Russian Brides

пятница, 28 ноября 2008 г.

Seduction Tips For Men - How to Succeed With Women!

There are tons of seduction tips out there on the internet. So what is the BEST seduction tip that can sky rocket your game?

It's to get yourself a mastermind!

That's right! You want to get a mastermind. A mastermind is a group of people that you can meet and talk to on a regular basis. And more importantly, a mastermind is a group of people who are already successful at pick up more than yourself.

You want to create your own mastermind. They can be your new wingmen, coaches, pickup artists, pickup gurus, dating experts, and mentors.

Then, you want to set a time and place to meet and go approach women with them. You will get to improve your own learning curve at a faster pace.

This is how I was able to continually improve my game at a faster pace than most people. While most people were just reading dating ebooks and buying seduction home study courses, I was actually meeting the people who were successful with women in the real world.

There is nothing comparable to actually seeing a natural alpha male pick up a woman. You will finally be able to "get it". Once you "get it" internally, you will have the confidence to practice it externally in the real world.

That's the key! After seeing the results in action, you will have MORE confidence to try it out yourself.

You can read about it for years but it won't give you the same kind of motivation and inspiration to go out there in the field and DO IT!

But after meeting your mastermind on a regular basis, you won't need another one of those 1000 seduction tips on the internet because you will be too busy being successful with women in the REAL WORLD!

To YOUR success,

Bruce Min

How to Get a Girl's Phone Number - Easiest Killer Techniques You Should Not Miss at Any Cost

Most people seem to fumble and start fidgeting when they plan to ask their girl friends about her phone number. Some of them are afraid that she will not meet him again and out of the fear of loosing her, they want to have her phone number. But this is easier said than done and most men just do not have the courage to walk up to their girlfriend and demand her phone number. There are certain subtle ways by which this task can be accomplished. Just remember that all these tips might not work with all girls, so be selective and try to figure out the nature of the girl first...

The casual approach: This is one of the best ways to enquire about a girl's phone number and should be used only if you know her for a sufficient period of time and have yet not got her phone number. Make up any excuse and make it sound convincing. Do not use this approach right at the beginning. Instead try to slip in the question when you are talking something interesting. In most instances she will reveal her number to you.

The romantic approach: This might not work at all times. Tell her how much you love her and that she is your prized possession. Tell her that you need the support of her cheery voice to lift your spirits. This option might work or not, depending on the mood of the girl at the time you are asking her for her number.

The bold approach: This is the toughest approach. Just look at her straight in the eye and demand her phone number. Women like assertive men and more often than not she will provide you with her number. This approach is not recommended to be used the first time you meet her.

Does He Like You? A Surefire Trick Will Tell

Has this ever happened to you?

You meet a guy. Maybe you meet him twice or three or four times, and every time you see him, he's attentive. He buys you drinks, tells you stories about his childhood, wants your opinion on books and movies, or describes a new project he's excited about.

And you, quite reasonably, think, "Hey, this guy really likes me."

But then something doesn't add up: There's a girlfriend (or a wife!) in the background. Or he's definitely single, but he limits your relationship to the times when you run into one another. Or he calls, but he doesn't let you see his house.

Just when you're thinking, "Something's not quite right here," he spontaneously buys you a bouquet of flowers after you run into him somewhere.

And then, you lie awake replaying scenes between you: He said this. You said that. He looked at you like this and touched your shoulder.You giggled and lightly touched him back.

And so it goes. In circles and circles. You wonder how to decipher whether he likes you or if he's just wasting your time?

Here's how to do it: Ask yourself, "Do his words match his actions?"

That's it.

-If the man's buying you flowers but not calling you, they don't.

-If he's telling you his life story but not asking you out, they don't.

-If he's got a girlfriend (or a wife!) in the background, they definitely don't.

Which means it's time for you to make yourself scarce. If you run into him (and do try not to run into him), be polite but head directly for the exit.

You deserve a man whose words match his actions. You deserve a man who loves you and never lets you forget it. God didn't put you on the planet to "crack" some man's "code." You're not here to read anybody's mind!

Hold out for a guy whose words match his actions. This is your life we're talking about.

Wanna Hang Out?

I love working with teenagers - even when I don't understand them. 
One of the most interesting topics to discuss with teens is dating. I don't think we have the same context.
I first stumbled upon this when a young girl said she and another fellow were "going out". Because I was interested I asked, "Where do you go?" and she gave me the strangest look. She said, "We didn't go anywhere. We just see each other, if you know what I mean". 
My next question was "Where do you see each other?" and her reply was "On MSN" to which I replied, "Well, you aren't really SEEING each other. You are just typing messages back and forth". By this time, you could tell that she was starting to think I was a little daft so she began to explain the nuances of relationships "adolescent style" and I learned the differences between "going out", "hanging out", "hooking up" and "friendship with privileges".
This research experience caused me think about dating in the 1960s. The protocol was for a fellow to work up nerve enough to ask a girl to go somewhere - likely to a movie that would cost 50 cents each. Frequently, with sweaty palms, after rehearsing his speech, he would blurt out a sentence that might result in rejection or elation, depending upon her answer.
Over the next few days, the girl would "prepare" by deciding what to wear (and then re-deciding). She would practise doing her hair and makeup so it would be just right. 
Finally, date night and he would drive (or walk) to her house and knock at the door. Time to greet the parents and then off to the movie! If he got "lucky" he might hold her hand on the first date!
How sad it is when I have couples come to see me for marital problems. I frequently ask them if they have a regular "date night" and, depending on their age, hear that they have NEVER had a date. They just "hung out".
I'm definitely not saying that we need to go back to archaic practises. At the same time, however, I often wonder if people in relationships would feel a little more special if we promoted the practise of dating.
Just something to think about while you're hanging out!
