Russian Brides

понедельник, 24 ноября 2008 г.

Average Time to Date Before Marriage

"The average dating time will depend on every relationship. This can range from months to years, but it cannot be the same amount of time for everyone because each relationship is different."

"You cannot take a month's time frame, to consider a decision of a life time. In fact, a year is still not enough time to make a choice that is going to affect you for the rest of your life, and in every aspect of your life."

"...this will depend on when you both agree and have clear the responsibilities that both have to face."

Marriage is a synonym of permanent. It's suppose to be with one person for life.

Unfortunately, modern culture has change its meaning because they have devalued its purpose. We see people getting married in a few months and end up divorcing in a few years when marriage is suppose to be till death.

When we look at marriage from its realistic point of view, it's suppose to be the most important relationship in the life of a human being. It means for husband and wife to become best friends. It means to share your most deepest and intimate moments with who you love for as long as you live.

Marriage means to give your life to another person. For two to become one.

A decision of this magnitude must be considered and reconsidered before taking action. "Because once in marriage, the only way out is either through death or divorce, and both are hard choices that leave terrible scars." And the scars that divorce and death are capable of producing are literally life changing.

Marriage means to take a relationship to it's the highest level possible without looking back. That is why the average dating length before marriage must be well considered.

However, the average dating length within courtship is not the only factor that must be taken into account.

The other factors are:

-How much trust there exist in the relationship
-The health of the relationship itself
-The maturity of both partners
-Economic possibilities
-The approval of family members

So as you can see, it is not only about the average dating time to wait before proposal. It's about when the right conditions are met to take things to the highest level. And that is what a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship helps us discover.

How to Tell She Likes You - 2 Sets of Behaviors You Just Must Understand

Women are known to be mysterious creatures. Some people think they are this way because of evolution, that it served them to hide their emotions and use their minds to their advantages as females. It's crazy how many guys just don't even understand women let alone how to talk to them and read their body language!

Nevertheless if you take the time to really understand and appreciate women you can begin to see exactly what's going on. Most of the time...

Imagine for a second everything she does is either an indicator of interest, or an indicator of disinterest.

Looking you in the eye, making facial expressions that are nice to look at.
Body aligned to you positively.
Doesn't respond 100%

Looking elsewhere more than normal.
doesn't continue conversation

Keep in mind, like reading body language, you can't obsess about it or you'll make. mistakes. You take everything as a whole. 5 IOI and 5 IOD could mean a lot of things. Usually things are much more obvious

If you are getting more bad signals, it doesn't mean it's over. It just means that you need to cause her to associate you with something positive. Something that is alignment with her vision of someone she can respond positively to.

The biggest thing women tell me is that guys just don't get it... Where are all the real men? Women communicate much more effectively with their body language. Learn this skill and you're miles ahead! The most important things are to use your intuition and to get her to associate you with all the good things you'd want her to!

Dating Relationship - Is it Togetherness Or Possession?

It's been awhile since you have been in the dating game but you are back with a vengeance. And happily you have met someone that you are getting serious about. The calls last to all hours of the morning even though the two of you have to get up early.

You spend weekends together sharing life experiences along with your hopes and dreams for the future. Neither of you has had it easy but you're hanging in there and the fact that the two of you have found each other makes every moment you spend together that much better.

But the thought has passed through your mind a time or two that may be you and your dating partner spend too much time together. You get an uncomfortable feeling that a certain amount of neediness is creeping into the relationship. Yet it does not stop there.

You also think that neediness is turning into possession. It is not just that you hate to be away from your dating partner but you find yourself having certain thoughts that border on unhealthy jealousy.

Take into consideration a few things:

1. The Court Room

When you and your dating partner get together after an absence, how do you go about asking them questions? Is it just a general what have you been up to or does it turn into a serious cross examination. You want to know all the details and if something does not add up from your perspective you find yourself going over their testimony again until you are fully satisfied.

2. The Panic

You don't hear from them for a day or even two. How do you handle it? Longing to be with them is one thing but letting their absence take you on an emotion roller coaster ride is another. Does your mind start racing towards some jealous thoughts? Or does it get to the point where you have to get in touch with them not to see how they are doing but alleviate your fears or confirm your suspicions?

3. The Mood

When you and your dating partner do get together, they cannot help but notice your mood has changed. They ask you if anything is wrong. You tell them know (which is a lie) or you let your emotions get ahead of your logic and tell them how you felt when they were away. Your partner may appreciate that you missed them but your tone and body language could also tell them they are going to have trouble with you in the near future.

It's good to be in love but keep in mind the best way to destroy a relationship is to smother it. If your dating partner has strong feelings for you and vice versa enjoy it while giving the relationship space and time to blossom. That space and time will also help you from driving yourself crazy.

Make Him Play Right Into Your Hands

Some believe there's a game out there. They think that men are playing games and often we hear both sexes say, "I'm not into playing games."

Give me a break.

Life is a game. When you do what works, you win. When you don't, you lose. It's that simple.

Now, when I talk about playing, I don't mean coming at it from a selfish or malicious point of view. I mean, having the kind of bombshell self respect that will naturally trigger feelings of intense attraction in men.

You shouldn't even start dating unless you can be the boss of you. Dating is not about trying to get men to do what you want by is about doing the sort of things that will cause you to leverage a man's attention so that it works out for the both of you.

Think about this...if you are always available or sleep with a man within a short period of time, this will not trigger feelings of intense attraction within him. He will not have a chance to fall in love with you if he ALREADY has you.

Once you're conquered, he'll be bored and look for another challenge. This might sound harsh but plenty of women just don't get that want them to MAKE them want them. They use a man's attraction as a sign that he's wanting a relationship and give the poor guy a wedding even before he has a chance to really care. Good grief!

Make a man play into your hands by using the tools that he knows. Distance and resistance will cause a man to be hot on fire for you.
