Russian Brides

вторник, 22 июля 2008 г.

Get Girls Chasing You in No Time - These Tips Really Do Work

You may have heard a lot of dating advice telling you that looks don't matter and it's your personality that women are attracted to. This is simply not true, looks do matter, and I'll show you why.

When it comes to how to look with women most guys are pretty clueless. They either think that you need to have a body that women think is hot or that looks don't matter at all and a guy who hasn't showered or shaved in a week could still get a girl.

Most people, yes that includes women, will form an opinion of you within the first minute. So do looks matter? Absolutely. Although it is not the only factor, I would say it is in the top three. This includes your body language, attitude and ability to communicate.

OK, so we've established that looks do matter, but women don't look at the same things men look at. And you will be surprised what they look for. Guys usually will look at a girls face, breasts and butt and ask themselves 'Is she cute?' or 'Is she hot?'. Women on the other hand are more likely to look at you fingernails to see if they are dirty or not. She will look at your clothes to see whether you have style and what kind of shoes you are wearing. She will put all these things together and work out if she looks good next to you.

So armed with this valuable piece of information, you should now be able to implement a strategy to be more attractive and thus better able to seduce women.

How to improve your looks based on what women want in a man:

- Keep yourself clean and tidy. Cut those fingernails and toe nails and keep them clean.
- Shave regularly. An afternoon shadow is fine, as many women like that look, but once it gets past that stage it's time to shave it off.
- Buy some new shoes. Take a look at the latest magazines to see what is trendy and what is not. We all need a bit of help in this area.
- Dress sensibly. You don't have to wear $1,000 shirts, but wear whatever is fashionable and suitable for the occasion.
- Stay in shape. If you are slim, put on a bit of muscle. They say it doesn't matter but this is a lie. Watch their eyes light up when you start to build up those biceps. This goes with being overweight too. Start to get some regular exercise, who knows you might meet some hot women down at the gym.

5 Tips to a Successful Relationship

Everyone wants that perfect relationship, right. Well, I am not going to sit here and tell you that relationships are easy and that you do not have to work at them to make them successful, because you do. But there are some fundamental building blocks that can help ensure that your relationship is healthy and that you will have someone special to share your life with you.

1. The first and most important thing you need to do in a relationship is listen to each other. It is very easy to get distracted and caught up with everyday life, but make sure that you are leaving time to relax with your partner and you are giving them the attention that they deserve. Listen and be interested in what they have to say. It will be one of the best parts of the day.

2. One simple word, Trust. You have to be able to trust each other. If there is no trust in a relationship then there can not be a relationship. If you do not trust your partner then it will lead to negative feelings being held inside which will escalate and eventually rupture. Now do not get confused between jealousy and trust. Jealousy is not a lack of trust. A small amount of jealousy is healthy and shows your partner that you still care and are protective of them.

3. Don't be afraid to pay a compliment. Take the time to notice your partner. One of the most common mistakes is to notice them, but then nothing is ever said about it. You have to let them know what you are thinking. If she walks through the door and you are taken back, then mention how beautiful she looks. And ladies, if he puts on that shirt you like so much, tell him you especially like the way it looks on him. Small compliments go a long way in a successful relationship.

4. Communication. You absolutely have to communicate with your partner. Don't be afraid to say what is on your mind. Especially if an argument in sues, and yes, there are arguments in successful relationships. Be open and express your feelings. Never turn your back, walk away, or go to bed angry. Resolve the conflict with communication and mutual understanding. There is a solution, find it together. Besides, making up can be very pleasurable.

5. Surprise. That's right. Surprise them with anything spontaneous. For example, come home from work with flowers or send something special to the office. Another great surprise is to get up from the bed a little early and put a nice note on the bathroom mirror. Just be sure to use a dry erase marker so that it can be wiped off. A surprise does not have to be big or expensive, but it will definitely make their day.

So there you have it, five simple tips to a healthy successful relationship. Try them out and I am sure you will be rewarded in more than one way.

5 Rules to Making a Long Distance Relationship Last

1. Communicate in some way every day
A phone call, an email, a cute little fax. Whatever you can do to keep those lines open. In today's communication age there is no reason not to.

2. Don't avoid the important questions
With a new romance as we all know, the important issues don't seem to surface right away, but when they do don't avoid answering a question directly. A topic such as relocation may come up, be honest and true.

3.Consider yourself lucky
I know you might miss him/her, but look at the benefits, chances are everyone around you is in a routine as far as their relationship goes, you have an air of passion, go with it.

4. Find creative ways to bond
Discuss the future, discuss how to accomplish your common goals of eventually no longer being in a long distance relationship but simply in a relationship.

5. Know when to call it quits
Well this is the simple and scary time in any relationship, but when it becomes more work than fun and love trying to hold the pieces together then maybe it's time to say goodbye. Holding on to a hope can be a most dangerous thing and the longer you wait the harder it may be.

Long distance relationships can often be just as fun, loving and difficult as traditional relationships.

There are always ups and downs, there are always good and bad times. There is an old saying that holds true for all couples who truly want to be together and who truly love each other, one I personally live by daily.

It goes like this:

"I don't love you because I need you
I need you because I love you."

Never mind money, possessions, the big home etc. All of these items can be lost in a heart beat. If you don't have love you don't have a reason to make it last.

I will be discussing this topic each day or so for the next little while.

Hope you enjoy.

And remember if you can't be with the one you love, then love the one you are with.
