her. These sensations in fact will indicate to her if she enjoys your touch and familiarity. If she does not 'shoo you off' you'll know you're on the right track. You could even attempt stroking her hair gently. But take care not to ruffle her hair because girls do not like that.

All these are preliminary stages of flirting. Most important of all is the verbal skills so do not forget to master them.

пятница, 30 января 2009 г.

Online Flirting - Top 8 Tips

Online dating sites have gained popularity over recent years as the advantages of online dating have made life and match making much easier. One of the most important aspects of online dating is the interaction between users. Flirting online is the same as normal, face to face expect through a computer and keyboard or a web cam.

Flirting should be considered an art that requires you to be confident and want to succeed. Important aspects of online dating are:

1.) Always be confident. If you want to succeed with online dating and flirting you need to be able to think fast and let your confidence be shown.

2.) Have fun and enjoy talking to the other person. Relax and be smooth, telling jokes and talking about subjects that you and she/he can relate to. If you can relate to the topic then half of the battle is already won. Your sweet talking personality will be able to kick in once you feel comfortable talking to the person.

3.) Don't rush things. Perfection takes time and so you must be patient when interacting with other online dating users. First get to know the person and learn things about them such as their favourite food, drink etc and that information can become useful during the flirting process.

4.) Compliments can be very useful when used right. Complementing a person is a way to boost their self confidence and a way to build the relationship. Always be sincere when complimenting and don't over do it.

5.) Always be honest, there is nothing worse than speaking to a person who lies and makes a false image of themselves. If the person finds out your relationship will be permanently damaged.

7.) NEVER be rude, no matter what. Flirting does not include being sexually explicit or talking offensively. If the person rejects you or if they are not interested take the hint and move on. There is no point wasting your time with a relationship that is not going to proceed or work.

8.) To show you care and are interested you could extend the interaction by sending an email after you chat. This is a very useful tip as it is like sending a thank you note. Sending an email after chatting will show that you are still thinking about the person and that you are going the extra mile. Other popular online dating activities such as photo sharing can also boost your online dating relationship.

Succeeding with online dating takes time, but with patience and effort you will be on the road to success. Flirting is a vital part of any relationship and online dating is no different.

Online Flirting - Top 8 Tips

Online dating sites have gained popularity over recent years as the advantages of online dating have made life and match making much easier. One of the most important aspects of online dating is the interaction between users. Flirting online is the same as normal, face to face expect through a computer and keyboard or a web cam.

Flirting should be considered an art that requires you to be confident and want to succeed. Important aspects of online dating are:

1.) Always be confident. If you want to succeed with online dating and flirting you need to be able to think fast and let your confidence be shown.

2.) Have fun and enjoy talking to the other person. Relax and be smooth, telling jokes and talking about subjects that you and she/he can relate to. If you can relate to the topic then half of the battle is already won. Your sweet talking personality will be able to kick in once you feel comfortable talking to the person.

3.) Don't rush things. Perfection takes time and so you must be patient when interacting with other online dating users. First get to know the person and learn things about them such as their favourite food, drink etc and that information can become useful during the flirting process.

4.) Compliments can be very useful when used right. Complementing a person is a way to boost their self confidence and a way to build the relationship. Always be sincere when complimenting and don't over do it.

5.) Always be honest, there is nothing worse than speaking to a person who lies and makes a false image of themselves. If the person finds out your relationship will be permanently damaged.

7.) NEVER be rude, no matter what. Flirting does not include being sexually explicit or talking offensively. If the person rejects you or if they are not interested take the hint and move on. There is no point wasting your time with a relationship that is not going to proceed or work.

8.) To show you care and are interested you could extend the interaction by sending an email after you chat. This is a very useful tip as it is like sending a thank you note. Sending an email after chatting will show that you are still thinking about the person and that you are going the extra mile. Other popular online dating activities such as photo sharing can also boost your online dating relationship.

Succeeding with online dating takes time, but with patience and effort you will be on the road to success. Flirting is a vital part of any relationship and online dating is no different.

Going About Dating Wealthy Men

All women who are looking to date wealthy men do it for many reasons. The most common reason is financial security. Dating wealthy men may also be for the reason of finding people who are as wealthy as you are. In all honesty, many women do consider financial security as a motivating factor for dating. We all want to have money and if we can get it through love, well and good. However, as you might have noticed, dating wealthy men is not an easy task. You have to be prepared to face all the challenges that come with it. First, when you meet a wealthy man who is of love interest to you, it can be hard proving to everyone that you are after love alone. Even when you are really in love, no one will tell the difference. When you are suspected this way, you will have a hard time and many people actually give up on the love. The pressure will mainly build from the man's family and you might end up feeling like a total intruder or stranger to the man you love.

For this reason, you need to have the skill that will guide you on dating wealthy men that you actually like. First, do not say to yourself that you are dating wealthy men. The word wealthy can be a real distraction. Keep in mind that you are really looking for a man who can meet your needs; needs that cannot be bought with money. Some of those needs include love, trust and faithfulness, the list goes on. However, there are women who are never really keen on such values. You must know what you really want in a relationship. There are ladies who are not interested in the love bit. In many ways, we all find ourselves looking at all the financial gains and neglect the power of true value of love. When you are sure you want to pursue a wealthy man, keep your mind open. There is no reason why you cannot have your cake and eat it. There are many people who have found genuine love with wealthy men. Therefore, check your attitude and keep reminding yourself that money is not everything you are looking for.

Dating wealthy men can be quite hard in that, you might not know where to find them in the first place. It is vital that you search for good places, where you can be joined with a wealthy man. If you are used to hanging out in joints not frequented by wealthy people, it is time to change. If you are using matchmakers, you can state that you wish to date a wealthy man as part of the criteria. When you are using online dating agencies, look for profiles of people who are actually wealthy. Remember, you are not just looking for wealth; you are looking for the whole package. It is possible to find money and love. However, you need to get your priorities in order. If you know what has most value to you, you will not be disappointed.

Going About Dating Wealthy Men

All women who are looking to date wealthy men do it for many reasons. The most common reason is financial security. Dating wealthy men may also be for the reason of finding people who are as wealthy as you are. In all honesty, many women do consider financial security as a motivating factor for dating. We all want to have money and if we can get it through love, well and good. However, as you might have noticed, dating wealthy men is not an easy task. You have to be prepared to face all the challenges that come with it. First, when you meet a wealthy man who is of love interest to you, it can be hard proving to everyone that you are after love alone. Even when you are really in love, no one will tell the difference. When you are suspected this way, you will have a hard time and many people actually give up on the love. The pressure will mainly build from the man's family and you might end up feeling like a total intruder or stranger to the man you love.

For this reason, you need to have the skill that will guide you on dating wealthy men that you actually like. First, do not say to yourself that you are dating wealthy men. The word wealthy can be a real distraction. Keep in mind that you are really looking for a man who can meet your needs; needs that cannot be bought with money. Some of those needs include love, trust and faithfulness, the list goes on. However, there are women who are never really keen on such values. You must know what you really want in a relationship. There are ladies who are not interested in the love bit. In many ways, we all find ourselves looking at all the financial gains and neglect the power of true value of love. When you are sure you want to pursue a wealthy man, keep your mind open. There is no reason why you cannot have your cake and eat it. There are many people who have found genuine love with wealthy men. Therefore, check your attitude and keep reminding yourself that money is not everything you are looking for.

Dating wealthy men can be quite hard in that, you might not know where to find them in the first place. It is vital that you search for good places, where you can be joined with a wealthy man. If you are used to hanging out in joints not frequented by wealthy people, it is time to change. If you are using matchmakers, you can state that you wish to date a wealthy man as part of the criteria. When you are using online dating agencies, look for profiles of people who are actually wealthy. Remember, you are not just looking for wealth; you are looking for the whole package. It is possible to find money and love. However, you need to get your priorities in order. If you know what has most value to you, you will not be disappointed.

How to Attract Super Hot Girls by Using the Alpha Male Attitude!

Guys, if you want to attract super hot girls then you need to know how the best pick-up artists use their attitude as an advantage. These alpha males know how to trigger that deep psychological attraction that makes women want them. And now you can learn how to trigger that attraction. All you have to do is be willing to try this attitude out and read on!

First, you need to know that there is a big reason that I want you to have this info. Why do I want to reveal all of this to you? Because after spending so much time trying to figure out this whole attraction thing, I decided that it was my mission to help other guys get some action. I want guys to have the same success that I do. I think that for too long men have been told by society that we shouldn't be strong alpha males that pursue women. When in fact, I think it is the most natural thing that men can do!

So what is the alpha male attitude that triggers that deep attraction? It is one of "abundance" and it means that you should never, ever let any one girl get under your skin. If a woman doesn't show any interest, move on to the next one! It really is nothing but a numbers game...and that is the secret that women don't want you to know. The moment you take this attitude, women notice. You see, all of a sudden you've gone from being a wussy guy to a guy that knows what he wants. And that is why this attitude is such a turn-on for women. So try the alpha male attitude and watch as it makes a major difference in your love life!

четверг, 29 января 2009 г.

How to Plan a Romantic Date at Home

Plan a romantic date at home and still have the most incredible time you have ever had with your partner. A date at home is not only romantic, but you can plan to do a few things that make it special and a lasting memory. It all starts with a dinner and ends with a kiss for a lovely night.

Plan the Dinner - Set the table and light some candles. Make something that both of you will enjoy. You can have a salad and an entrée or just the entrée and some wine. The meal, will more than likely last for an hour or so before retiring to the living room.

Dessert - Plan a light dessert that can be served in the living room with low lights. This is the time to have some more conversation before you settle in for the entertainment.

Movie - Choose a movie that is romantic and not an action flick or drama. You want a movie about love and romance. A light comedy or a family movie will be good enough for the mood.

Snuggling - During and after the movie, snuggling is in order. A romantic date at home is great because there is time to snuggle and be cozy. This is when the conversation becomes a little more about the two of you and how much you enjoy your time together.

Ending the Night - If one of you is going to leave or if it is an overnight date, you will want to retire and cuddle for the rest of the night. In the morning, you might have a plan for a breakfast in bed for the two of you.

The idea of having a romantic date at home does not always sound so romantic, but if you do it right, it will be very intimate and enjoyable.

Online Dating Has Made the World a Global Village

The internet has only brought the world closer in today's technologically advanced times and online dating is the new buzz-word for individuals who are looking for friendships or relationships or casual acquaintanceships. Online dating has not only given you the option of making the acquaintance of any unknown person from the comfort of your own room it has also shrunk the world and brought all races and cultures closer.

The only downturn to internet dating is that one should always make the effort to sign up with sites which offer total security. The best way to maintain one's security is not to give away any personal information too soon and wait for the relationship to develop to a stage of mutual trust before doing so.

If you are looking forward to dating an Asian woman the best thing would be to sign up on any Asian dating site. The Asia-specific sites will give you a complete low-down on the Asian culture besides introducing you to plenty of lovely Asian women. And don't for once think that because Asians are supposed to be conservative, any Asian woman who is on the dating site is of the 'easy' type. The reason most of these women get onto the dating sites is that they too would like to make the acquaintance of people from foreign countries and form friendships.

Online dating has made things simpler as the profiles of individuals along with their photos are posted on the site and any reputable dating site will let you browse through the list and you can match your interests with that of the other person. To specifically look for Asian women, sites devoted to Asian dating are the best possible bets. So, dating that beautiful Asian woman need not be a pipe dream any longer.

Reading Body Language and Interpreting the Signs

Reading body language messages are mostly about survival and sex. Our most important biological purpose in life is to find a mate to help pass on our genes in offspring. This purpose is in every species and is millions of years old. A species without this drive to reproduce offspring soon becomes extinct.

reading Body language for sexual activity in each culture is taught subtly and forcefully. Violators soon learn there is a price to pay for deviation from the local rules. In spite of all the social pressure to not publicly reveal our strong sexual urges, our desires are still often revealed in our unconscious body language.

A example of how you can start reading body language is watch a man who is interested in a girl he will usually be facing his body towards the object of his desire with his hands up on his hips, his fingers are unconsciously pointing towards the male sex organ.

Reading body language in a woman is a little different women tend to let there arms hang down in front of them with their fingers interlaced and the tips of the thumbs are touching to create almost a circle around their female sex organ. Also if they face their hips toward you and do this body pose she is interested to say the least.

Reading body language that is defensive has a primitive basis and assumes that the other person will physically attack, even when this is highly unlikely. Covering vital organs and points of vulnerability.

The chin is held down, covering the neck. The groin is protected with knees together, crossed legs or covering with hands. The arms may be held across the chest or face.

Any physical object may be placed held in front of the person to act as a literal or figurative barrier. This can be a small as a pen or as large as a table. Straddling a reversed chair makes some people comfortable in conversation as they look relaxed whilst feeling defensive.

Another primitive response is to tense up, making the muscles harder in order to withstand a physical attack.

Flicking the eyes from side to side shows that the person is looking for a way out. With body language a lot of it comes from your instinct use it to feel out the person you are interested in and don't over complicate things just be nice and give people their space and you will start to see people doing trusting body signals to you so you can take advantage of the situation.

Reading Body Language and Interpreting the Signs

Reading body language messages are mostly about survival and sex. Our most important biological purpose in life is to find a mate to help pass on our genes in offspring. This purpose is in every species and is millions of years old. A species without this drive to reproduce offspring soon becomes extinct.

reading Body language for sexual activity in each culture is taught subtly and forcefully. Violators soon learn there is a price to pay for deviation from the local rules. In spite of all the social pressure to not publicly reveal our strong sexual urges, our desires are still often revealed in our unconscious body language.

A example of how you can start reading body language is watch a man who is interested in a girl he will usually be facing his body towards the object of his desire with his hands up on his hips, his fingers are unconsciously pointing towards the male sex organ.

Reading body language in a woman is a little different women tend to let there arms hang down in front of them with their fingers interlaced and the tips of the thumbs are touching to create almost a circle around their female sex organ. Also if they face their hips toward you and do this body pose she is interested to say the least.

Reading body language that is defensive has a primitive basis and assumes that the other person will physically attack, even when this is highly unlikely. Covering vital organs and points of vulnerability.

The chin is held down, covering the neck. The groin is protected with knees together, crossed legs or covering with hands. The arms may be held across the chest or face.

Any physical object may be placed held in front of the person to act as a literal or figurative barrier. This can be a small as a pen or as large as a table. Straddling a reversed chair makes some people comfortable in conversation as they look relaxed whilst feeling defensive.

Another primitive response is to tense up, making the muscles harder in order to withstand a physical attack.

Flicking the eyes from side to side shows that the person is looking for a way out. With body language a lot of it comes from your instinct use it to feel out the person you are interested in and don't over complicate things just be nice and give people their space and you will start to see people doing trusting body signals to you so you can take advantage of the situation.

How to Make a Girl Like You - 3 Easy Ways to Make Any Girl Like You

Do you want to know how to make a girl like you? Then, this is the right article for you. Since you have decided to do your research online, let me congratulate you in advance because I will tell you three awesome and simple tips.

Learning how to make a girl like you is not that difficult. After all the pranks you've been pulling on the girls your age back in kindergarten, it's only fair that you do your best to make amends.

1) Compliments Pave The Way

Back then, boys would often tease and make fun of the girls they are attracted to. In the grown-up world, compliments will pave the way.

If you want to know how to make a girl like you, you have to shower her with nice and thoughtful comments. Don't be a jar overflowing with praises though, because girls tend to see through these schemes quite quickly.

2) Practice Good Grooming

Girls tend to fall for guys who are well groomed. Most girls like their guys to be clean-shaven.

And of course, you should face a girl without any stains on your face or shirt. Some guys are naturally uncaring about their appearance; but if you want to learn how to make a girl like you, you'd better pick up that comb, dress nicely, and have an over-all good appearance.

3) Be Thoughtful.

Being thoughtful can get you a long way. For example, if you spot a girl struggling with too many books on her hand, don't hesitate to help her carry her things.

Of course, try this move only when you know the person in question, because applying this in a different scenario won't promise the same positive feedback.

Learning how to make a girl like you is easy. All it takes is a little bit more patience and understanding behind the female psyche and you're ready to go!

3 Things That Make You Look Weak in Front of Women

If you ever wanted to gain the attention the women, then you really need to present to her that you are a man. Actually no, you need to be a real man and let her know that you are the real deal and not a fraud. So how do you let her know that you are in fact a man and you are not one of those girly nice guys? You need to make sure you do not look weak in front of her.

Here are 3 things to avoid so you do not look weak in front of women:

1. You look to other people when making your own decisions - this is what women do! They are indecisive, they don't know what they want and they always need a second opinion to make their decisions. You are not a woman. You need to be decisive and you need to stick to what you say. Women find it attractive for a man to just make up their minds and lead the interaction. If you ever catch yourself asking "so where would you like to go" or "what would you like to eat" please stop and rephrase it to something like "tonight, we're going to do XYZ and unless you have better ideas in mind then that's what we're doing." Women will appreciate a man who takes the lead and doesn't act like another one of her girlfriends.

2. You actively say things to her to fish for compliments - this goes hand in hand with bragging. A woman has developed a very refined weak guy detector and she can sense that you are fishing for compliments. If you try and act cool and show off you are actually showing to her that you are not. This just shows her that you are not a real man and you are insecure about yourself! Please don't do this because this is not cool and does not get you anywhere.

3. You argue with her using logic - I know have fallen a victim to this one a fair few times. When a woman disagrees with you, chances are it is because she doesn't understand where you are coming from. If you argue with her you are actually entrenching her preconceived opinion and then you are making her back up her statements. This will make her fight harder for her initial position and will kill the interaction you two had. Please stay away from arguing. Also, even if she is wrong, women do not use logic to rationalize their opinions. So that means, the more you argue with her the more you work her up and the more you are wrong because you're making her feel bad. I know this sounds illogical, but this is how women think!

I hope you have enjoyed this article. Want to learn more about attraction, seduction and dating? Then you have to go and check this out: Conversation Starters or Conversation Topics. Go there now!

Bullet Proof Yourself Before You Are Shot

Online Dating is something we get into without sometime having little or no knowledge of the person we are dating.

Bullet proof yourself before you are shot down.

Don't have the bad experience that others have in dating. Online dating is not a childish play and if you are not up to 18yrs and above, you better back off but if you are above 18yrs you are qualified to join but before you go on just read this article before getting into dating.


A. Know very well that online dating sometimes is fun. Some people see online dating as fun and for you to give all to someone like that will only leads to heart break because what they tell you sometimes is not from their heart but they are saying it just for fun, so beware!!.

B. Some take online dating as a way to scam people. Some use online dating to scam you when you think you have really found a life partner to "be" in quote without knowing you are entering into a dangerous zone, so beware!!.

C. Know the person you are dating. Having knowledge of someone you are dating is an advantage to bullet proof yourself, if possible ask for a picture and identification address of whom you are dating before going into serious commitment. Many have been gun down in dating, so beware!

D. Know the level of your affair with someone before committing yourself into someone's life because all that glitters are not gold. So beware!

среда, 28 января 2009 г.

Be Successful in Love - A Look at the Top 5 Dating Tips For Men

There are many ways in which women have the advantage over men in the dating game, not the least of which is the fact that dating information for women is more easily available.  Women share strategies and secrets with one another more readily than men do and it's hard to look at a magazine rack without seeing half a dozen women's magazines that offer relationship advice.  Many guys who would normally fare well with the opposite sex find themselves on the losing end time and again because they fail to learn a few basic strategies necessary for success.  In this article, we will take a look at the top 5 dating tips for guys that can make all the difference between dating success and failure.

The first thing for guys to remember is that women love stimulating conversation.  By brushing up on their current events knowledge, guys gain an instant advantage over their less educated peers.  It's not wise to show off, but displaying knowledge of world events is an often underappreciated technique.

The next thing for guys to remember when trying to meet women is to keep their physical appearance in top shape.  This may be obvious, but it is important enough to warrant mention.  A little extra work in the gym and a little extra attention paid to clothing and hair style can reap massive rewards in the dating arena.

Tip three may be painful to many men, but it can be quite important--learn to dance.  The ability to negotiate a crowded night club floor with grace and ease is one that few men possess and those few that do gain an instant and permanent leg up on the competition.

The fourth tip to remember is to keep a lid on the bravado.  While many women are impressed to a degree with daring physical exploits, no one wants to hear tireless a recitation of every high school football tackle or fistfight that a guy has been in. 

The fifth and final of our top dating tips for men is also one of the most difficult to implement successfully--make ladies chase you.  This is the secret that women have known and used against men for years.  A man who knows how to attract women without overtly chasing them exudes the type of power and confidence that women find irresistible.

So there you have it, the top 5 dating tips for men.  These common sense bits of wisdom are obvious to women but not so apparent to men; therefore, an understanding of them will give any guy a head start on the competition.  Utilizing these simple techniques is a sure fire way to improve not only the quantity but the quality of women you can attract.

Discover Why Smart People Get a Lot of Dates Just by Losing Weight and Becoming More Attractive

Let's face it! The dating game can be very cruel. You might have a great personality. Your friends might tell you how funny you are. And your mom might tell you how adorable you are. However, when it comes to the real world none of this stuff matters at first.

When you're looking to find someone to go out with you don't have a lot of time to make a first impression. Sure you might get a funny joke out. Or you might throw them a nice compliment or two. But the first thing they'll notice is how well you take care of yourself. 

This means that they'll notice if you're in shape or not. They notice if you're well-groomed or a slob. While I can't help you with the grooming part, I can help you do your best to get in shape. After all, most of us our superficial people whether we like to admit it or not. I like to blame it on the DNA that we all come from.

 Here are a few steps you can follow to get into shape starting today-

 Step #1-

The first thing you need to do is write down a goal. You can't date 10 different people a week if you don't have a goal to look good first. Most people fall into the trap of setting goals that are too general and difficult to understand. Making a goal to "lose 25 pounds of fat in 50 days starting April 1st" is a good example of how to write a goal. It is specific and it has a deadline.

 Step #2-

The second step is to make the environment that surrounds you healthier. You can tell a lot about how well someone takes care of themselves just by what's found in their cupboard. You don't have to clear all of your junk food out right now, but don't replenish it when you run out. If it's not in your house, you won't have to fight the temptation to eat it.

 Step #3-

The last step is to find a hobby that is physically demanding. I am not saying that you need to run a marathon. But it would be great if you could find an activity that burns calories and one that you enjoy. Playing basketball is an excellent example. Going on a hike is another great example. Making a daily habit of going on a bike ride after work is a perfect way to lose weight while enjoying yourself.

 By following these simple steps you'll be on the road to living a happier, healthier life. You'll enjoy the newfound confidence, especially when it comes to the dating game. Everyone wants someone that is in shape. Start slowly to become that person. After you've built up your confidence and a little endurance, it wouldn't be a bad idea to join a gym. Gyms are a great place to meet other singles.

Be Successful in Love - A Look at the Top 5 Dating Tips For Men

There are many ways in which women have the advantage over men in the dating game, not the least of which is the fact that dating information for women is more easily available.  Women share strategies and secrets with one another more readily than men do and it's hard to look at a magazine rack without seeing half a dozen women's magazines that offer relationship advice.  Many guys who would normally fare well with the opposite sex find themselves on the losing end time and again because they fail to learn a few basic strategies necessary for success.  In this article, we will take a look at the top 5 dating tips for guys that can make all the difference between dating success and failure.

The first thing for guys to remember is that women love stimulating conversation.  By brushing up on their current events knowledge, guys gain an instant advantage over their less educated peers.  It's not wise to show off, but displaying knowledge of world events is an often underappreciated technique.

The next thing for guys to remember when trying to meet women is to keep their physical appearance in top shape.  This may be obvious, but it is important enough to warrant mention.  A little extra work in the gym and a little extra attention paid to clothing and hair style can reap massive rewards in the dating arena.

Tip three may be painful to many men, but it can be quite important--learn to dance.  The ability to negotiate a crowded night club floor with grace and ease is one that few men possess and those few that do gain an instant and permanent leg up on the competition.

The fourth tip to remember is to keep a lid on the bravado.  While many women are impressed to a degree with daring physical exploits, no one wants to hear tireless a recitation of every high school football tackle or fistfight that a guy has been in. 

The fifth and final of our top dating tips for men is also one of the most difficult to implement successfully--make ladies chase you.  This is the secret that women have known and used against men for years.  A man who knows how to attract women without overtly chasing them exudes the type of power and confidence that women find irresistible.

So there you have it, the top 5 dating tips for men.  These common sense bits of wisdom are obvious to women but not so apparent to men; therefore, an understanding of them will give any guy a head start on the competition.  Utilizing these simple techniques is a sure fire way to improve not only the quantity but the quality of women you can attract.

Learning the Secrets of Dating Beautiful Women

At 5'4", with blotchy skin and a very thin muscle structure, I am hardly the ideal man or the first to be considered boyfriend material, so I went on a search to find a better way of getting women. My search took me "far and wide" and I have heard and read all sorts of information from different sources ,which I did try, but apart from getting me a few giggles, pecks and the occasional punch in the nose from the boyfriend who had just returned from the toilets, proved useless. I was about to give up and resign to being an Eternal Bachelor when I got referred to website by a colleague - "Get any girl"

I visited the site just to see what they had to say for themselves and after reading the first few paragraphs, I knew I had struck gold. This site wasn't whispering sweet nothings into my ears in a ploy to get to get into my wallet; it was actually empathising with the situation of men everywhere and was offering to give life changing advice. "Get any girl" is written by woman and so the information was bound to be more reliable than written by a guy.

I am a little skeptical about buying eBooks but for this one I had to make an exception and believe me after reading you will know it was a great decision. From the "Get any girl" eBook I finally saw where I (and indeed any other guys like me) had been making a mistake and ways of rectifying said mistakes. The beauty of "Get any girl" is that it is for any guy, it doesn't matter if you're experienced in the art of cracking mirrors, are earning just enough to pay it back out with taxes and bills, are as charming as algae, as interesting as watching paint dry, pack greeting cards for a living or even reading about asking a girl out sends a shiver down your spine, this book will work for you. So take your first step towards finally winning the heart of the lady of your dreams, then leaving her and hooking up with other sexier women.

P.S After reading the eBook, as a thank you for referring me, I bought my colleague tickets to a high profile club in London. As a thank you for the tickets, the after-party was at her body!

Getting the Commitment You Want

If you're dating a great guy and want to take your relationship to the next level but don't want to keep making the same mistakes over and over again, you should know that when you respond in a certain way, it will enhance your ability to be successful in your relationship.

Every success follow certain patterns and is built upon fundamental principles. You work it and it will work for you- it is that simple. Now when it comes to men, it is no different.

For the first time in your life, you will finally achieve the success that you've been searching for and achieving success in your relationship has NOTHING to do with tricks or playing games.

Women often confuse applying a formula with playing games. Many women fail in their relationships because they refuse to respond to men in a way that increases attraction. They think they don't have to change. If a man's attraction for you is not increasing, he will not fall in love. If he does not fall in love, he won't give you a commitment.

Let me be blunt with you - if you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always got. Give up any excuses you may have around being successful and START to live the life of your dreams. START to get what you really want from your relationships even if you've made mistakes in the past, get back up again and keep doing what works.

Sometimes it is a simple shift in your behavior or your response that will pull your relationship up to the next level. Every action as a reaction. If you become one with the qualities that men find attraction, it will cause men to beg you for commitment.

Figuring Out How to Approach Girls Doesn't Have to Be Hard If You Know Some Simple Little Truths

You've probably sat and wondered just "how to approach girls" and not got very far with analyzing the process. And it's no wonder with the pressure put on guys to succeed at everything from careers to dating. These days a straight guy who's regularly seen without a girl raises questions amongst his social set and within his family.

Your goal then is always to meet and date someone for you, but you also want someone you can show off and quieten the murmuring voices about why you're just not cutting it in the dating game. Well here's some proven tips to help you out.

1) Make sure when you see a girl you like, that you don't waste a whole lot of time trying to pluck up the courage to go over to her. You want to see her, make eye contact with her and then get on over there as soon as you can. Why? Because the longer you leave it, the easier it is for the negativity and the doubt to set in.

2) Make sure that you have made eye contact BEFORE you approach - you almost need to have the girls agreement that you will go over to her before you do. So learn to read the signals that a girl WILL give you.

3) Approach from the front with a warm smile on your face and have something to say. Approaching from the side is a weak movement. From the front means you command respect and you appear powerful.

Start using these three tips on how to approach girls today and you will start to boost your confidence and increase your success with girls.

Getting the Commitment You Want

If you're dating a great guy and want to take your relationship to the next level but don't want to keep making the same mistakes over and over again, you should know that when you respond in a certain way, it will enhance your ability to be successful in your relationship.

Every success follow certain patterns and is built upon fundamental principles. You work it and it will work for you- it is that simple. Now when it comes to men, it is no different.

For the first time in your life, you will finally achieve the success that you've been searching for and achieving success in your relationship has NOTHING to do with tricks or playing games.

Women often confuse applying a formula with playing games. Many women fail in their relationships because they refuse to respond to men in a way that increases attraction. They think they don't have to change. If a man's attraction for you is not increasing, he will not fall in love. If he does not fall in love, he won't give you a commitment.

Let me be blunt with you - if you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always got. Give up any excuses you may have around being successful and START to live the life of your dreams. START to get what you really want from your relationships even if you've made mistakes in the past, get back up again and keep doing what works.

Sometimes it is a simple shift in your behavior or your response that will pull your relationship up to the next level. Every action as a reaction. If you become one with the qualities that men find attraction, it will cause men to beg you for commitment.

How to Use Indirect Approaches to Pick Up Women!

Every woman has her dreams about the man in her life and what he should be like. And that man is the "prince charming" of her life. Even the fairy tales of yesteryear wove around the girl and her 'prince charming' and how he 'swept her off her feet'. This phrase, of course, is not to be taken in its literal sense.

But enough of the fairy tales. I am going to explain how you can become a guy who may become her "prince charming". But unless you approach and talk to women, you don't have a chance of meeting a woman that you may one day connect with.

So let me start with one technique that you can use to approach a woman. Indirect Approaching.

An Indirect approach is an approach that you are not stating your interest in her. You are commenting on something that is going on in the environment around you. Thus giving her no real reason to think that you are just another guy trying to pick her up.

It beats the old school approach to physically bump into a woman thereby dropping her belongings, and then helping her pick them up. In all probability the matter will end there without further ado and she will probably charge you with assault :). Avoid this very direct approach where the woman, rather than being enchanted by you, she would actually feel annoyed with you.

The examples I will give you where you can use the indirect approaching method to your advantage. You might come across a woman either at a party, or in a park or may be even in a shopping complex. You might even find her waiting in a queue. You could use an indirect approach in any of these situations.

If she is alone at a party you could make a comment like "Wow, that's a pretty big back you've got there are you running away from home or something?" Deliver that with a little sarcasm and she will laugh and relax,then you can start chatting to her. It beats saying wow cool bag doesn't it?

Another one you could use is just say your in a music store and you see a woman you are interested in, and she is holding a CD. You could comment on how great the band is and that you have that CD and it is fantastic. Again that is another great way to indirectly approach a woman. And this is a sure fire way to get a response from her, thus leading to a conversation.

A third way of working an indirect approach. Just say you were standing in a supermarket isle. You notice a woman you have an interest in. You could ask for her advice on a particular product, you might ask which sauce would be better with this pasta. You could ask about anything, just use what ever is in front of you. Something that is in your environment.

It is not rocket science if you are just relaxed and approach her with confidence you will deliver these approaches with great ease and women will gladly stop and chat with you.

If you can master the art of great indirect approaches with women it is a great way to then engage her and then eventually get her number, as it is a really effective way of approaching a woman without looking like a threat and you are using your environment to your advantage.

Two Tips For Dating During a Recession

A little while back the economic experts put the official stamp on what many of us already knew. The economy is in a recession. While the downturn may not be as severe as the Great Depression of the 1930's, it has placed many people in dire straits.

A surplus of businesses are closing their doors which in turn is causing countless employees to file for unemployment or take jobs that pay considerably less than the previous one. Factor in that people who have been lucky enough to hold onto their jobs have not received any pay increase in quite some time. For far too many living check to check has become a way of life.

When you feel the squeeze in so many areas it means that hard choices have to be made just to stay afloat. A down economy and soaring prices can put a major crimp in your love life.

Some of the places you and your date used to visit on a regular basis are still in business but every time you get near the door, you can't help but hear the ringing of the cash register. That's the sound of you spending money that for all intent and purposes, you know you cannot afford.

It doesn't mean you are totally broke or that the money is not flowing in on a steady basis. What it does mean is you must be a little stingier (in a good way) with the money you do have.

The key is not to become a miser altogether but to pick and choose when to splurge and how much combined with some creative money saving dating ideas. Such as:

1. The Get Together

Instead of feeling the need to always go out to eat or go someplace where you know you are going to have to spend more than you want to staying at home on occasions can be a lot of fun. It's not just about popping some popcorn and finding a movie on TV that you both want to watch.

You both can make a real party of it by inviting over some family and friends. Are they going to want to eat? Probably, but it can be way less expensive to pick a few things up from the supermarket and combine it with what you already have available in the refrigerator than going out to your favorite eatery.

Also friends and family will usually ask you should they bring something. If you said no before start saying yes or do not wait for them to inquire. Of course you do not want to put the squeeze on them either. But if each couple or person can bring one item that doesn't cost too much then you and your date can really make a party of it.

2. Ain't To Proud To Say Yes

This is sometimes a sticking point for couples that are dating; particular for guys if the woman offers to foot the bill. We're taught to be the breadwinners as well as the date payers. It's a blow to our pride if the woman takes the lead financially.

More than anything it could mean she likes you that much to do it. She knows you are not a deadbeat and is well aware of your past history of picking up the tab after a night out. If she wants to treat you from time to time so be it. Accept generously in the spirit she offered.

There's no reason to keep reassuring her that you will pay her next time. Relationships are supposed to be about equal footing; when one person is down for whatever reason it's up to the other person to pick up the slack and vice versa. Helping each other and showing appreciation for that help can do wonders when it comes to strengthening the relationship.

We have all been through some tough times and this is one of them. Economic roadblocks can strain and in far too many instances tear couples apart whether they be married or dating. Just understand how you and your date feel about each other and accept the reality that for the near future you both are going to have to do some belt tightening.

The upside is it may force you to be a lot more creative when you do get together. It also has a way of forging a more lasting bond when the two of you go through a rough patch and come out the other side holding on to each other more tightly than you did before.

How to Use Indirect Approaches to Pick Up Women!

Every woman has her dreams about the man in her life and what he should be like. And that man is the "prince charming" of her life. Even the fairy tales of yesteryear wove around the girl and her 'prince charming' and how he 'swept her off her feet'. This phrase, of course, is not to be taken in its literal sense.

But enough of the fairy tales. I am going to explain how you can become a guy who may become her "prince charming". But unless you approach and talk to women, you don't have a chance of meeting a woman that you may one day connect with.

So let me start with one technique that you can use to approach a woman. Indirect Approaching.

An Indirect approach is an approach that you are not stating your interest in her. You are commenting on something that is going on in the environment around you. Thus giving her no real reason to think that you are just another guy trying to pick her up.

It beats the old school approach to physically bump into a woman thereby dropping her belongings, and then helping her pick them up. In all probability the matter will end there without further ado and she will probably charge you with assault :). Avoid this very direct approach where the woman, rather than being enchanted by you, she would actually feel annoyed with you.

The examples I will give you where you can use the indirect approaching method to your advantage. You might come across a woman either at a party, or in a park or may be even in a shopping complex. You might even find her waiting in a queue. You could use an indirect approach in any of these situations.

If she is alone at a party you could make a comment like "Wow, that's a pretty big back you've got there are you running away from home or something?" Deliver that with a little sarcasm and she will laugh and relax,then you can start chatting to her. It beats saying wow cool bag doesn't it?

Another one you could use is just say your in a music store and you see a woman you are interested in, and she is holding a CD. You could comment on how great the band is and that you have that CD and it is fantastic. Again that is another great way to indirectly approach a woman. And this is a sure fire way to get a response from her, thus leading to a conversation.

A third way of working an indirect approach. Just say you were standing in a supermarket isle. You notice a woman you have an interest in. You could ask for her advice on a particular product, you might ask which sauce would be better with this pasta. You could ask about anything, just use what ever is in front of you. Something that is in your environment.

It is not rocket science if you are just relaxed and approach her with confidence you will deliver these approaches with great ease and women will gladly stop and chat with you.

If you can master the art of great indirect approaches with women it is a great way to then engage her and then eventually get her number, as it is a really effective way of approaching a woman without looking like a threat and you are using your environment to your advantage.

Windows to the Soul!

Ok, guys, it isn't as easy finding that perfect woman anymore, is it? We now have to be attractive to women. Hit the gym, look presentable, don't be a slob. She now has a choice! Gone are the days when a woman dropped a handkerchief in hopes that the man she had her eyes on will pick it up. We actually, God forbid, have to work on it. We have to do the flirting. Not just women. And how do we do that?

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. So use them! If you are able to make the proper eye contact you can really go a long way to meeting that special someone. Eye contact is the best body language you can possibly use. You are telling that person that you are interested in her. Look into her eyes. It is with your eyes that you first make contact. Now as guys, we tend to look at the whole picture.

We see her from head to toe, and everything in-between. And, if you like what you see, go back to her eyes. Don't linger on one particular aspect that all guys find attractive. Be smart. If you do it right, all possibilities are open to you.

If a woman likes what she sees, and believe me she has also looked you over from head to toe, she might want to get to know the entire package. She may look away at first, but she will give you a subtle hint that she has checked you out and it is ok to approach her. Gosh, all that power that women have.

It's enough to make grown men cry. But, you have to play it this way. Look at her and smile. This should be the open door to say hello. You introduce yourself and you are now talking to that special someone.

The night is going well. You've made her feel at ease. You haven't come on too strong. You made her laugh. And, if you don't know how to make a woman laugh, there are books on the subject. I know, more work for you, but in the long run it will be worth it.

You are getting to know her. She is great at conversation. She probably does something cute and you find her terribly attractive. You want more! A kiss?

It is time to use your flirting body language again. Remember, the eyes are the window to the soul. So, stare at her intently! Feel the heat and the passion of the moment. If she stares back, watch carefully what she does with her eyes. If she is interested in kissing you she will flick her eyes back and forth between your eyes. She is trying to get a good read on you.

Look at her pupils. Are they dilated? The more dilated and the wider her pupils the more attracted and excited she has become. She is expecting a kiss right now, the way should be clear. Don't screw it up. Don't allow uncertainty to ruin your chances. And make sure you kiss the right way. There are books on this too!

Flirting - tough work? Yes, now more than ever. Be confident! Move forward! Zero in on her eyes and linger there - eventually she will notice and hopefully you'll be on your way to that blissful feeling that the best of relationships can bring. But remember, you have to do the work. Times have certainly changed and you have to change with them!

5 Proven Ways to Become a High Status Alpha Male

There are 5 proven techniques to make yourself into a high status alpha male. None of them are difficult. Most of them will make you life infinitely better in more ways than with women. All of them will require some work. It's absolutely the best work you will ever do for yourself.

1) Look good. First on the list for looking good is your physical body. If you're out of shape and/or overweight begin to exercise. This will tone your body, make you physically healthier, and stronger. Then take a good look at your appearance. Check you hair, skin, nails and facial hair. Are you clean and neat? Do you need a new hairstyle or a trim/cut of you facial hair? Do you have body odor? These are basic, but can't be overlooked. The same for your clothing. You don't have to spend a fortune in clothes to be clean, neat, and reasonably stylish. Two or three pairs of pants and nice shirts will be a good start.

2) Work towards your goals. Do you have a goal in life? Do you have a dream? If you haven't begun to make the effort to reach out for these, then now is the time. You only have one life. You deserve to have the life that you want. Make a plan on how to reach your goal or dream, then put that plan into action.  Keep it up until you reach it.

3) Take quality time for yourself. Think about some of the things that interest you. Do you like football? Then go out and play a game with some friends, or coach a junior team. Does rock climbing look like fun? Go find a gym that has a rock climbing wall and try it out for yourself. It may not be El Capitan in Yosemite, but it's better than sitting on your butt watching TV or drinking your life away. Be involved with your life and do something your interested in. You'll become a more interesting person.

4) Be confident. This seems to be the area most guys have problems with. OK, here's some steps to take to look confident until you ARE confident. When standing, stand straight and pull your shoulders back slightly. Smile. If you get rattled about something, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Smile. Don't fidget with your hands or feet. Smile. Begin to put these simple steps into action and you'll be surprised at how confident you feel.

5) Respect people. This should be a no-brainer, but some guys need reminding. Listen to what people are saying when they talk with you. Don't ridicule or make fun of people. Be pleasant company. Don't pick your nose, fart, scratch your privates, or pick out your underwear when talking with someone. Especially women. Use a little common sense and have some manners.

These techniques are basic, but they are time-tested and proven to work. All you have to do is apply them. Every day, in every situation.

What Girls Find Attractive in the Guys They Want

Wouldn't it be great if you could crawl inside a woman's head and know what she finds attractive in a guy? That kind of insider information could take you a very long way with any woman you wanted to date.

Most guys haven't got a clue what women want. The great news is that women have been telling men all along what they want. Here's a collection of six of the most popular things on the female desires list.

· Excitement

Everyone loves excitement. Boredom is... well a bore! :) If you can draw a woman out of her boredom you'll automatically BE exciting to her. Add a little mystery to the mix and you have an explosive situation. Being mysterious causes her to do the hard imagination work. If you change what she imagines to something else exciting it just reinforces to her that you're exciting beyond her expectations.

· Intelligence

Smart guys get it. Literally. Women have a left-right brain radar. They sense intelligence in the reasoning area and the emotional area of a guy. Don't even try to hide it. They pick it up even when you're in stealth mode. Women are disgusted by guys who can't figure out how to feel and think the right way. In other words be the right guy internally and you'll be the right guy, period!

· Self Confidence

This one aspect of who you are may very well be the most important. It's like the headline in a newspaper. If women read it and it doesn't interest them they never go any further. A man who is self confident can't help but display it in his body language. He'll be cool in social situations and in private situations as well. He can be depended upon, relied upon, and trusted to take charge. If you exude self confidence you'll have trouble getting rid of women rather than trying to attract them.

· Sense of Humor

Laughter is the ultimate natural high for anyone wanting to be happy. Women love being happy so you must have a good sense of humor. Humor is like a virus. It's infectious. Utilize humor the right way and you can say anything...with a laugh. By putting her at ease you can easily suggest things that wouldn't be appropriate in a normal conversation. Insinuations and innuendos will naturally slide past her normal defenses and become something she considers without fear. Make her laugh and she'll make you happy.

· Status

Women love leaders. (See the section on self confidence) Leaders take charge. They protect. They provide. While women want to see themselves as enlightened and no longer desiring security nothing could be further from the truth. If you're a leader you display the qualities that prove you're capable of keeping them emotionally and physically secure. This is a very high need on their list so you'll be very high on their list.

· Style

How you look matters. If you're not attractive (usually meaning well groomed) she won't even take a second look at you. You have to stop and consider that she probably took quite some time to put together her look for you. If you haven't shown the same respect and courtesy in this 'small matter' she'll probably consider that this is how you are and who you are and won't want anything do to with you.

5 Proven Ways to Become a High Status Alpha Male

There are 5 proven techniques to make yourself into a high status alpha male. None of them are difficult. Most of them will make you life infinitely better in more ways than with women. All of them will require some work. It's absolutely the best work you will ever do for yourself.

1) Look good. First on the list for looking good is your physical body. If you're out of shape and/or overweight begin to exercise. This will tone your body, make you physically healthier, and stronger. Then take a good look at your appearance. Check you hair, skin, nails and facial hair. Are you clean and neat? Do you need a new hairstyle or a trim/cut of you facial hair? Do you have body odor? These are basic, but can't be overlooked. The same for your clothing. You don't have to spend a fortune in clothes to be clean, neat, and reasonably stylish. Two or three pairs of pants and nice shirts will be a good start.

2) Work towards your goals. Do you have a goal in life? Do you have a dream? If you haven't begun to make the effort to reach out for these, then now is the time. You only have one life. You deserve to have the life that you want. Make a plan on how to reach your goal or dream, then put that plan into action.  Keep it up until you reach it.

3) Take quality time for yourself. Think about some of the things that interest you. Do you like football? Then go out and play a game with some friends, or coach a junior team. Does rock climbing look like fun? Go find a gym that has a rock climbing wall and try it out for yourself. It may not be El Capitan in Yosemite, but it's better than sitting on your butt watching TV or drinking your life away. Be involved with your life and do something your interested in. You'll become a more interesting person.

4) Be confident. This seems to be the area most guys have problems with. OK, here's some steps to take to look confident until you ARE confident. When standing, stand straight and pull your shoulders back slightly. Smile. If you get rattled about something, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Smile. Don't fidget with your hands or feet. Smile. Begin to put these simple steps into action and you'll be surprised at how confident you feel.

5) Respect people. This should be a no-brainer, but some guys need reminding. Listen to what people are saying when they talk with you. Don't ridicule or make fun of people. Be pleasant company. Don't pick your nose, fart, scratch your privates, or pick out your underwear when talking with someone. Especially women. Use a little common sense and have some manners.

These techniques are basic, but they are time-tested and proven to work. All you have to do is apply them. Every day, in every situation.

вторник, 27 января 2009 г.

How to Make a Guy Like You - 3 Simple Rules to Make Any Guy Like You

Learning how to make a guy like you is not that difficult. Once you know exactly what makes them tick, that is. It doesn't matter what kind of person you have in mind, just as long as you keep your eyes glued to this page.

This article is perfect whether you already have someone in mind, or if you just want advice applicable to different kinds of men. So if you're ready to learn all about how to make a guy like you, start reading!

1) Don't Try Too Hard.

That is the first rule. A person who tries too hard might get noticed at first, but it's not the kind of attention you want to receive.

In order to make a guy like you, you have to play it cool. Relax and try not to stammer when you talk to him. Don't avoid eye contact, but don't glare at him all day either! It's a matter of striking the right balance.

2) Act Like You Already Have Him Hooked.

Another way on how to make a guy like you is by being self-confident. Believe that you are desired by the people around you. This air of self-confidence only adds to your charm and makes you irresistible to the guy you're pining for.

3) Use Your Talents Wisely.

Guys like girls who have something else going for them other than their physical characteristics. If you're a sweet girl who has many good talents, you have to learn how to reveal them one by one. Don't unleash a stampede of your skills lest you run him over.

If you see an opportunity to show off your athletic abilities, do so. But if nothing's opening up, don't immediately show off all your talents in an inappropriate setting.

The key on how to make a guy like you is to make it sound like you're sharing past experiences or advice, and not bragging about your abilities. This will impress him better than telling him directly how talented you are.

The truth is, there is no complicated formula on how to make a guy like you. Sometimes, all you need is proper knowledge and timing, and you're all set.

How to Attract Women With Humor and Comedy

To completely enumerate all of the qualities that women find attractive in men would be not only hopeless but pointless as well. While, in general, many women prefer men whose physical appearance meets a certain objective standard, looks are only one part of the equation and, for some women, a minor one. When asked to rate the characteristics of men that they find attractive, women often list sense of humor near the top.

Any guy who has even a little bit of experience interacting with women socially knows that ladies appreciate a man who can make them laugh. While some of us our born with a more finely honed sense of humor than others, it is still possible for anyone to develop their comedic skills. In fact, many guys who are wondering how to attract women more successfully could do well by developing their comedic feel and timing.

This is not, of course, to say that any guy who wants to become a success with the ladies should just go out and tell a bunch of knock-knock jokes. Quite the contrary, the most effective humor for impressing women is not slapstick but rather dry, subtle wit that indicates a quick and agile mind. Many women want a man who can keep them intellectually stimulated and a guy who indicates that he is someone who possesses enough verbal intelligence to keep them interested is much more likely to get a second glance than someone who comes off as stiff and uninteresting.

It seems that men are always the ones to chase women while women get to sit back and choose. The sad truth of the matter is that evolution has dictated that men, on average, have higher sex drives than women while women have greater needs for support and companionship. A guy who wants to have more success attracting women for physical intimacy would do well to remember that women are more likely to want to interact sexually with a man who can give them what they want (i.e. attention and companionship) in return.

Those who are really interested in how to attract women should spend some time observing how many of the most successful men are those who know how to make women laugh. A well developed sense of humor is an important weapon in the arsenal of any guy who wants to have more success with women.

Choose the Right Person From the Dating Scene

Singles go on a date for different reasons: some to meet new people, while others to pick out a new flavour of the month. But, daters all over the world share one common end-result from the dating scene: to meet the right person, the one who can make sparks fly, and create the best romantic connection with them. It can be downright maddening, though, because dating can make people feel like they're going around in circles, luckless as ever in finding the right person. But, don't lose faith: all is not lost or doomed! The dating business is a lucrative one, so stop moping around and wallowing in self-pity.

Although a lot of people claim to be lucky in love and dating, one must constantly remember that luck has nothing to do with any of it. The truth is, a lot of singles go on a date with a blindfold on without even knowing it. It is pretty typical for daters to do this, and usually end up feeling unsuccessful and dissatisfied. If you are like these people, then maybe it's about time to take a few steps back to have a finer picture of things to see what went wrong for you. Just because it feels like you have been doing everything right doesn't mean that you were actually doing it right.

It's easy to get caught up in the ins and outs of the whole dating experience, that it is not a surprise when singles forget what to look out for and forget their true wants and desires. One thing that can help prevent anyone from being stuck in the dating scene forever is to get back in touch with what he/she is really looking for. do you go out with certain people only in the name of dating and not because you actually share a connection? Break the habit before it's too late: maybe you'll hurt the other person if you stop seeing him/her, but chances are there is nothing slightly personal or emotional between you two anyway! Just be polite-and enough excuses, unless you want to get stuck in a casual trial date.

Remember that the whole point of the issue is finding the right person, not worrying about what others think of you. Another important thing one must keep in mind is to make a good impression without missing the real point of the date: to observe the other person and take note if there is even the slightest connection between the two of you. Sometimes people have this great apprehension of being single forever that they tend to settle for second-best-they keep on seeing a person they are not exactly happy with, because it's infinitely better than having nobody at all.

But, this is not reason enough to get stuck with somebody; no matter how you persuade yourself, it'll catch up with you in the end and leave you feeling dissatisfied and unhappy. The dating scene can be a bewildering place, but as long as you are true to yourself, you can be safe from too many mixed messages, misinterpretations and dissatisfactions. Be serious in your aim of meeting the right person, stay encouraged to find him/her, because when you finally do, you can ultimately have what you've always wanted-a kind of relationship that you know you needed and is worthy of.

понедельник, 26 января 2009 г.

Seduction Community - How to Tell If a Girl Likes You

The Seduction Community teaches many ways to tell if a girl likes you. Here are just a few:

1. If she touches you. If she touches you unnecessarily then that probably means she's interested in what you are saying and wants to hear more.

2. If she laughs at things you say. Even if there not very funny at all she still laughs. Weird eh? It's because she fancies you.

3. She drops hints. If a girl says that she's really drunk its normally because she wants you to kiss her. She brings it up so that she has an excuse to herself. "I was drunk, i wouldn't normally act like that." Another obvious hint is if she mentions that she has a boyfriend. She wouldn't mention him unless she was trying to resist getting with you.

4. She buys you a drink or ditches her friends for you.


This is the main one. In the seduction community you learn that it doesn't matter that much if a girl is head over heels with you straight away or not. Persistence is highly attractive. Even if she hates you straight off the bat you can still turn it round.

Also the shyest girls in the world might really, really, really like you but because their so shy they leave no obvious clues. They might act really nervous around you or even ignore you. They might not seem like their having fun at all but after wards they'll text you "Had a really fun time tonight! Lets do it again soon!"

So the golden rule is, if she's still there then assume she still likes you.

What Not to Do on a Date

On a date, especially a first date there are many things that you should not do, making a great first impression is vital if you want the relationship to go further and you would like a second date.

Below are a few helpful points of things you should avoid doing when on a date:

  • Don't leave your phone on - something that will definitely annoy your date is if you are constantly looking at your phone or even talking on it for periods of the date. If you must have it on for something important for example if you have kids then you should put it on silent.

  • Don't talk about your ex - never on a date start talking about your ex girlfriend / boyfriend, chances are it will make your date feel uncomfortable.

  • Don't eat too fast - try to eat at a good pace and remember your table manners, your date will not want to see you eating like you haven't eaten for a week.

  • Don't be late - try not to be late, if you are running late and you really can't help it then call your date in advance, explain why you are late and say you are looking forward to the date, they will appreciate a call more than you just showing up late.

  • Don't get too personal on the first few dates.

  • Don't be too over the top - while women love romance, most may find you too over the top if you show up with gifts and a huge bouquet on the first date.

  • Don't talk too much, try to hold two way conversations as your date will not like you talking way too much and not letting him/her get a word in.

  • Don't be rude - it's not a good idea to be rude to the waiter or brag about your salary, you will just come across as really rude.

  • Don't turn up looking sloppy - try to make an effort and at least wear a nice outfit, if you're a guy it's a good idea to shave etc.

  • Don't lie - try to 100% truthful on you date and on your member profile, if you are serious about wanting a relationship then lies will just make you seem dishonest and your date will lose interest.

  • Don't order for your date - while some women will like this, most will probably find it controlling.

Dating is something you should enjoy, try to be yourself but also try to be considerate to your date, following the basic points above should help you.

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You - 3 Simple Dating Tips For Women

Do you know how to make a guy fall head over heels crazy in love with you? You don't need to be pretty, gentle or someone with a great figure to make guys like you and the key is to be different from other women. Here are some of my dating tips for women.

Just be yourself. Learn to develop a unique and attractive personality. You do not need to act like someone you are not. You can unleash your charm very naturally when you think positively. When your thinking is positive, it is very likely you will enjoy the things that you are doing. When guys mix around with you, they will also feel the positive presence and naturally they will be happy with you around. This is when more guys will start to attract you like a magnet.

Don't stop flirting. It is okay to flirt a little with the guy you like but don't overdo it. You should try to take an interest in what he likes. However, do not get too excited to attract his attention. He may develop feelings for you and will start to wonder if you fancy him too, just learn to play a moderation of hard to get. He may be confused with your actions like this but this should be the way if you want to capture his heart.

Show out the feminine side of you. If you want to know how to make a guy fall in love with you, just do anything that is related to femininity. Many guys cannot resist girls that are feminine. Being feminine does not mean you have to dress a sexy plunging low cut dress. Dressing the right style can also show out your femininity.

Finally, If you truly want to win a man's heart, you have to understand what the men are thinking. Your love life can also be in a mess if you do not know what the guys are thinking.

Guy Gets Girl Review - Will it Work For You?

Guy gets girl is a unique 'picking up' guide designed for men who struggle to get girls. What sets it apart is the fact it is written by a women, and taken from a woman's point of view - unlike all these macho "alpla male" books which are available everywhere. This article will detail its pro's and cons and hopefully give you an indication of whether it is worth your investment.

What Guy Gets Girl Is Not

Guy gets girl contains some amazing pointers for finding girls, talking to girls, flirting with girls and picking up girls. It does not make you a more confident person however - which I feel is the key ingredient in attracting the opposite sex. If you are someone who is lacking in confidence you really need to work on that independently - get that down pact then guy gets girl is going to open doors you would not believe.

What Guy Get Girls Is

Guy gets girl is possibly the most unique ebook ever written on the topic of picking up women. I have searched and struggled to find anything similar - written from women's perspective and sharing inner thoughts and secrets which us guys would never know existed, if it weren't for Tiffany Taylor (the author of guy gets girl). The bonus ebook also contain some devious tactics to influence women - more like conversational hypnosis - relying on behavioural triggers. These aren't long term techniques, but would be good for a bit of fun.


If you are desperate to pick up girls but lacking what to say and do then guy gets girl will help you. If you are struggling for ideas on where to meet girls and how to get them to come home with you - again it will help. The bottom line however is that firstly you need the confidence to put the techniques into action.

D'Angelo Dating Tips Can Improve Chances of Getting a Date - Uncracking the D'Angelo Dating Code

If you are the type of guy that has a difficulty even speaking to a pretty woman, let alone getting a date with one, D'Angelo dating tips can improve your chances of getting a date. David D'Angelo is a musician, not a member of any major popular band, who once had many of the same problems relating to women. Today he has no problem getting a date, and he wants to share his secrets to his dating success.

David D'Angelo has published several e-books on dating and sexual attraction based on his experiences in the dating world, mostly meeting women in bars and clubs. By his own admission, David has dated some pretty incredible women, models, and a few that could have made Sharon Stone's character in Fatal Attraction look like an amateur. His techniques seem to work well for him, as he can enter a bar or club and leave with several new phone numbers and a few dates already scheduled with women he had never met in his life.

D'Angelo offers several dating tips about flirting, how and when to use pick up lines, ways to increase sexual attraction in a woman, and many different subjects related to the whole dating ritual. While there is absolutely guarantee that every single piece of advice he passes along will lead to a new date with a drop dead gorgeous woman, following the advice he shares in his various e-books can improve the odds that you will meet someone, be able to attract her attention, and obtain her phone number and/or schedule a date after just meeting her once.

However, it is also important to note that David D'Angelo is not the only dating guru out there and is certainly not the first and won't be the last. While his techniques work for some people, they have proven not to work for others. I personally like to take the best techniques from each dating guru then create my own, which is customised to help me achieve success with women. There are some aspects of David's system I find useful and others I am not fond of.

D'Angelo dating tips can be found scattered about on many dating websites. I would research his tips as well as that of many other dating dating gurus.

If you would like to achieve master success with dating women and be to attract ANY type of woman, no matter how beautiful she is, then waste no more time and visit my website to get your hands on my FREE reports that will has helped thousands of men attract beautiful women with relative ease. I have studies the works of many dating gurus and created my own foul proof systems which I will pass on to you.

воскресенье, 25 января 2009 г.

Who is Tiffany Taylor and Why Do Women Hate Her?

Tiffany Taylor is a relationship, seduction, and dating expert whose specialty is helping guys become better at meeting, approaching, dating, and seducing women. She is the author of Guy Gets Girl, one of the most popular and successful seduction guides for men in the history on the Internet.

Why has Guy Gets Girl achieved such a tremendous success? Because of Tiffany Taylor.

You see, most dating guides for men were written... by men. But Guy Gets Girl was written by a woman. Do you understand the power in that?

Having a woman share the very secrets of attraction by which women operate is like having inside information. It's a way of knowing how women fall for one guy and not another. What's great is that it has little to do with looks, or money, or any other physical thing. It has to do with how the guy acts and carries himself. The only trouble is, that women keep these things to themselves. Hell, some of them don't really understand why they're attracted to one guy and not another. They just are.

What Tiffany Taylor did in Guy Gets Girl is share all the tricks and techniques to help any guy get any kind of girl. It doesn't matter how hot she is. As long as you know how to bypass a woman's defenses and play on her psychological attraction triggers you can pretty much get any kind of woman.

Men love the Guy Gets Girl guide. They rave about it. There are many testimonials of guys who transformed their dating abilities because of it.

However, not everyone is happy that this guide exists.

Women hate Tiffany Taylor because she divulged her secrets and made them helpless before countless men. She even got an angry letter from a woman ranting on how she betrayed the female race or something. It's pretty hilarious (I provide a link to it below). This only goes to show how powerful the Guy Gets Girl guide is. It is something which can make you, or any men, into a master seducer.

суббота, 24 января 2009 г.

Dealing With Jealousy - Effective Ways to Do So

Jealousy is one of those pesky problems in a relationship. If left unattended, jealousy can sprout bigger and more serious problems. This is why it is necessary for couples to deal with jealousy as soon as it appears in their relationship. Jealousy is like a wound that, if left untreated, can fester into a gangrene that could destroy an otherwise beautiful and happy relationship. Dealing with jealousy can be complicated. This is because usually, one party if not both in a relationship would be in denial with regards to being jealous. Jealousy is a relative term. What could be normal jealousy to some might already be overreaction to others. Some people feel that their jealousy is justified while others would regard it as being needless and a sign of being paranoid. This is the reason why couples can get irrational when discussing or arguing about the topic of jealousy. And most of the time, feelings get in the way of a rational discussion. This is the reason why couples who talk about jealousy end up not resolving the issue if not making the matter worse.

Couples must understand that all forms of jealousy stems from lack of trust and from fear. Jealous people, more often than not, are constantly afraid of being abandoned by their lover. This is why in dealing with jealousy in a relationship; you should learn to deal with your partner's and your own issues regarding insecurity and lack of trust. To do that, you must be able to confront yourself, particularity your inner self. To do this you must try to be as rational as possible. Try to think if there really is a reason not to trust your partner. It is possible that the source of your jealousy is only imaginary.

The most effective way of dealing with jealousy in a relationship is to increase the trust between you and your partner. To trust is to open oneself to another person and to make one vulnerable to being hurt. If you are not ready to be trusting then maybe you are not mature enough to enter a serious relationship. If you are not ready to fully trust your partner then jealousy will always find its way in your relationship.

Dealing with jealousy is essential if you want to have a healthy and happy relationship. You must do everything you can to keep jealousy at bay if you want your relationship with your partner to last.

Looking For a Date?

If you have decided that this is the year that you are going to go out and find Mr. or Miss Right, then you better know what you are getting yourself into or you will spend a lot of money, time, and energy trying to find someone that does not exist. When it comes to finding the right person for you to spend forever with there are three major factors that you must take into effect.

What is it that really makes you happy? Where do you want to be in five years? What are you going to do to find the love of your life?

What is it that really makes you happy? Are you into going out every night, or do you enjoy kicking it at home watching a few movies, a bottle of wine, and a big blanket to cuddle underneath? Do you like going out to eat at the newest restaurants every night, or do you have a love for home cooked meals? When you go out into the dating world, you need to take these things into consideration. You do not want to get stuck with a person that loves to party, drink, and stay out all hours of the night if you are a chilled out relaxed individual. Be honest with yourself and the people that you are dating. If you try to make the other person happy because you are so anxious to be in a relationship, you are just delaying the inevitable.

Where do you want to be in five years? Do you want to be a stay-at-home-mom? Do you want to be a successful business person that works all hours to move up and get promoted? Do you want to be a full-time student for life? Please do not think that you need to be telling your date (on the first date) that in five years you hope to have three kids, a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence, two dogs and a cat, but it is definitely a good conversation piece for a first date to seE what your date is looking for in life. You do not want to be stuck in a relationship with someone who does not want the same things in life that you want.

And finally, what are you willing to do to find the love of your life? Are you going to start hanging out at bars and clubs hitting on anyone that will talk to you? Are you going to start going to different churches to find a good Christian person? Are you going to start hanging out at libraries trying to find that intellectual person that is on the same level as you? While all of these might be good ideas, why not go online and see what all is available for singles who are looking online. You really need to find a reliable list of online dating websites. If you can find a site like this, it is going to offer you reviews of different sites. It will let you know what options you have when it comes to price, commitment terms, and other options like race, sexual orientation, and location. This is one of the biggest industries on the net. If you are looking for a certain race, religion, or background, you can find that person online. With so many sites to choose from, how will you know which one is the best for you? Find a list of online dating websites now!

Looking For a Date?

If you have decided that this is the year that you are going to go out and find Mr. or Miss Right, then you better know what you are getting yourself into or you will spend a lot of money, time, and energy trying to find someone that does not exist. When it comes to finding the right person for you to spend forever with there are three major factors that you must take into effect.

What is it that really makes you happy? Where do you want to be in five years? What are you going to do to find the love of your life?

What is it that really makes you happy? Are you into going out every night, or do you enjoy kicking it at home watching a few movies, a bottle of wine, and a big blanket to cuddle underneath? Do you like going out to eat at the newest restaurants every night, or do you have a love for home cooked meals? When you go out into the dating world, you need to take these things into consideration. You do not want to get stuck with a person that loves to party, drink, and stay out all hours of the night if you are a chilled out relaxed individual. Be honest with yourself and the people that you are dating. If you try to make the other person happy because you are so anxious to be in a relationship, you are just delaying the inevitable.

Where do you want to be in five years? Do you want to be a stay-at-home-mom? Do you want to be a successful business person that works all hours to move up and get promoted? Do you want to be a full-time student for life? Please do not think that you need to be telling your date (on the first date) that in five years you hope to have three kids, a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence, two dogs and a cat, but it is definitely a good conversation piece for a first date to seE what your date is looking for in life. You do not want to be stuck in a relationship with someone who does not want the same things in life that you want.

And finally, what are you willing to do to find the love of your life? Are you going to start hanging out at bars and clubs hitting on anyone that will talk to you? Are you going to start going to different churches to find a good Christian person? Are you going to start hanging out at libraries trying to find that intellectual person that is on the same level as you? While all of these might be good ideas, why not go online and see what all is available for singles who are looking online. You really need to find a reliable list of online dating websites. If you can find a site like this, it is going to offer you reviews of different sites. It will let you know what options you have when it comes to price, commitment terms, and other options like race, sexual orientation, and location. This is one of the biggest industries on the net. If you are looking for a certain race, religion, or background, you can find that person online. With so many sites to choose from, how will you know which one is the best for you? Find a list of online dating websites now!

пятница, 23 января 2009 г.

Seeking Dating - I'm Successful and Single So Why is it So Hard to Find Quality Singles?

By all accounts you're one of the successful people. You have it all, except for that special someone in your life and you're wondering why it's so hard to find any quality singles. You've searched high and low, near and far, but you haven't hit the jackpot yet. By now, you must be wondering where you went wrong or if there even are any other quality singles out there.

Like most people, you're probably very selective in the type of single person you would like to meet. Your expectations are high and that's a good thing; after all, you see yourself as a good catch so why shouldn't your significant other be one as well. You're ambitious and goal oriented; in fact, those are the qualities that brought you to your present place of success. You know what you want and you won't settle for second best.

The problem lies in the fact that you cannot find any quality singles that you would even entertain the thought of dating. Maybe you've tried dating a friend of a friend of a friend or the online dating scene or waiting for that chance meeting with destiny. You really need to mix and mingle with other like-minded successful singles, in a venue where your specific qualities are valued as highly as you value them and where you won't be disappointed in the results. One approach would be to get involved in a social networking group geared for young, hip, ambitious professionals. In this type of environment, you are bound to meet many great personalities and like-minded individuals who meet your standards and you'll meet theirs.

In today's society, we've been conditioned to believe that the right person is just going to walk into our lives and we do not have to do anything to make that happen. The chances of that fairy tale romance happening without any help are slim. Many successful singles rely on chance encounters instead of taking the reigns and seeking out their special someone with more sophisticated measures, such as a professional matchmaker.

If you place value in finding the right person, then the path you take towards that goal should also hold high value for you as well. One pathway of value as previously mentioned is a matchmaker. This person will assess your strengths and weaknesses and expertly match you with someone extremely compatible to you who meets your standards and may even exceed them. This is a sophisticated approach for a successful person such as yourself. In your profession, you utilize skillful analysis to solve complex situations and you bring all of your expertise to the table to get the job done. Similarly, such a professional matchmaker will bring the same skills to your situation and bring you results.

Assess your needs and wants and then evaluate the most prudent pathway toward finding your significant other. No matter which road you chose, as the successful person that you are, you will find the way; you always do. It's in your nature to succeed and this test will be no different.
