Russian Brides

пятница, 1 августа 2008 г.

How to Get a Woman Interested in You - Earth Shattering Revelations You Can't Afford to Miss

Imagine how wonderful it would be if every woman that you meet starts to like you within the first few minutes? Wouldn't life be great if the females around you is attracted to you naturally? We often do see men who have swarms of females around them, and we tend to think that it would be because of their social status, good looks or how much money they have. This is often very far from the truth.

You see, it is possible to get a woman to be instantly interested in you instantly, irrespective of your looks or wealth. Getting someone to like you really is not rocket science, especially when there are some easy psychological 'tricks' that you can immediately use.

First of all, you will have to work on your body language. In order to make people like you, first you must demonstrate openness to them. Maintaining eye contact would also be crucial.

Secondly, try to make a good impression when you first meet the woman. In order to do this, pay attention to what she has got to say, and then talk about things that she wants to say, not you.

The third tip is probably the most effective of the lot. While talking to her, challenge and tease her. Do this with dosage of humor so that you don't come off as cocky. Known in the dating and seduction circles as 'cocky funny', this is perhaps the best way to generate instant attraction in the girl you just met.

Text, IM, EMail - Don't Men Talk on the Phone Anymore?

Lately I've been hearing a lot about men connecting frequently - but not via the old fashioned way of a phone call. Today men are more interested in IMing or text messages. What's that about? Well, let's consider what's going on here...

What do the email, IM and texting as communication methods have in common?

1. Quick way to be in touch
2. Can be a distraction from other work or activity
3. Fun time waster if stuck somewhere and bored
4. Can be done while doing other things
5. Has the naughty or sneaky factor - everyone thinks he's working
6. Not much emotion conveyed (possibly)
7. No one can hear them since its not vocal
8. Not as likely to get into anything too deeply - nothing too heavy

Did I overlook or forget anything?
Let's face it, a telephone conversation takes a lot more time and effort.

Much of the usage behind these communication methods depends on the man's age. Guys under 30 grew up with lots of technology. Culturally, the younger the person, the more technologically inclined. Kids today are texting each other while sitting at the same table. It's just the in, hip thing to do.

I do know women who feel slighted when the guy they are dating prefers technology to real conversation. We women love the connection, the tone of voice, the little whispers, the sound of his smile. None of this can be conveyed via modern equipment. It's just not he same. A cute or entertaining IM exchange can be fun, but doesn't replace the warmth of his voice.

What should you do if you have a man who prefers hi-tech communication? Share your own preference with him. Let him know that texting is fun and a great way to keep in touch, but it doesn't replace a phone call. don't try to control his method of communicating, but remind him how you love the sound of his voice and want to have a real conversation too.

Or, another way to handle this is to stop responding to all his IM's etc and he'll eventually get the message that way too. Not everyone is comfortable with being direct, although that is my personal preference.

If the guy doesn't come around to calling you even a little bit more, then you have collected important data about his willingness to please you which is also important to know.
Happy texting!

How to Get Women Sexually Attracted to You - From Friend Zone to Sex Zone

OK here is the scenario:

You just get back from a good date with a girl you just met and now are sitting on her couch all cozy.

Your conversation is pretty relaxed and you are having a good time.

You figure that now is a good time to make your move.

So while she is looking at you you move in for the kiss.

Then she says "Wait".

" {insert your name here}, I really like you but not in that way. Is there anyway we could just be friends?"

Sounds somewhat familiar huh? This is the issue that many guys, regardless of how many girls you date, face during a lifetime. I was the same way except that instead of the occasional one I get now it was almost every girl I went out with. Until finally one day I got sick and tired of it and started looking for answers online. I found a bunch of good information and tried it and now almost never get stuck in that dreaded friend zone I used to get stuck in. Luckily, being the nice guy that I am, I am going to share with you guys some of the most valuable tips I found because I feel your pain.

Tip #1 Make sure you let her know what you feel

This is really important guys. If you start doing this it will save you a lot of time, money, and heartache. So how do you do this? First off I'm not saying that it has to be after the first date. It really depends on you but usually I will do it after maybe the second or third date because after that you start going away from being attractive to being a friend. Now what do you say? What you should say is something like:

"{Chick's name here} I have really had fun with you but I wanted to let you know that I like you more than a friend and I was hoping the feelings were mutual but if they are not you need to let me know"

This is a nice not nasty way of letting her know that you don't just want to be her friend. Also and this is important! Don't let her interrupt you! Some girls will just start to cut in before you end your sentence but you can't let them answer. Tell them to think about it for a day or two before they come up with a decision.

Tip #2 Sexual Tension

You might be staring at your computer screen right now asking yourself what the heck I'm talking about but you heard me right. Sexual tension will greatly help you to get women to like you sexually. Now how do you do this? Well first off you need to touch her whenever you are telling her a joke or your having an intimate conversation. You know why? Women are sensitive to touch so when you touch her arm or hold her hand she gets more sexually attracted to you. This is a real help to getting yourself farther away from that friend zone. So remember next time you tell her a joke touch her arm or something it will help you guys.

So these are just a couple of tips I incorporated into my relationships and saw really good results. Being in the friend zone sucks and it is nearly impossible to get that girl into a sexual relationship once you are in it. This is why I head it off at the pass and make sure that she knows what kind of relationship I want. Just don't give up and don't be scared of what her answer might be because at least you will know before you get into the relationship right?
