Russian Brides

понедельник, 16 февраля 2009 г.

9 Dating Tips to Get a Guy to Like You Using Text Messages - So You Can Flirt Without Seeing Him

Getting a guy to like you is not as hard as some woman might think. From a guy's point of view and from my own experiences and others as well, I have compiled 9 proven tips to get a guy to like you using only text messages. But, this is not just another ordinary simple tip. I'm going to let you know some more specific tips that you can actually apply straight away. So let's start. I'm sure you can find many tips on how to get a guy to like you around the internet or other media sources but I have see so little or so few of them that actually narrow down to a specific subject or situation.

And for that instance I am not just going to give you tips on how to get a guy to like you but I am going to be a little bit more specific by giving you 9 tips on how to get a guy to like you using text messages.

Why using text messages? Because we use it all the time. And they way we communicate in real life and in text messages is different. So, if you like a guy, and you don't have the chance to met him and the only means of communication with him is through text messages, here's a guide to 'text to his heart'.

Be expressive in your messages. The problem when you communicate using text messages is the absence of facial expressions. So it is advisable if you can put some expression in your text messages. For example, if you he said something sweet, end your response by adding your emotions in brackets. In this case, (blushing). It gives the idea of how you are feeling at that time. Go on and be creative with this.

Use open ended questions. Avoid as much as you can using questions that lead to yes or no only. Use questions that will lead him telling you his views or what are his thoughts. This will keep the conversation going and certainly keep his attention on you.

Tackle his weak points. Give some time to know him and you will notice his weakness points. Use that to your advantages. For example, if you know that guy loves a funny girl, show him your funny side. Text something that makes him laughs. But just remember not to overdo this. You don't want him to get the idea that you are goofy all the time.

Never do long stories. Lets face this, guys have short attention span. And girls love to have a long talk. If you don't want to bore him, keep your story short. Plus he'll pay attention more if you keep it short and he can respond better.

Keep him wanting more. This is one of woman's secret weapons. If you notice that the guy starting to like you bit my bit, spend less attention on him. Somehow, try to show that you are not just focusing on him and you have your own thing. The best way to do this is to show him that there are other guys that want you as well. This will give the guy a challenge and guys like challenges. He will want you even more.

Focus on the conversation. One thing about guys that you have to know is that when doing something, we focus on just one thing. So if you want to tell him a story for example, focus on the story before you jump into another one. Or else he will get confused and loose interest.

Respect his time. Pick the right time to text message him. Don't text him when he is busy or he is hanging out with his buddies unless he says its okay for you to do that.

What are his favorite things? Keep up to date with his favorite things. If he is into football, get to know a little a bit more about his favorite team. You don't have to go into details but by sharing what he likes, he will appreciate that. Plus, you can get him talking if you start a conversation on his favorite football team.

Call out his names. If you refer him by using his name, you will give him that special feeling that you acknowledge his name. We all like when we hear the other person talking to us call us by our name. It's a universal thing.

Be sure to remember that getting him to like you through text messages is not enough to create attraction. In order to do that you will need to go deeper into many more factors.

Dating Tips and Quips

Shamefully I admit that I was fascinated by the VH1 show "The Pick Up Artist". Basically some guys who have good game teach several nerdy, socially handicapped guys how to pick up chicks. The show got me thinking that I actually do have a small arsenal of knowledge that helped me to get a lot of dates over the years. I live in Newport Beach but I am definitely not the typical manufactured blonde, fake boobied, size 0, starving model that is native to the region. At first glance I know that I am not what most men are looking for in Orange County. Regardless, I have been able to get dates with all kinds of attractive men over the years. So here are a few tips for you (guys and girls) that might be useful (or might be annoying depending on how you use them).


This is my thing-I always use it when I go out. It's a great way to open up communication with someone you first meet and to show others that you have a sense of humor. It's also a good way to find out if there is any interest as well...because if someone is interested in you they will usually keep the conversation going after your joke. At the most, you will get a lot of laughs and people will feel relaxed and happy around you. At the least, you bomb and then ask someone if they have a better joke (because people love to be the center of attention). I always ask people to tell me their jokes -usually I approach saying "hi does anyone have any good jokes that I can add to my collection?" I listen to theirs and then I tell my own. *If you are a guy- DO NOT tell dirty jokes to girls (it's a turn off). We prefer cheesy to dirty.

A few of my favorite cheesy jokes:
Why does Snoop Dog carry an Umbrella? For Drizzle.
Where do you find Virgin Wool? Ugly Sheep.
Where do you find a dog with no legs? Right where you left him.
Why don't cannibals eat clowns? Because they taste funny.
What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor? Where's my tractor?
A Pirate walks into a bar with the steering wheel of his ship in his pants. The bartender asks" why in the world do you have a steering wheel in your pants?" The pirate replies "Aaaaargh, its drivin me nuts!"

This is a given, but I think a lot of people don't understand what their "best" is. So be brave and ask your friends to tell you what they think about your appearance (suck it up, it will be good for you). I just don't understand why there are still guys walking around with comb- overs, skinny jeans, bad breath and bad fashion sense. Go ahead-try new things with your appearance to see what makes you look your best!

A few ideas:
Guys - grow your facial hair out or shave it off. Start working out. Take a girl friend (or a guy friend that has good taste) with you shopping if you want to improve your wardrobe. If you are losing your hair shave it off (bald is beautiful).

Girls - cut your hair or change the color, try wearing dresses more often (all men love dresses), wear contacts instead of glasses (or vice versa), invest in some good quality makeup and learn how to use it to play up your best features.

Me, me, me, me, me, me, me! This is all I hear if I am forced to sit across from a man and nod as he drones on about himself for more than 15 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I want to learn about other people, but a conversation involves two people talking-not just one. I met a man online once and when we finally spoke on the phone our conversation lasted a little over an hour....and about 59 minutes of that conversation was just of him talking about himself. Needless to say that was the last time I ever spoke to him. Its true-people love to talk about them selves! So learn to be a good listener. Women especially love to talk and they love for you to ask them questions because it shows that you are truly interested in who they are. So Men, talk less, listen more (oh and try to be funny when you do talk). Ladies, the same goes for you too.

9 Dating Tips to Get a Guy to Like You Using Text Messages - So You Can Flirt Without Seeing Him

Getting a guy to like you is not as hard as some woman might think. From a guy's point of view and from my own experiences and others as well, I have compiled 9 proven tips to get a guy to like you using only text messages. But, this is not just another ordinary simple tip. I'm going to let you know some more specific tips that you can actually apply straight away. So let's start. I'm sure you can find many tips on how to get a guy to like you around the internet or other media sources but I have see so little or so few of them that actually narrow down to a specific subject or situation.

And for that instance I am not just going to give you tips on how to get a guy to like you but I am going to be a little bit more specific by giving you 9 tips on how to get a guy to like you using text messages.

Why using text messages? Because we use it all the time. And they way we communicate in real life and in text messages is different. So, if you like a guy, and you don't have the chance to met him and the only means of communication with him is through text messages, here's a guide to 'text to his heart'.

Be expressive in your messages. The problem when you communicate using text messages is the absence of facial expressions. So it is advisable if you can put some expression in your text messages. For example, if you he said something sweet, end your response by adding your emotions in brackets. In this case, (blushing). It gives the idea of how you are feeling at that time. Go on and be creative with this.

Use open ended questions. Avoid as much as you can using questions that lead to yes or no only. Use questions that will lead him telling you his views or what are his thoughts. This will keep the conversation going and certainly keep his attention on you.

Tackle his weak points. Give some time to know him and you will notice his weakness points. Use that to your advantages. For example, if you know that guy loves a funny girl, show him your funny side. Text something that makes him laughs. But just remember not to overdo this. You don't want him to get the idea that you are goofy all the time.

Never do long stories. Lets face this, guys have short attention span. And girls love to have a long talk. If you don't want to bore him, keep your story short. Plus he'll pay attention more if you keep it short and he can respond better.

Keep him wanting more. This is one of woman's secret weapons. If you notice that the guy starting to like you bit my bit, spend less attention on him. Somehow, try to show that you are not just focusing on him and you have your own thing. The best way to do this is to show him that there are other guys that want you as well. This will give the guy a challenge and guys like challenges. He will want you even more.

Focus on the conversation. One thing about guys that you have to know is that when doing something, we focus on just one thing. So if you want to tell him a story for example, focus on the story before you jump into another one. Or else he will get confused and loose interest.

Respect his time. Pick the right time to text message him. Don't text him when he is busy or he is hanging out with his buddies unless he says its okay for you to do that.

What are his favorite things? Keep up to date with his favorite things. If he is into football, get to know a little a bit more about his favorite team. You don't have to go into details but by sharing what he likes, he will appreciate that. Plus, you can get him talking if you start a conversation on his favorite football team.

Call out his names. If you refer him by using his name, you will give him that special feeling that you acknowledge his name. We all like when we hear the other person talking to us call us by our name. It's a universal thing.

Be sure to remember that getting him to like you through text messages is not enough to create attraction. In order to do that you will need to go deeper into many more factors.

Dating Tips and Quips

Shamefully I admit that I was fascinated by the VH1 show "The Pick Up Artist". Basically some guys who have good game teach several nerdy, socially handicapped guys how to pick up chicks. The show got me thinking that I actually do have a small arsenal of knowledge that helped me to get a lot of dates over the years. I live in Newport Beach but I am definitely not the typical manufactured blonde, fake boobied, size 0, starving model that is native to the region. At first glance I know that I am not what most men are looking for in Orange County. Regardless, I have been able to get dates with all kinds of attractive men over the years. So here are a few tips for you (guys and girls) that might be useful (or might be annoying depending on how you use them).


This is my thing-I always use it when I go out. It's a great way to open up communication with someone you first meet and to show others that you have a sense of humor. It's also a good way to find out if there is any interest as well...because if someone is interested in you they will usually keep the conversation going after your joke. At the most, you will get a lot of laughs and people will feel relaxed and happy around you. At the least, you bomb and then ask someone if they have a better joke (because people love to be the center of attention). I always ask people to tell me their jokes -usually I approach saying "hi does anyone have any good jokes that I can add to my collection?" I listen to theirs and then I tell my own. *If you are a guy- DO NOT tell dirty jokes to girls (it's a turn off). We prefer cheesy to dirty.

A few of my favorite cheesy jokes:
Why does Snoop Dog carry an Umbrella? For Drizzle.
Where do you find Virgin Wool? Ugly Sheep.
Where do you find a dog with no legs? Right where you left him.
Why don't cannibals eat clowns? Because they taste funny.
What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor? Where's my tractor?
A Pirate walks into a bar with the steering wheel of his ship in his pants. The bartender asks" why in the world do you have a steering wheel in your pants?" The pirate replies "Aaaaargh, its drivin me nuts!"

This is a given, but I think a lot of people don't understand what their "best" is. So be brave and ask your friends to tell you what they think about your appearance (suck it up, it will be good for you). I just don't understand why there are still guys walking around with comb- overs, skinny jeans, bad breath and bad fashion sense. Go ahead-try new things with your appearance to see what makes you look your best!

A few ideas:
Guys - grow your facial hair out or shave it off. Start working out. Take a girl friend (or a guy friend that has good taste) with you shopping if you want to improve your wardrobe. If you are losing your hair shave it off (bald is beautiful).

Girls - cut your hair or change the color, try wearing dresses more often (all men love dresses), wear contacts instead of glasses (or vice versa), invest in some good quality makeup and learn how to use it to play up your best features.

Me, me, me, me, me, me, me! This is all I hear if I am forced to sit across from a man and nod as he drones on about himself for more than 15 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I want to learn about other people, but a conversation involves two people talking-not just one. I met a man online once and when we finally spoke on the phone our conversation lasted a little over an hour....and about 59 minutes of that conversation was just of him talking about himself. Needless to say that was the last time I ever spoke to him. Its true-people love to talk about them selves! So learn to be a good listener. Women especially love to talk and they love for you to ask them questions because it shows that you are truly interested in who they are. So Men, talk less, listen more (oh and try to be funny when you do talk). Ladies, the same goes for you too.

Dating Tips and Quips

Shamefully I admit that I was fascinated by the VH1 show "The Pick Up Artist". Basically some guys who have good game teach several nerdy, socially handicapped guys how to pick up chicks. The show got me thinking that I actually do have a small arsenal of knowledge that helped me to get a lot of dates over the years. I live in Newport Beach but I am definitely not the typical manufactured blonde, fake boobied, size 0, starving model that is native to the region. At first glance I know that I am not what most men are looking for in Orange County. Regardless, I have been able to get dates with all kinds of attractive men over the years. So here are a few tips for you (guys and girls) that might be useful (or might be annoying depending on how you use them).


This is my thing-I always use it when I go out. It's a great way to open up communication with someone you first meet and to show others that you have a sense of humor. It's also a good way to find out if there is any interest as well...because if someone is interested in you they will usually keep the conversation going after your joke. At the most, you will get a lot of laughs and people will feel relaxed and happy around you. At the least, you bomb and then ask someone if they have a better joke (because people love to be the center of attention). I always ask people to tell me their jokes -usually I approach saying "hi does anyone have any good jokes that I can add to my collection?" I listen to theirs and then I tell my own. *If you are a guy- DO NOT tell dirty jokes to girls (it's a turn off). We prefer cheesy to dirty.

A few of my favorite cheesy jokes:
Why does Snoop Dog carry an Umbrella? For Drizzle.
Where do you find Virgin Wool? Ugly Sheep.
Where do you find a dog with no legs? Right where you left him.
Why don't cannibals eat clowns? Because they taste funny.
What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor? Where's my tractor?
A Pirate walks into a bar with the steering wheel of his ship in his pants. The bartender asks" why in the world do you have a steering wheel in your pants?" The pirate replies "Aaaaargh, its drivin me nuts!"

This is a given, but I think a lot of people don't understand what their "best" is. So be brave and ask your friends to tell you what they think about your appearance (suck it up, it will be good for you). I just don't understand why there are still guys walking around with comb- overs, skinny jeans, bad breath and bad fashion sense. Go ahead-try new things with your appearance to see what makes you look your best!

A few ideas:
Guys - grow your facial hair out or shave it off. Start working out. Take a girl friend (or a guy friend that has good taste) with you shopping if you want to improve your wardrobe. If you are losing your hair shave it off (bald is beautiful).

Girls - cut your hair or change the color, try wearing dresses more often (all men love dresses), wear contacts instead of glasses (or vice versa), invest in some good quality makeup and learn how to use it to play up your best features.

Me, me, me, me, me, me, me! This is all I hear if I am forced to sit across from a man and nod as he drones on about himself for more than 15 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I want to learn about other people, but a conversation involves two people talking-not just one. I met a man online once and when we finally spoke on the phone our conversation lasted a little over an hour....and about 59 minutes of that conversation was just of him talking about himself. Needless to say that was the last time I ever spoke to him. Its true-people love to talk about them selves! So learn to be a good listener. Women especially love to talk and they love for you to ask them questions because it shows that you are truly interested in who they are. So Men, talk less, listen more (oh and try to be funny when you do talk). Ladies, the same goes for you too.

Do People Hit on You? Get More of the Right Kind of Attention (Part 2)

In Part 2 of this article I want to share with you some simple methods that can help get you more of the right kind of attention in social settings.

Imagine feeling more Social Confidence ( for Men ) or Social Comfort ( for Women ) and with these extra tips you can make your dating even better!

Who else wants to discover how to maximize the kind of attention they get? Learn a few simple tips about what to wear, do and say, that inspire people to start conversations with you and more.

Every day people get approached in various places and they usually do not know what to do to follow up or to keep the conversations going.

So in order to capitalize on being approached you will need to know what to say and do to encourage the person to want to stay a bit longer and keep on talking.

Assuming that you are getting more attention now that you followed my suggestions from Part 1 ( relax, I will recap later on in this article ) you will want to learn what to do next.

1. Take a quick inventory of your usual clothing, accessories and places you tend to go to. Consider how the things you wear tell a story. Imagine going to a Book Store and browsing. Notice the kinds of books that catch your attention. Are they colorful? Do they have intriguing titles or do they just get you curious about the book? Notice the kinds of activities that you like to do and the places you like to go to. Are there potential singles where you are at? Or do most of your hobbies and interests keep you isolated? These are some of the things you will want to play with. What kind of a book are you and how can you get the right kind of readers to notice you and pick you up? :)

2. Practice accepting compliments and attention graciously so that the other person feels encouraged to continue and knows that you are enjoying their company. So when someone compliments your wrist watch you will have a good story to tell about that watch. This story will really be a story about you and that is why I recommend that you wear things that match who you are. This helps to avoid judging a book by the cover because the real you will match what you are wearing and doing. So if someone seems interested in you and even compliments you about something you will feel comfortable accepting the praise and you will draw more conversation from them and both of you will enjoy the encounter.

3. Also practice graciously letting the other person know that you are busy, involved with someone already, etc. so that you let them down easy and everyone can go back to what they were doing.

So here is a quick recap and summary of part 1 and 2 on how to get more of the right kinds of attention that may lead to better dates.

Find something you wear that serves a purpose ( a scarf can keep you warm ) and now consider how well that item matches your personality. Is there another scarf, watch, etc. that can still serve a useful purpose AND get you more attention? Now have a story about where you got it or that it was a gift and smoothly flow into more conversation.

When in doubt, you can always imagine a a back and forth--someone compliments you and you share a story about yourself ( or that item and how it relates to who you are ) and then you can return the favor and compliment them about something and get them talking more about themselves.

Keep in mind that Valentines Day is just around the corner and regardless of when you are reading this article you will want to put yourself where there are potential singles. These potential singles should be the type of person that you find attractive and these tips will just make it easier for them to approach you. Feel free to approach potential dates rather than just waiting for people to flirt with you.

It helps if you adapt a more flirtatious nature because psychological studies have show that other people will want to act in kind. The more open you seem to being approached by potential dates, the more you will experience this.

Dating Tips and Relationship Advice in Dating Someone New

When you finally find someone your interested in,you should take the time to find out some things about them. Sometimes you may find that the one you have chosen to date, may be the perfect enemy that your parents warned you about. You may have thought that it could never happen to you to meet the wrong person,but it does happen often. When you decide to check them out,there are some dating tips and relationship advice you should look at when dating someone new.

One thing is to find out as much as you can about their past. Some people do change when they get older but it is not likely,and very seldom happens. You should find out if they are faithful and trust worthy people; and doing this may bring you to find and question, some of their past relationships. This is a great start to easing your mind and checking them out. Some seems to think by taking this step of relationship advice might be a little overboard, but it is best to learn before you commit to this person.

Online dating tips works well when searching for a persons background, and tools are available to perform any type of search your looking for. Knowing peoples background this day and time is only for your own protection. Do not feel that you are doing them wrong by taking this step. This may be the most important decision you will ever make.

Divorce is at a ratio higher than it has ever been in history,and if only 50% of those people would have took the time to research their dating partner more, this percentage would go down tremendously. This in the long run would save money for most by not having to spend on legal fees. This being said,this relationship advice could save a bundle for most people.

Sometimes people do live their lives in certain patterns. If your dating someone that has been married in the past,find out what broke them up in the first place. If cheating was the mistake,and they were the cheater,then you can very well expect it to happen again. These patterns often run in a relationship no matter who they are with.

Not everyone who does cheat will be at fault,sometimes they are in the wrong place in another persons life at the wrong time. Not taking up for the cheating spouse,but it does happen. This is the time to check up on them to see if it has happened more than once. These dating tips and relationship advice is critical to your future,so be aware of these things and search them out before you commit to someone new.

How Do You Know If He is the One?

You know, the one! The one special person that makes you feel all warm inside, the one that makes your day when he makes you smile. How do you know if the person you are dating right now is really that special someone?

Before you tie the knot, you need to know if you and him are as compatible as the two of you seem.

With the divorce rate being as high as 50% these days, it is more important than ever to really know the person you are dating. I'm sure you are familiar with match sites and how they have you fill out a personality profile so that the program can match you to other similar personality profiles. Usually they will ask generic questions on what you like and what you don't like. While this does give a general overview of who you are, it by no means delves into the deeper you.

To really figure out if he is the one, that you should tie the knot with, you need to ask serious questions, not just those that only scratch the surface, but ones that dig deep down into the inner person and their innermost thoughts.

You need to ask about their political and religious views, their thoughts on kids, what they think of finances. While these may seem like tough subjects, they are very important in determining if the two of you have similar life goals. If your life goals are drastically different, then it will be hard to live a life together as that difference can become a very big divider.

Take some time and come up with some questions that will help you get to know the inner person.

How Single Guys Can Get Super Hot Women Attracted to Them - Secrets of the Alpha Male System!

You single guys need to know how to get super hot women to want you. The truth is, it is much easier than you think. The best pick-up artists already know this and they use this information time after time to get hot women attracted to them. And you can too! All you need to do is become the alpha male that women desire. Every man has it in him to be the alpha male, and that is what you need to be if you want to change your life around for the best. Are you ready to be that man?

Let me ask you this...have you ever seen a guy that isn't that good looking with a hot girl on his arm? I'm sure you have...but have you ever asked yourself "how did that guy get that hot girl?" Obviously it isn't his looks. But what is it? It is his attitude. And his self-confidence. That is what makes alpha males different from you. And that is why you need to learn the skills that make you an alpha male.

What is this alpha male attitude and why it is so effective at triggering attraction in women? It is the attitude of not caring what one woman thinks and realizing that there are so many hot available women out there that you don't worry if one girl finds out attractive. Move on to the next one and try again! That is what shows confidence and women absolutely love it.

You need to become the alpha male that women are naturally attracted to. Decide to make a change in your life right now and learn to be the alpha male!

How Single Guys Can Get Super Hot Women Attracted to Them - Secrets of the Alpha Male System!

You single guys need to know how to get super hot women to want you. The truth is, it is much easier than you think. The best pick-up artists already know this and they use this information time after time to get hot women attracted to them. And you can too! All you need to do is become the alpha male that women desire. Every man has it in him to be the alpha male, and that is what you need to be if you want to change your life around for the best. Are you ready to be that man?

Let me ask you this...have you ever seen a guy that isn't that good looking with a hot girl on his arm? I'm sure you have...but have you ever asked yourself "how did that guy get that hot girl?" Obviously it isn't his looks. But what is it? It is his attitude. And his self-confidence. That is what makes alpha males different from you. And that is why you need to learn the skills that make you an alpha male.

What is this alpha male attitude and why it is so effective at triggering attraction in women? It is the attitude of not caring what one woman thinks and realizing that there are so many hot available women out there that you don't worry if one girl finds out attractive. Move on to the next one and try again! That is what shows confidence and women absolutely love it.

You need to become the alpha male that women are naturally attracted to. Decide to make a change in your life right now and learn to be the alpha male!
