Russian Brides

четверг, 7 августа 2008 г.

Dating Relationship - Bob Hope Or Bozo?

If you are out on a date and you have to keep asking the other person are they having a good time than that should be a obvious sign things are not going so hot. Instead you should easily be able to tell what's going on by the amount of laughter both of you are sharing.

Laughing on a date has a wonderful way of cutting thru any initial nervousness and potentially awkward moments. It puts you and your date at ease and goes a long way to establishing a good comfort zone that hopefully the two of you can use as a springboard to launch into a deeper relationship.

That's not to say you should go to the library and read the history of joke telling volume one or rent the videos of every successful comedian who has ever done stand up. Chances are storing up this wealth of information and then trying to use it on a date will backfire.

Instead try to relax and find your humor zone. It may be a funny observation or a quick joke that fits into the context of the evening. Quick is the operative word here. Sometimes when a story meant to be humorous starts to drag before you reach the punch line then a yarn becomes a yawn or a stifled one at least. When telling your joke it's best to remember the old Hollywood maxim for movie making: Get in late and get out early. This is a very good way to keep your date's interest.

Now there's another side to this coin and that is the mistake of overdoing it. You may be a very funny person with natural wit and timing. The key is to show some restraint.

Laughing at everything is not a good sign. Your date may appreciate your humor but they did not go out with you to watch you audition for a comedy club. Not taking anything seriously (even when your date may occasionally want you to) can get old and tired in a hurry. After awhile, your constant attempts at humor may have the other person laughing half heartedly as they start looking for the exit.

Also be sure to share some of that spotlight. Try to find your date's humor zone and encourage it. It doesn't mean you should laugh when they say something that is brutally unfunny but if it is funny than by all means let them know it. If the other person is still feeling uncomfortable this can be a major boost in helping them get over it.

Nobody wants to go out with someone who is serious to the point of Dullsville. Any attempt at humor always escapes them. In fact they find a way to turn it into a serous point. Laughter on a date can be a powerful connector with many side benefits. Just remember don't force it, don't over do it and don't be afraid to share center stage. Keep this in mind and you and your date will be hard pressed not to have a good time.

How to Flirt With Girls and Make Them Attracted to You Instantly

Flirting is one of those things which everyone yearns to master but not many people do. Reason for this is that many guys just try too hard and often fall flat on their faces when they try in vain to flirt, hoping that the girl will fall for them.

This situation is totally unnecessary - using the tips and tricks in this article, you will be flirting with women in no time at all. Better still, these little used techniques will make you stand out among the other guys out there. Continue reading and you will discover how easy flirting really is.

First of all, let's have a mindset change. Ditch the nice guy persona and introduce some 'edge' into your personality. Inject a little 'cockiness' in you, and stop trying too hard to please the girl you are into.

Here's a little known but deadly effective strategy - get into a minor argument with her. Play the devil's advocate and disagree with everything she says for five minutes. Balance it out with humor (totally no hard feelings) and don't be rude. Continue to interrupt her and show her the male chauvinist side in you. Strangely, this is an effective way to flirt - test this out, and nine times out of ten she will find herself captivated with you, and fall for you in the process. Try it!

The other virtually unknown strategy is called 'fractionation' - where the girl is taken on an emotional rollercoaster (alternating  between sad and happy states) while 'anchored' with you during the process. This is an advanced way to flirt, and is known to create attraction in the girl for you, virtually without fail. Used in hypnosis circles, its application in seduction of women is still relatively new.

You see, these are totally unconventional strategies for flirting, but they are deadly effective if used properly. Stop listening to the 'gurus' who tell you to 'be interested in the woman' and 'ask her probing questions' to flirt, and embrace these 'next generation' seduction techniques.

Why Breaking Up Sad Poems Won't Get Your Boyfriend Back

You're suddenly single and feel your life as you knew it is now over. Full of despair, sorrow, and maybe even a touch of self pity although you might not realize or even be aware of it yet, you spend most of your time listening to love songs, watching melancholy movies, and writing or reading sad poems about breaking up and the misery of unrequited love.

Doing any of these things won't help to get your boyfriend back, nor will it help you to move on with the rest of your life like you seriously need to. Simply put, you must pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and look toward the future instead of dwelling on the past or on things you can't control.

Try as we might, we just cannot control another person's thoughts or their actions, and when it comes right down to it, why should we want to? Would you rather want someone to be with you out of pity and guilt because they've made you so upset and feel badly about it, or would you rather them be with you because they truly love and care for you? The answer should be more than obvious.

Having a good cry now and then never hurt anyone, in fact, it's healthy to express your emotions instead of keeping them bottled up inside and allowing them to fester before exploding in some way or another. But, thinking rationally with your head for just one minute, what purpose does moping around all of the time really serve? Not only are you keeping yourself in a perpetual state of misery, but you're probably affecting everyone around you as well and may not even realize it. If you're still living at home, your parents and family are probably concerned with the way you've been acting and worry about how and when you'll recover from this.

Even if you aren't very concerned with your own state of well being right now, remember that all of the people who love you still do and there's no point allowing your ex to make them suffer right along with you or affect your relationships with everyone else.

You are your own best friend so it's you who must see to it that all of your needs are taken care of and that you are happy, something that no one else can ever really give us. While you might think they made you happy, essentially, that feeling came from within yourself, from your own brain, and you can make yourself happy again without a doubt.

If you need a quick boost of self esteem, get out and mingle, join an online support group, sign up for a dating service, either online or off, visit chat rooms and forums, take a free class at your local college or community center, learn something new and congratulate yourself for not allowing this one event in your life define who you are or who you'll become.
