Russian Brides

вторник, 20 января 2009 г.

Learn How to Talk to Women - The Art of Approaching Women

Being nervous when talking to women is completely normal. The goal is to ultimately become a better speaker in front of women. The easiest way to do this is to learn what it is women like to talk about and what it is they want. The great news for you is that your ability to talk to women has just gotten easier.

With the help of women you will learn what exactly it is that they are looking for. Conversation is the foundation of building any relationship. Women understand this and will put a lot of emphasis on that. What you want to do is learn how to hold their attention. The easiest way to do this is open you conversation with a question about them. This will get them involved and ultimately hold their attention for awhile. Most men don't understand this so the women are left with disappointment.

Women love to laugh. But be careful when it comes to joking around with women. You will need to learn timing. You don't want to come off as the "class clown". Women want a mature guy who has a sense of humor. Women are friends with the "class clown" and the girlfriend of one.

The most important thing about your ability to talk to women is this. Stay in control of the conversation. You want to involve them but don't let them take control. If that happen you will lose their interest. It is not hard to stay in control of the conversation. What you want to do is make sure she is responding to your rather than you responding to her.

Beware of Women's Mind Games - Warning! Are You Getting Played?

Most of us men have experienced this before, no doubt. Women seem to like to mess with men's minds simply because they know that they have got the ability to do so. This happens to men who are only starting out with a woman, or are already in a relationship. In most cases, men feel totally hopeless and desperate as a result of the mind games that women play.

What can us men do to fight back? It's simple, really - if you know why women like mind games and how they play them. Read on to discover the secrets that you can use to fight back and make her desperate for YOU instead...

The Two Killer Female Mind Games

Mind Game Number One - "Lack of Respect". The truth is that it is just a matter of time before she starts to question and disrespects you - this is especially so when she feels comfortable in the relationship. So how do you handle this then? Simple. If she continues to be rude, tell her that you will not hesitate to leave her.

Of course, you will need to be seen as serious when you deliver this 'threat' - otherwise it will come across as incongruous and hollow. Say it, and mean it.

Mind Game Number Two - "The Green Eyed Monster". This is by far the most common mind game that a girl can play on you. She could be doing this by comparing you with other guys that she meets - and especially point out the areas where you are perceived as 'weak'. Why does she do this? She wants you to try harder to impress her and do things for her.

Now that you know these two mind games that females frequently play - it's time to fight back and make her taste her own dose of bitter medicine. One weapon that you can use is hypnosis. Morals aside, these are the most powerful methods you can use to make women totally compliant to your wishes.

One such technique called 'fractionation' is known to be able to make women fall in love in 15 minutes or less - and in the process make women totally dependent emotionally on you. Highly controversial, but very effective.

Letting Go of Online Dating in Favor of the Dateless Method

One of the biggest adjustments that some men will have to make when you begin learning and practicing the "Dateless Method" is letting go of the idea of finding women on Online Dating sites. Mainly, because everybody knows that there is an abundance of women on Online Dating sites and if you have even had a little success with women from it letting go of such an easy place to meet and find women seems counter productive.

Yet, one of the main teachings of the Dateless Method is living the kind of life that you want to live irregardless of women. In other words, if you currently were with the woman of your dreams would you still be going onto Online Dating sites for entertainment, educational, or otherwise.

For the majority off men out there it is pretty safe to say that you wouldn't which is why you need to get out of that habit as quickly as you can. Especially, when you begin to realize that there are women everywhere and that the more time you spend online is more time lost to a reality that only exists in your mind.

Another reason why you should consider moving away from attempting to attract women online is how much time and energy are you using in an attempt to have success with women online and what are you missing out on because of it.

Whether you like it or not, we each only get 24 hours in a day and the more time you spend online chasing women is less time you have to chase women that you can catch in a way where you are doing other things that are important and fulfilling in your life as well.

In the end, no matter how you slice the online dating pie the only thing you are doing is chasing in the hope that one day you will meet the one.

Getting Past Her Barriers

As men,  we all know that women can easily put up barriers between herself and the guy who is trying to attract her.  What many men do not know is that they can easily get past these barriers when they begin to understand the simple truth.  That you have to do something different than what you have always done and what 99 percent of the other guys are doing.

If she is a really pretty girl,  you can bet that every single day she has guys approaching her,  wanting to date her,  and trying to flirt with her.  After years of experiencing this,  she will know how to shut down immediately.  And this is what most guys do not realize.  As unique as you might be,  you will not be showing this off if you do the same thing everyone else does.


Don't trap yourself into running the same routines,  the same game,  and the same lines that every other guy tries.  Do something that she is not used to.  Tell her something that she is not used to hearing.  Make her laugh.  Thinking outside of the box and coming up with your own routine is the only way that you can guarantee that you will stand out in her mind.  And this of course is how you will bypass her barriers.

Learn how to think outside the box and how to make yourself appear to be different if you want to have different results.  Otherwise,  everything will just stay the same!

Can't Find the Right Girl! City Life, Reading Analysis

Dear Gypsies! A few nights ago, I met my friend Jeremy in a lounge for a few drinks. Apart from the occasional dates and flings, Jeremy has been single for at least a year, and by now, signs of desperation have started to show. He wants to be in a relationship, yet none of his occasional dates has developed into anything meaningful.

"I try so hard" he said, "I call, I e-mail, I take them out, I buy gifts, I pay, yet it either disintegrates, or they ditch me. What is wrong with me? Can the cards help?"
I laid out the Challenge & Outcome Spread onto our drinks laden table to see what has been blocking the development of Jeremy's romantic life.

Right in the first position the Thought card showed that Jeremy was putting too much planning into building a love life. Then, the Message card indicated that he was giving too much, too fast. "But don't relationships take a lot of work? I am doing the work, yet there have not been any rewards", he said defensively. "Let's just see if the cards can shift you into a new direction", I told him, "this process needs you to be open-minded."

The rest of the spread advised that Jeremy enjoy the good times with his dates because this will be the key to fulfillment. "This is too easy to say, it is too generic", he waved his arms in protest, and I drew another card for clarification: the Priest, which urges us to abandon ourselves in the moment and have faith in the now.

At that point Jeremy laid his self-defense to rest and started to think. He confessed that he did not have confidence in how he felt, behaved, and what he said and did in the now, and his lack of confidence in the moment made him plan and structure not only the dates but his mindset as well. His inability to go with the flow turned an otherwise exciting exploratory occasion into a script: Jeremy meets girl, Jeremy takes her to dinner, Jeremy tells her he wants a serious relationship, Jeremy lets her know (either through heavy hints or directly) that only serious candidates need to apply, Jeremy pays, the next day Jeremy calls. A few days later, Jeremy kisses and then (hopefully) Jeremy scores.

Such a structured approach leaves almost no room for spontaneous development either for the better or for the worse. Of course, Jeremy was not open to worse, and that is why he enforced his script. Better yet, he did not have the confidence to be open to the realization that he may not like the girl after all. After all his efforts, Jeremy had to like the girl, and the girl had to like him. It Was In The Script.

Now Jeremy realized that his charm would lie in having confidence in the moment. Women would be attracted to him for going with the flow; they would feel his confidence as well as his respect for their emotional schedules. He also realized that he should be dating many women, and through spontaneity, let the best dates develop into more fun, and let the not so good ones fade away without feeling sorry or regret. Going with the flow and ditching the script will allow his own feelings to surface for one woman in the end.

Jeremy learnt that when it comes to dating, we have to be open to all eventualities: the rendezvous can turn into fireworks, but it can also leave us uninspired. The amount of effort we put into the preparation or the follow-up does not guarantee a happy future.
And that is O.K..

The Gypsy cards' advice to Jeremy: let the momentum of the moment tell us what to do next.

5 Tips to Keep Your Girl Hooked on You Forever

So you have a girl on the line that you really like, and you want her to like you back. Really, you don't want her to like you. You want her to be completely hooked on you for good. Well here are some things you need to do to reel her in and be able to keep her for the long term.

Don't Be Obsessive Or Easy to Have

Girls like attention, not stalkers. Don't come off as too desperate for her attention or you will just be creepy. You can show interest, but don't go overboard.

Make Her Feel Cared For

Letting a woman know you care is vital. If she knows you care, she will want to keep it that way and keep you caring more and more for her. A woman's instinct is to find a man who will care for her and take care of her so she can begin a life with him.

Do Special Things For Her

We're not just talking birthdays and anniversaries here. You should do special things for her from time to time, just because. Once you are in a relationship many men stop doing those little things they did while dating. Don't be one of those guys. These extra little touches are what she is going to know sets you above the other guys out there, and therefore hold on to you.

Support Her

As time goes on, there will be tough moments in her life when she will need you to be a friend and support. Make sure you are there for her. While you may not always understand why she needs the support, if you aren't there for her, she will find someone else who is. If you are there, she will know and appreciate it.

Take Care of Yourself

A lot of men get lazy once they think they have hooked a girl. Keep yourself looking good (like you did when you were on the market). This not only reminds her of how lucky she is, but other girls will see you are still looking good, which will make her hold all the tighter to you to keep them away.

Become the Man That Women Want to Date!

Why is it some men seem to have all the luck when it comes to getting women? It's because they understand women and what they want. Women are very emotional and make decisions based solely on feelings when it comes to men and relationships. The logical part of their brain might tell them their dealing with a complete jerk, but their emotions do an override on the conscience part of their mind. By learning what women are looking for, you can cater to their feelings and attract them in masses.

Things like looks and how much money you make play only a small role. If you present yourself the correct way, traits like these won't matter. Women want a masculine man that knows how to act appropriately in different situations. The term is often referred to the alpha male. A man being confident in himself, and his values, leads him to be more genuine and real. Women have a keen radar to detect this and being genuine will help build trust.

Going out and regurgitating different lines you've heard from other people is almost always ineffective. Men need to find their own way of showing there own unique qualities. This is not always easy, but very necessary. Women can see through all this, and once you understand how there mind works, then you can use that to your advantage. Getting inside the woman's head is the best way to start attraction and is a technique that must be learned.

There is some great information out there on attracting a women. They are cheaper then seminars and often have money back guarantees. Don't be afraid to seek out other's advice, the attraction science has been studied since the beginning of time and there is no shame in using this to your advantage.

5 Tips to Keep Your Girl Hooked on You Forever

So you have a girl on the line that you really like, and you want her to like you back. Really, you don't want her to like you. You want her to be completely hooked on you for good. Well here are some things you need to do to reel her in and be able to keep her for the long term.

Don't Be Obsessive Or Easy to Have

Girls like attention, not stalkers. Don't come off as too desperate for her attention or you will just be creepy. You can show interest, but don't go overboard.

Make Her Feel Cared For

Letting a woman know you care is vital. If she knows you care, she will want to keep it that way and keep you caring more and more for her. A woman's instinct is to find a man who will care for her and take care of her so she can begin a life with him.

Do Special Things For Her

We're not just talking birthdays and anniversaries here. You should do special things for her from time to time, just because. Once you are in a relationship many men stop doing those little things they did while dating. Don't be one of those guys. These extra little touches are what she is going to know sets you above the other guys out there, and therefore hold on to you.

Support Her

As time goes on, there will be tough moments in her life when she will need you to be a friend and support. Make sure you are there for her. While you may not always understand why she needs the support, if you aren't there for her, she will find someone else who is. If you are there, she will know and appreciate it.

Take Care of Yourself

A lot of men get lazy once they think they have hooked a girl. Keep yourself looking good (like you did when you were on the market). This not only reminds her of how lucky she is, but other girls will see you are still looking good, which will make her hold all the tighter to you to keep them away.

How to Get Sexy Women - Looks Don't Matter

Would you believe that you can get a girl to like you even if you don't look like Brad Pitt? Would you believe that you can have hot women begging you for dates even if you may be a little vertically challenged, have bad skin, or not be your ideal height for weight? Do you honestly believe that only wealthy unattractive men can attract the hot women? Hard to imagine otherwise isn't it?

You need not accept that you have to be desperate and dateless forever? Have you sometimes thought about giving the whole thing up and throwing in the towel? Does your sex life involve a lot of wishing and the Internet and not much more? Do you want to be the guy at the party with all the sexy girls hanging off him? Would you like to be bombarded with texts from sexy women asking you for dates? Want to know how to get a girl? Read on for some potentially life changing dating tips.

How do you get a girl to like you? Easy, just be yourself. I can hear you all groaning now saying things like "well that hasn't gotten me too far in the past". What you need to realize is that in the past, you were trying to be someone that you weren't. It is easy to stop showing your real personality to women when you have already lost your self confidence and become anxious.

Guys who keep striking out tend to start behaving how they think they should behave around women. Or worse, start saying and doing things that they think the women will like. These tactics are both incorrect. First up, most girls like men for their originality. Secondly, all women are tired of cheesy one liners, yes they have heard them all before.

To get a girl you need to be attractive. This doesn't mean designer suits or plastic surgery. To be attractive to women you must let them see your abilities to be good fun, adventurous, and humorous. Have you noticed yet that a European sports car or black Amex are not essential items for attracting a hot girl.

While you may believe from the media that looks and money and power are the three vital ingredients for getting hot women, they are not. Well, they maybe for some gold diggers, but we are talking about real women here.

Has your battered self confidence buried your real personality? Unsure how to get started? Do you want more information on how to get a hot girl? You can get hot girls to like you with just a few little secret personality adjustments.
