Russian Brides

пятница, 26 декабря 2008 г.

Stop Spending Your Holidays Alone - Learn How Easy it Really is to Talk to Woman

Now that the holidays are over, are you still upset that you had to spend them alone? Are you like most why men in this world now that the new year is near? If so then you are probably worried about going out on new year's eve. The great news for you is that you no longer have to be shy when it comes to your ability to approach and talk to women.

With the help of women, you will learn how easy it really is to approach and talk to them. Believe it or not, but women want men like you to approach them. Women no longer want that flashy guy who approaches them with a cheesy pick up line. Women are looking for a nice guy who is genuine and actually cares about what they have to say. The problem with that is that most men like that are to shy to approach or talk to woman. For that reason women are now taking control. Women are writing books and magazine articles to help men be able to approach and talk to them.

With the help of women, you will learn what they want. By learning that you will be able to approach them with the confidence you have been looking for. Confidence is the key. The only thing you need to be careful of is to not come across arrogant. There is a very thin line between confident and arrogant.

Stop spending the holidays alone. Learn how easy it really is to approach and talk to woman.

Best Date Ideas For True Loves

Going out on a date is fun, beautiful, exciting and romantic. It is always a memorable one to remember especially when you are with your true love. Care to ask anybody who has been out on a date with a special someone.

Ironically, some might disagree with me over this based on the unpleasant experience had and/or shock they received about how awful a date they were.

Not only is it happening that some do not enjoy their first dates, many miss out on getting a second chance at asking the girl or lady or woman out on a date.

A date is an opportunity to renew a love relationship, cure boredom or win over a lady or woman you have interest in.

While there is the belief that a date will need to be expensive to really be impressive and meaningful (at least for first timers), the choice over how and where a date should be spent poses an additional challenge.

Presented are tips for a PERFECT DATE:

1. PERSONALITY- the way you look plays an important role in securing a perfect date. It is not necessary nor required that you dress up in expensive clothing and wear costly cologne before it can be taken that you are suitable and/or prepared for your date. If you can afford to, do not be discouraged please. One other thing to consider is charm or sex appeal.

2. MONEY- asking or taking someone out on a date need not be expensive. If you can indeed afford it, fine. Otherwise, plan on a date that will not eat too much or too deep into your budget or the money you have available.

3. PLACE- be creative and choose wisely a choice place to spend and enjoy your date. Try break away from the conventional locations such as going for dinner or lunch, to the movies, to the park or playground, the horses, big games and playoffs, the beach, etc. There are equally romantic places and events suitable for a date.

4. COMMUNICATION- getting one another engaged in a meaningful, interesting and resourceful conversation is another ingredient for a perfect date. Being at a loss for what to share (talk and discuss) about during a date has left many discouraged over honoring a second invitation out on a date.

5. PLANNING- this is an important aspect of a perfect date. A date is not supposed to be an impromptu arrangement, you are required to plan your date in such a way that things will go and events will evolve smoothly. Leaving the details to your date until the last moment has already positioned it for disaster because many things may go awfully wrong.

A date is supposed to be an exciting, fun-filled, enjoyable and a worthwhile time spent together by two people who are already in love or about to start an affair, dating or love relationship. It is an occasion to be fondly remembered, the reason you cannot afford to mess up this singular opportunity to create a lasting impression and get your date or love wanting more.

How to Make Any Girl Crave You - 3 Tips Guaranteed to Make You a Star Among Girls

The secret in starting a long lasting relationship is to ensure that although you might crave for a girl, she too should incessantly crave for you. This will require tactful moves that can not only keep the flame alive but also ensure that it burns brighter every night of your relationship. Here are 3 keys that could make any girl crave for you....

Key # 1 - Go all out but restrain yourself. This might sound confusing but in essence it simply means that you should go all out on wooing your lady love. These means chocolates, movies, candle-light dinners, basically the works, but from your side, reveal your personality in small installments. Let the girl see a new side of you at regular intervals. This will keep the mystery alive and keep her craving for more.

Key # 2 - Play hard to get. Do not succumb to every wish of your girl, but instead play a little hard to get to remain challenging to your girlfriend. This will keep the interest alive. Remember, that if you play too hard to get, you might just lose her, so play within limits. A little bit of light flirting might also give your girl the jitters of jealousy and make her crave you even more.

Key # 3 - Satisfy her needs. This does not imply only to her physical needs but in addition you should also master the art of keeping her mentally stimulated as well. The physical aspect might wear out after a while but if you truly manage to give her mental nirvana, then she will definitely crave for more. You should satisfy her needs but promise her in your words and actions that there are more and better things to come.

These 3 keys will keep any girl on alert mode and will make her crave for you. If you play your moves correctly then you could enjoy the fruits of those cravings for a very long time.

Top Seven Funny Pick Up Lines That Will Make Her Laugh

Funny pick up lines when used at the right time and place has the power to make girls laugh, which will increase your chances of attracting them. As they say, laughter is the best medicine in the world. If you can cause someone to laugh, then you are automatically going to win brownie points with them. In fact, there was a recent survey conducted where a group of women were polled on what they found to be the most attractive features in men. Out of the various responses, which included good looks, great body, sense of style, a lot of money, the highest percentage said the most attractive feature for them was a sense of humor. Nothing beats making a girl laugh. So if you know the right funny pick up lines and deliver them in the right way, then you can expect a very positive response.

Confidence is the key when delivering funny pick up lines, you can't be too serious or worse stutter and stammer when you approach her to deliver your line. You should maintain eye contact and also let her know with your tone that your pick up line is meant to be funny. With that in mind here are the top 10 funny pick up lines:

1. Is your name Summer? Because you are hot as hell.

2. Don't I know you from somewhere? Didn't we go to different schools?

3. Give me three good reasons, why I shouldn't buy you a drink?

4. Can I have a picture of you so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?

5. My friends over there bet I couldn't start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the room. Want to buy drinks with their money?

6. You're someone I could really blog about!

7. The only thing your eyes haven't told me is your name.

Some of these pickup lines are funny and some don't make a lot of sense but if you deliver them in the right way, with a smile on your face and in a playful manner then expect a laugh or smile from her.

Remember if you have the right attitude, and your body language says you are confident; you can use funny pick up lines or any other type of pick up lines and be successful. There is no need to make it more difficult than it is.

For more tips, tricks, and advice on how to deliver the best funny pick up lines and get your hands on the free report men are raving about that helped changed their life with women, check out my website.

Forget Another Love Calculator - Find Out What Women Really Want

Looking for another love calculator to tell you which woman is right for you? You may want a computerized test to help you find the woman of your dreams. Trouble is, those tests don't tell you what you need to know - they tell you what you want to know. Instead, what you need is some sound advice on how to calculate your way into your next successful relationship.

Truth is, if you want to line yourself up with the right woman for the long term, you need to get in touch with what women are really looking for. With a little help from evolutionary biology, you can gain key insights into what she really wants.

So, here are 5 tips about what women really want:

1. Stop listening to what women say they want:

The first piece of advice I have is to stop paying attention to what women say they want. Instead, put on your common sense cap and start paying attention to what they show that they really want (and need).

For example, most women will tell you that they want a man who is funny, nice and attractive. While these are in most cases not lies, these types of statements do not depict what is really going on inside the minds of most women. To understand the reason for this, we need to peer into the subconscious of women.

2. Women are motivated by their biology:

After all, from a biological perspective, women and men of course hook up sexually in order to create another generation of the species. While many women are actively trying to avoid getting pregnant when looking for a new relationship, at some level, a part of their brains is looking at a man through the filter of whether he would make a good father.

3. Women want a man to be able to provide for her and her children:

Of course, most woman want to completely avoid dating a complete jerk or someone who is exceedingly unattractive. But, the bottom line for a woman is that she wants to choose a man whom she feels can provide the things that her future children will need (even if she thinks she doesn't want children). The take-away here is that woman are attracted to men who appear to be confident enough to successfully make their way in the world. Remember, a woman only has a limited number of opportunities to get pregnant throughout her life (maybe 300 or 400, if she is lucky). So, she is looking for a man who can provide for the long run.

4. Women are looking for a man who is generous:

The ability to make money alone is not enough, however. In order to stay interested, a woman also wants to know that the man she is with is generous with what he has. That is why women are so impressed with gifts like jewelry. This may also be why something like an engagement ring is such a big deal. When you ask for a woman's hand in marriage, you give her not only a ring, but also a valuable symbol of your commitment to support, care for and protect her.

5. Strength is a turn-on:

In terms of human evolution, the days of using violence, brute force and muscle to get what one wants are over for most modern humans. And yet, woman are still hardwired to remain attractive to men who are well-built and powerful. That is why, even when a relatively nerdy man might make more money than another man who is a stud, the stud may win out in some cases just because of the feeling of security and strength he gives to the women around him.

You can leverage these finer points about how our own biological evolution plays into how we men attract women to become better equipped to get the woman you want. Instead of looking for another love calculator, find out how to leverage your own evolutionary gifts (whatever they may be) to get the woman of your dreams.
