Russian Brides

среда, 18 марта 2009 г.

Leaving a Toxic Partner - 2 Benefits to Sticking to Your Guns - Part 1

A toxic relationship can be a very compelling and difficult to break away from. Because one partner frequently feels inferior, incompetent, or even mentally unstable as a result of the verbal abuse and other destructive acts of a toxic partner, it can become increasingly difficult for that person to feel strong enough or capable enough to make it in his or her own. However, if you can get through the initial challenges of emotionally and practically getting away from it, there are several benefits to be found on the other side of it. Here are 2 of 5 benefits to following through and staying our of your toxic relationship:

1. You will have more focus on your own priorities and be freed to pursue your own wants and dreams. In a toxic relationship, often your wants and needs are put on the back burner as you seek to please your partner and minimize confrontation. The amount of energy you expend on keeping the relationship afloat is astounding. Add in that many people become depressed in their relationship and this causes a loss of motivation and energy.

2. Your relationships with others who are important in your life will improve. Many times, maintaining a toxic relationship means you become isolated from other friends and family members, and those relationships are not as fully developed or maintained. This can be because the toxic partner puts pressure on you to spend less time outside of the relationship, and it may also be that your level of preoccupation with the problems in your relationship and possible depression that you have difficulty engaging with others and being fully checked in to their lives, their struggles, and their dreams. Free of the weight of the relationship, you will be more available to be a support to your loved ones, and be less likely to monopolize every conversation with your own struggle.

How to Attract a Woman - Three Proven Dating Tips That Instantly Spark Attraction in Any Woman!

Women are choosers of men when it comes to attraction. What does this mean to you, the guy? It means that a woman is mostly conditioned to respond to particular physical characteristics, traits, and signals from body language. This means a woman do NOT choose her feelings of attraction to.... the rich man, the big Poobah in business, athletic types or the bad boys. This is a chemical reaction between a man and a woman created through signals. These signals can be learned and used by you and you will learn how to attract any woman with them.

These signals work for you in the fact that all you need to learn how to attract a woman is to ACT like, or show similar behaviors as the men that attract women. You do not have to be one of them; just act like them. First you must learn to recognize what behaviors work for attracting a woman. You can then use these simple behaviors that other men use that have learned how to attract a woman.

1. High Social Status - If you want to learn how to attract a woman you need to know how to show off a little or a lot depending on the woman you are trying to attract. Use your popularity to impress her by taking her to a popular place where everyone knows you. You can accomplish this by making an effort to make more friends in a specific venue ahead of time. When she notices that everyone wants your attention she will be more attracted to you. Make sure the bartender and staff know you in a bar or restaurant first. This is very impressive and will make you highly desirable to her. This attracts a woman who is attracted to men of high importance even if it is in a smaller venue. Even she does not realize it is happening to her.

2. Memorable Impressions - This is a basic rule in how to attract a woman that proves it does not matter what your social status is, how you look, how much money you have or how tall you are. All this takes is leaving a lasting memorable experience for her about you. How can you make a woman remember you? Here are some basics on that subject. Be confident and ask her how she is doing. Use a relaxed, deep tone when you ask her "What's up?" so as to show some interest but not too much. This is an effective tactic that will send the right chemical signals to her brain that light her fire so to speak. Using the right body language and vocal tones sends the right signals for attracting a woman. Feel free to tease her a little. A little light-hearted teasing actually turns on her chemical sensors and makes her think you are not particularly impressed. Women are so used to being hit on that this sends the message that you do not need for her to be attracted to you. This is kind of like reverse psychology.

3. Cocky Humor - Laughter is a big way of attracting a woman's attention. They love to be challenged and laugh a lot. Women do not like to be bored and trust me most beautiful women are! Women are attracted to fun and laughter. This can be accomplished with simple actions like: Make fun of yourself without putting yourself down. Let her know you can laugh at yourself. Use intelligent witty conversation without over doing it. Observational humor is another great way to get her to laugh and attract her. Tell a funny story and exaggerate the details a bit to make it funnier. And finally, the most fun rule of how to attract a woman is to use cocky humor and don't be afraid to tease her in front of her peers. This tactic demonstrates a high status attitude and lets her know you do not need her to validate who you are.

How to Attract a Woman - Three Proven Dating Tips That Instantly Spark Attraction in Any Woman!

Women are choosers of men when it comes to attraction. What does this mean to you, the guy? It means that a woman is mostly conditioned to respond to particular physical characteristics, traits, and signals from body language. This means a woman do NOT choose her feelings of attraction to.... the rich man, the big Poobah in business, athletic types or the bad boys. This is a chemical reaction between a man and a woman created through signals. These signals can be learned and used by you and you will learn how to attract any woman with them.

These signals work for you in the fact that all you need to learn how to attract a woman is to ACT like, or show similar behaviors as the men that attract women. You do not have to be one of them; just act like them. First you must learn to recognize what behaviors work for attracting a woman. You can then use these simple behaviors that other men use that have learned how to attract a woman.

1. High Social Status - If you want to learn how to attract a woman you need to know how to show off a little or a lot depending on the woman you are trying to attract. Use your popularity to impress her by taking her to a popular place where everyone knows you. You can accomplish this by making an effort to make more friends in a specific venue ahead of time. When she notices that everyone wants your attention she will be more attracted to you. Make sure the bartender and staff know you in a bar or restaurant first. This is very impressive and will make you highly desirable to her. This attracts a woman who is attracted to men of high importance even if it is in a smaller venue. Even she does not realize it is happening to her.

2. Memorable Impressions - This is a basic rule in how to attract a woman that proves it does not matter what your social status is, how you look, how much money you have or how tall you are. All this takes is leaving a lasting memorable experience for her about you. How can you make a woman remember you? Here are some basics on that subject. Be confident and ask her how she is doing. Use a relaxed, deep tone when you ask her "What's up?" so as to show some interest but not too much. This is an effective tactic that will send the right chemical signals to her brain that light her fire so to speak. Using the right body language and vocal tones sends the right signals for attracting a woman. Feel free to tease her a little. A little light-hearted teasing actually turns on her chemical sensors and makes her think you are not particularly impressed. Women are so used to being hit on that this sends the message that you do not need for her to be attracted to you. This is kind of like reverse psychology.

3. Cocky Humor - Laughter is a big way of attracting a woman's attention. They love to be challenged and laugh a lot. Women do not like to be bored and trust me most beautiful women are! Women are attracted to fun and laughter. This can be accomplished with simple actions like: Make fun of yourself without putting yourself down. Let her know you can laugh at yourself. Use intelligent witty conversation without over doing it. Observational humor is another great way to get her to laugh and attract her. Tell a funny story and exaggerate the details a bit to make it funnier. And finally, the most fun rule of how to attract a woman is to use cocky humor and don't be afraid to tease her in front of her peers. This tactic demonstrates a high status attitude and lets her know you do not need her to validate who you are.

Signs That a Girl Likes You - Quick, Easy Ways to Tell If She Likes You

If you want to know some of the signs that a girl likes you, then this article will show you. Specifically, we're going to talk about whether she is laughing at your jokes, her body language, and the type of eye contact she makes. By the time you have finished reading this article, you'll know exactly how to tell if a girl likes you.

Let's start by looking at whether she is laughing at your jokes. You see, even if you're being being that funny, she may laugh at all your jokes as if you're hilarious. Now she probably isn't doing this on purpose, just to stroke your ego. Actually, she's far more likely to be responding to her own internal good feelings which she is having when she's around you.

The next thing to look for is certain body language. This is one of the biggest giveaways that a girl is interested in you, because it is often sub conscious. Look for whether she is touching her hair a lot, leaning in often, and touching you a lot during conversation. This is major flirting - and if this is happening, she is definitely into you.

The final thing to look for is eye contact. Simply put, if she is making a lot of direct eye contact with you, she may be interested in you. However, it doesn't always have to be direct eye contact. For example, is she constantly stealing a glance at you, even when she is talking with other people? This is another tell-tale sign that she likes you.

Is She the One For You? How to Know If She is the Woman of Your Dreams!

Most guys reach a stage in life when the thrill of 'living the fast life' starts to ware off and they begin to crave more stable relationships. For men at that stage of life, it is definitely not the time for trial and error...

So how can you tell if a woman is right for you?

Let me start by stating that there are no universal rules that differentiate the wrong woman from right. What's good for one person may be totally destructive to another. That is why you have to be able to determine what is good for you.

Firstly you need to have an image of your ideal woman in your mind, now you would to picture beyond the hot body, and 'Angelie Jolie lips' to get a true picture. Now from this image, write down the attributes your woman MUST have. Must she be supportive, homely, outgoing, funny, reserved, good looking, ambitious, chubby? This section of your list should have attributes you simply can't do without in a lady, make sure the list is as exhaustive as possible.

Are you done? Okay let's go on...

Now take a second look at your list. You would find that some attributes in that list are more important to you than others. In fact there are probably some attributes that you can forgo if you have the others in place. For example, you may be willing to forgo the blonde hair, if you can get a level of integrity that impresses you. So that makes blonde hair your 'maybe'. Now move all the attributes that you feel you can compromise on to another list - your 'maybe' list. That's a list of attributes you'd like your lady to have but that you can do without and still remain happy and satisfied.

Now your job just got easier -

How do you know the woman of your dreams? You now have a list. Just find the woman that has most or all the attributes on your 'must have' list and a sizable number of the attributes on your 'maybe' list, and you are guaranteed to have found the woman of your dreams.

Signs That a Girl Likes You - Quick, Easy Ways to Tell If She Likes You

If you want to know some of the signs that a girl likes you, then this article will show you. Specifically, we're going to talk about whether she is laughing at your jokes, her body language, and the type of eye contact she makes. By the time you have finished reading this article, you'll know exactly how to tell if a girl likes you.

Let's start by looking at whether she is laughing at your jokes. You see, even if you're being being that funny, she may laugh at all your jokes as if you're hilarious. Now she probably isn't doing this on purpose, just to stroke your ego. Actually, she's far more likely to be responding to her own internal good feelings which she is having when she's around you.

The next thing to look for is certain body language. This is one of the biggest giveaways that a girl is interested in you, because it is often sub conscious. Look for whether she is touching her hair a lot, leaning in often, and touching you a lot during conversation. This is major flirting - and if this is happening, she is definitely into you.

The final thing to look for is eye contact. Simply put, if she is making a lot of direct eye contact with you, she may be interested in you. However, it doesn't always have to be direct eye contact. For example, is she constantly stealing a glance at you, even when she is talking with other people? This is another tell-tale sign that she likes you.

Is She the One For You? How to Know If She is the Woman of Your Dreams!

Most guys reach a stage in life when the thrill of 'living the fast life' starts to ware off and they begin to crave more stable relationships. For men at that stage of life, it is definitely not the time for trial and error...

So how can you tell if a woman is right for you?

Let me start by stating that there are no universal rules that differentiate the wrong woman from right. What's good for one person may be totally destructive to another. That is why you have to be able to determine what is good for you.

Firstly you need to have an image of your ideal woman in your mind, now you would to picture beyond the hot body, and 'Angelie Jolie lips' to get a true picture. Now from this image, write down the attributes your woman MUST have. Must she be supportive, homely, outgoing, funny, reserved, good looking, ambitious, chubby? This section of your list should have attributes you simply can't do without in a lady, make sure the list is as exhaustive as possible.

Are you done? Okay let's go on...

Now take a second look at your list. You would find that some attributes in that list are more important to you than others. In fact there are probably some attributes that you can forgo if you have the others in place. For example, you may be willing to forgo the blonde hair, if you can get a level of integrity that impresses you. So that makes blonde hair your 'maybe'. Now move all the attributes that you feel you can compromise on to another list - your 'maybe' list. That's a list of attributes you'd like your lady to have but that you can do without and still remain happy and satisfied.

Now your job just got easier -

How do you know the woman of your dreams? You now have a list. Just find the woman that has most or all the attributes on your 'must have' list and a sizable number of the attributes on your 'maybe' list, and you are guaranteed to have found the woman of your dreams.

How to Flirt With Women by Building Intense Sexual Tension

Look - the fact of the matter is this - if you wanna be good with women, you have got to be super effective at flirting. The best way to flirt is by building intense sexual tension in the woman. If you are able to generate this tension and make it boil over, then you are well on your way to be the ultimate 'player'. Read on to discover the three killer ways to build intense sexual tension in a woman, and achieve killer results fast...

Technique #1: "The Quiet Seducer". The easiest way to flirt is to use body language. The fact is that women are born to be experts at reading a man's non-verbal communications - if you are not able to come across as confident and dominant then you will lose out.

Technique #2: "The Cocky Teaser". This is a vital aspect of building tension - teasing! In order to be effective, you have got to make her somehow feel frustrated, but in a playful way. This frustration will often turn into sexual energy and tension - if done right. To do this, use the killer technique number three below...

Technique #3: "Hypnosis / Fractionation". This is the biggest, baddest and most effective tactic of all - hypnosis! By using this technique called fractionation, master seducers have been able to build super intense sexual tension in women and make them fall in love - in as little as 15 minutes. Killer stuff!

Fractionation is a technique where the seducer make the woman go through an emotional rollercoaster in a conversation, so that she becomes 'anchored' to him. As a result, she becomes emotionally 'connected' and dependent on you. Very effective, but highly controversial at the same time.

Is She the One For You? How to Know If She is the Woman of Your Dreams!

Most guys reach a stage in life when the thrill of 'living the fast life' starts to ware off and they begin to crave more stable relationships. For men at that stage of life, it is definitely not the time for trial and error...

So how can you tell if a woman is right for you?

Let me start by stating that there are no universal rules that differentiate the wrong woman from right. What's good for one person may be totally destructive to another. That is why you have to be able to determine what is good for you.

Firstly you need to have an image of your ideal woman in your mind, now you would to picture beyond the hot body, and 'Angelie Jolie lips' to get a true picture. Now from this image, write down the attributes your woman MUST have. Must she be supportive, homely, outgoing, funny, reserved, good looking, ambitious, chubby? This section of your list should have attributes you simply can't do without in a lady, make sure the list is as exhaustive as possible.

Are you done? Okay let's go on...

Now take a second look at your list. You would find that some attributes in that list are more important to you than others. In fact there are probably some attributes that you can forgo if you have the others in place. For example, you may be willing to forgo the blonde hair, if you can get a level of integrity that impresses you. So that makes blonde hair your 'maybe'. Now move all the attributes that you feel you can compromise on to another list - your 'maybe' list. That's a list of attributes you'd like your lady to have but that you can do without and still remain happy and satisfied.

Now your job just got easier -

How do you know the woman of your dreams? You now have a list. Just find the woman that has most or all the attributes on your 'must have' list and a sizable number of the attributes on your 'maybe' list, and you are guaranteed to have found the woman of your dreams.

How to Flirt With Women by Building Intense Sexual Tension

Look - the fact of the matter is this - if you wanna be good with women, you have got to be super effective at flirting. The best way to flirt is by building intense sexual tension in the woman. If you are able to generate this tension and make it boil over, then you are well on your way to be the ultimate 'player'. Read on to discover the three killer ways to build intense sexual tension in a woman, and achieve killer results fast...

Technique #1: "The Quiet Seducer". The easiest way to flirt is to use body language. The fact is that women are born to be experts at reading a man's non-verbal communications - if you are not able to come across as confident and dominant then you will lose out.

Technique #2: "The Cocky Teaser". This is a vital aspect of building tension - teasing! In order to be effective, you have got to make her somehow feel frustrated, but in a playful way. This frustration will often turn into sexual energy and tension - if done right. To do this, use the killer technique number three below...

Technique #3: "Hypnosis / Fractionation". This is the biggest, baddest and most effective tactic of all - hypnosis! By using this technique called fractionation, master seducers have been able to build super intense sexual tension in women and make them fall in love - in as little as 15 minutes. Killer stuff!

Fractionation is a technique where the seducer make the woman go through an emotional rollercoaster in a conversation, so that she becomes 'anchored' to him. As a result, she becomes emotionally 'connected' and dependent on you. Very effective, but highly controversial at the same time.

What to Talk About on a First Date

Do men confuse you? They sure confuse me and I am one! My female friends are always coming to me for advice to know what their dates and boyfriends are thinking. In this article I hope to share with you some of my insights so you can solve your own dating dilemmas.

So what should you talk about on a first date? A lot of dating guide's give you a list of things to talk about and a list of things not to talk about. I don't believe in that.

In fact I believe that you can:

Talk about anything you want to on a first date. If your both mature adults then nothing should be off the table. Just use your common sense.

It's ok to talk about your parents dying and how that affected you for example. But don't break the fun atmosphere of the date for too long. Don't make things depressing.

It's also ok to talk about sex. You may wish to know how sexually experienced your partner is, or maybe you enjoy discussing sexual positions. But don't make this the only topic of conversation or you'll sound like your only after one thing.

It's also ok to talk about ex partners and why things didn't work out. Just don't sound bitter or jaded.

I try and keep the conversation light and fun myself.  I don't want my date to feel interrogated I want them to feel comfortable.  Dates are a time for light heartedness and a time to amuse yourself. 

Now get out there and have your date and have fun!

How to Flirt With Women by Building Intense Sexual Tension

Look - the fact of the matter is this - if you wanna be good with women, you have got to be super effective at flirting. The best way to flirt is by building intense sexual tension in the woman. If you are able to generate this tension and make it boil over, then you are well on your way to be the ultimate 'player'. Read on to discover the three killer ways to build intense sexual tension in a woman, and achieve killer results fast...

Technique #1: "The Quiet Seducer". The easiest way to flirt is to use body language. The fact is that women are born to be experts at reading a man's non-verbal communications - if you are not able to come across as confident and dominant then you will lose out.

Technique #2: "The Cocky Teaser". This is a vital aspect of building tension - teasing! In order to be effective, you have got to make her somehow feel frustrated, but in a playful way. This frustration will often turn into sexual energy and tension - if done right. To do this, use the killer technique number three below...

Technique #3: "Hypnosis / Fractionation". This is the biggest, baddest and most effective tactic of all - hypnosis! By using this technique called fractionation, master seducers have been able to build super intense sexual tension in women and make them fall in love - in as little as 15 minutes. Killer stuff!

Fractionation is a technique where the seducer make the woman go through an emotional rollercoaster in a conversation, so that she becomes 'anchored' to him. As a result, she becomes emotionally 'connected' and dependent on you. Very effective, but highly controversial at the same time.

What to Talk About on a First Date

Do men confuse you? They sure confuse me and I am one! My female friends are always coming to me for advice to know what their dates and boyfriends are thinking. In this article I hope to share with you some of my insights so you can solve your own dating dilemmas.

So what should you talk about on a first date? A lot of dating guide's give you a list of things to talk about and a list of things not to talk about. I don't believe in that.

In fact I believe that you can:

Talk about anything you want to on a first date. If your both mature adults then nothing should be off the table. Just use your common sense.

It's ok to talk about your parents dying and how that affected you for example. But don't break the fun atmosphere of the date for too long. Don't make things depressing.

It's also ok to talk about sex. You may wish to know how sexually experienced your partner is, or maybe you enjoy discussing sexual positions. But don't make this the only topic of conversation or you'll sound like your only after one thing.

It's also ok to talk about ex partners and why things didn't work out. Just don't sound bitter or jaded.

I try and keep the conversation light and fun myself.  I don't want my date to feel interrogated I want them to feel comfortable.  Dates are a time for light heartedness and a time to amuse yourself. 

Now get out there and have your date and have fun!

Who Else Wants to Be Irresistible to Men? The Simple Truth No One Wants to Tell You!

Aren't you amaze at the bewildering amount of information that there is about weight loss? Volumes have been produced in the form of books, audio books, CDs, DVDs, manuals, documentaries and articles. I know some online marketers who make their living just from churning out weight reduction material. Ever so often new diets, pills and magic formulas sprout up about how to effortlessly shed fat. Yet only a few people manage to permanently lose weight. In fact more people seem to be becoming overweight.

Yet the amazing truth is that there is a simple and fundamental formula that everyone knows will permanently reduce the extra layers of fat - eat less (or less junk food) and increase physical activity (burn up the extra calories).
Similarly many trees have been cut down to produce a vast amount written material about attraction and beauty. Tons of CDs, DVDs and web pages have also added to the overwhelming potpourri of advice about how to seduce and attract men.  

The media gives the impression that all you need to do is to keep slim, wear sexy and expensive clothes, apply vast layers of makeup, make sure you have a fantastic hair style and bat your eyelids to have men drooling for you.
Well some of that works if you want to attract men who are only after one thing - sex. They will hunt you like bull dogs hound bitches who are in heat. However I suspect that you want something much more meaningful than that. You want someone who is attracted to you for all the right reasons - because of who you are as a human being.

I know of some experts who say you should play hard to get - there is actually a popular book about how to go about doing this. Not many women succeeded with that type of advice. Others contend that you should play the game. Still others think that you should treat men firm and in some instances be horrible to them. I am not sure how far you would get with that though.

Well I am going to tell you the truth. I will tell you the whole truth and nothing but the truth. As much as you would like men to be attracted to you for how lovely you look and the great personality have, most men are driven to a woman because something very simple and fundamental. It's so simple that I am absolutely amazed that many bright and intelligent people miss it.

Men are attracted and would find you irresistible simply by the way you make him feel when he is with you. Yes how you look will initial attract his eyes, but that is not what will keep him riveted to you.

So how does a man want to feel? He wants to feel respected. He wants to feel that he is a man, a leader, a powerful individual. He wants to be admired, adored, acknowledged and appreciated. He wants woman who will praise him; have pride in him; feel proud about him.

Those my dear girl are the basics and bases of being irresistible to a man. Everything else is secondary. It doesn't matter too much if you are tall, short, fat, thin, black, white, if you are able to feed his need to feel great as a man, you will have him eating out of your hands.

How to Flirt With Your Ex-Boyfriend

If you want to win back your ex-boyfriend, you'll need to be at the top of your game when you see him. Here are some dos and don'ts when flirting with your ex.

Do's - How to Flirt With Your Ex

  1. Look your best - Change something about your looks so that your ex is sure to notice how great you look. This might be losing weight, getting a new hairstyle, wearing your make up differently, or buying some new clothes.
  2. Be confident - Watch your posture when you're around your ex. Keep your shoulders back and think to yourself "I'm gorgeous." Be proud that you're a great catch and it will show in your body language and intrigue your ex. You want to convey that you are a confident, friendly woman with or without your ex.
  3. Flaunt your femininity - Highlight your best features, such as your curvy body, your eyes and lips, or your toned legs. What did your ex love best about your body? Wear clothes that accentuate that part. Consider wearing flowing skirts or high heels. When your ex can't stay away, bat your eyelashes at him or casually play with your hair while you talk with him.
  4. Smile and look happy - Smiling shows him you are open to interacting with him and invites him to approach you. Smiling automatically makes you look more attractive, and it says to your ex that you're having a great time and you're fun to be around.
  5. Watch his body language - Look for indicators of interest (IOIs) showing that your ex may be receptive to you. These include making prolonged eye contact, smiling warmly, initiating a conversation, orienting his body towards you, leaning closer to you, or touching you. If he's standing with arms crossed and refuses to make eye contact, he's not interested in flirting.
  6. Mirror his behavior - Watch what he does and subtly mirror his actions. If he leans forward, lean forward a few seconds later. If he takes a sip of his drink, pick up your glass. If he changes the tone or pace of his voice, do the same when you speak. By mirroring his behavior, you'll begin to think the two of you are "in sync" and connected.
  7. Be positive - Keep your interaction upbeat, positive and fun. He may still have some negative feelings towards you, so you want to make sure every time he's around you, he now associates you with excitement and having a good time.

Don'ts - Avoid these Behaviors With Your Ex

  1. Flattering your ex - One or two compliments are ok, but don't pour on the charm. Keep things light. You don't want to look like an adoring puppy that still pines for him.
  2. Slouch or look depressed - If you act depressed or moody around your ex, he's much more likely to think "What did I ever see in her? She's such a negative person" than "She's really hurting. She must have really loved me. Maybe I made a mistake."
  3. Sleeping with your ex - When you see your ex again, chances are, the chemistry between you two will still be there. It will be tempting to give in to breakup sex. Don't do it. Sleeping with your ex just gives him no-strings-attached physical intimacy. It doesn't mean he still loves you or wants to get back together with you. It's just sex.
  4. Bringing up the breakup - Flirting is a fun way to get someone's attention and make them feel good. You can't do that if you both are tense or thinking about all the problems you had in the past. Keep your conversation casual and quickly change the subject if he starts to talk about your breakup.

Flirting with your ex is the first step to rekindling your relationship, so keep things fun. Watch your ex for signs that he's still interested, and respond to him with the same degree of affection he gives you. Most of all, be patient. You can't force things to happen before both of you are ready.

How to Flirt With Your Ex-Boyfriend

If you want to win back your ex-boyfriend, you'll need to be at the top of your game when you see him. Here are some dos and don'ts when flirting with your ex.

Do's - How to Flirt With Your Ex

  1. Look your best - Change something about your looks so that your ex is sure to notice how great you look. This might be losing weight, getting a new hairstyle, wearing your make up differently, or buying some new clothes.
  2. Be confident - Watch your posture when you're around your ex. Keep your shoulders back and think to yourself "I'm gorgeous." Be proud that you're a great catch and it will show in your body language and intrigue your ex. You want to convey that you are a confident, friendly woman with or without your ex.
  3. Flaunt your femininity - Highlight your best features, such as your curvy body, your eyes and lips, or your toned legs. What did your ex love best about your body? Wear clothes that accentuate that part. Consider wearing flowing skirts or high heels. When your ex can't stay away, bat your eyelashes at him or casually play with your hair while you talk with him.
  4. Smile and look happy - Smiling shows him you are open to interacting with him and invites him to approach you. Smiling automatically makes you look more attractive, and it says to your ex that you're having a great time and you're fun to be around.
  5. Watch his body language - Look for indicators of interest (IOIs) showing that your ex may be receptive to you. These include making prolonged eye contact, smiling warmly, initiating a conversation, orienting his body towards you, leaning closer to you, or touching you. If he's standing with arms crossed and refuses to make eye contact, he's not interested in flirting.
  6. Mirror his behavior - Watch what he does and subtly mirror his actions. If he leans forward, lean forward a few seconds later. If he takes a sip of his drink, pick up your glass. If he changes the tone or pace of his voice, do the same when you speak. By mirroring his behavior, you'll begin to think the two of you are "in sync" and connected.
  7. Be positive - Keep your interaction upbeat, positive and fun. He may still have some negative feelings towards you, so you want to make sure every time he's around you, he now associates you with excitement and having a good time.

Don'ts - Avoid these Behaviors With Your Ex

  1. Flattering your ex - One or two compliments are ok, but don't pour on the charm. Keep things light. You don't want to look like an adoring puppy that still pines for him.
  2. Slouch or look depressed - If you act depressed or moody around your ex, he's much more likely to think "What did I ever see in her? She's such a negative person" than "She's really hurting. She must have really loved me. Maybe I made a mistake."
  3. Sleeping with your ex - When you see your ex again, chances are, the chemistry between you two will still be there. It will be tempting to give in to breakup sex. Don't do it. Sleeping with your ex just gives him no-strings-attached physical intimacy. It doesn't mean he still loves you or wants to get back together with you. It's just sex.
  4. Bringing up the breakup - Flirting is a fun way to get someone's attention and make them feel good. You can't do that if you both are tense or thinking about all the problems you had in the past. Keep your conversation casual and quickly change the subject if he starts to talk about your breakup.

Flirting with your ex is the first step to rekindling your relationship, so keep things fun. Watch your ex for signs that he's still interested, and respond to him with the same degree of affection he gives you. Most of all, be patient. You can't force things to happen before both of you are ready.

How to Approach a Woman - Five Effective Steps to Approach the Girl You Like

Most of the guys do not know how to effectively approach the woman they like. This article will give you five effective steps to approach a woman.

1 When you walk around in the mall, you can practice to smile to girls. Maybe a little smile is enough. You do not have to speak or something. Just smile. You will notice that most of the girls will smile at you back. This is a good practice that you can gain your confidence in approaching girls. After awhile, you can start to look for the girl that you like and smile at her. This time, if she smiles back, you will have to walk toward her.

2 Make eye contact before you walk toward her. Don't scare her by your gesture. Just relax and you can browse at other things while you walk.

3 Say hi to her. It may sound easy but it is not that easy in real life. You will get nervous but you will be better after a few practices. That depends on your level of confidence. Mostly, people with high confidence can do this easier.

4 Find something to talk. This may be difficult if you are not a good talker. The good news is you can practice this skill. Start now by talking to girls when you have a chance. Any girl will do. Just practice first and it will get better and better.

5 Ask for the information for further contact. Do not forget this if you can have a conversation with her. Before you depart, ask where she studies or where she works. If possible, ask for her phone number. At least, ask her if she comes here often. You will need anything that will allow you to have a chance to see her again. Forget it and you will regret for the rest of your life. I have been through this. Trust me.

How to Flirt With Your Ex-Boyfriend

If you want to win back your ex-boyfriend, you'll need to be at the top of your game when you see him. Here are some dos and don'ts when flirting with your ex.

Do's - How to Flirt With Your Ex

  1. Look your best - Change something about your looks so that your ex is sure to notice how great you look. This might be losing weight, getting a new hairstyle, wearing your make up differently, or buying some new clothes.
  2. Be confident - Watch your posture when you're around your ex. Keep your shoulders back and think to yourself "I'm gorgeous." Be proud that you're a great catch and it will show in your body language and intrigue your ex. You want to convey that you are a confident, friendly woman with or without your ex.
  3. Flaunt your femininity - Highlight your best features, such as your curvy body, your eyes and lips, or your toned legs. What did your ex love best about your body? Wear clothes that accentuate that part. Consider wearing flowing skirts or high heels. When your ex can't stay away, bat your eyelashes at him or casually play with your hair while you talk with him.
  4. Smile and look happy - Smiling shows him you are open to interacting with him and invites him to approach you. Smiling automatically makes you look more attractive, and it says to your ex that you're having a great time and you're fun to be around.
  5. Watch his body language - Look for indicators of interest (IOIs) showing that your ex may be receptive to you. These include making prolonged eye contact, smiling warmly, initiating a conversation, orienting his body towards you, leaning closer to you, or touching you. If he's standing with arms crossed and refuses to make eye contact, he's not interested in flirting.
  6. Mirror his behavior - Watch what he does and subtly mirror his actions. If he leans forward, lean forward a few seconds later. If he takes a sip of his drink, pick up your glass. If he changes the tone or pace of his voice, do the same when you speak. By mirroring his behavior, you'll begin to think the two of you are "in sync" and connected.
  7. Be positive - Keep your interaction upbeat, positive and fun. He may still have some negative feelings towards you, so you want to make sure every time he's around you, he now associates you with excitement and having a good time.

Don'ts - Avoid these Behaviors With Your Ex

  1. Flattering your ex - One or two compliments are ok, but don't pour on the charm. Keep things light. You don't want to look like an adoring puppy that still pines for him.
  2. Slouch or look depressed - If you act depressed or moody around your ex, he's much more likely to think "What did I ever see in her? She's such a negative person" than "She's really hurting. She must have really loved me. Maybe I made a mistake."
  3. Sleeping with your ex - When you see your ex again, chances are, the chemistry between you two will still be there. It will be tempting to give in to breakup sex. Don't do it. Sleeping with your ex just gives him no-strings-attached physical intimacy. It doesn't mean he still loves you or wants to get back together with you. It's just sex.
  4. Bringing up the breakup - Flirting is a fun way to get someone's attention and make them feel good. You can't do that if you both are tense or thinking about all the problems you had in the past. Keep your conversation casual and quickly change the subject if he starts to talk about your breakup.

Flirting with your ex is the first step to rekindling your relationship, so keep things fun. Watch your ex for signs that he's still interested, and respond to him with the same degree of affection he gives you. Most of all, be patient. You can't force things to happen before both of you are ready.

How to Approach a Woman - Five Effective Steps to Approach the Girl You Like

Most of the guys do not know how to effectively approach the woman they like. This article will give you five effective steps to approach a woman.

1 When you walk around in the mall, you can practice to smile to girls. Maybe a little smile is enough. You do not have to speak or something. Just smile. You will notice that most of the girls will smile at you back. This is a good practice that you can gain your confidence in approaching girls. After awhile, you can start to look for the girl that you like and smile at her. This time, if she smiles back, you will have to walk toward her.

2 Make eye contact before you walk toward her. Don't scare her by your gesture. Just relax and you can browse at other things while you walk.

3 Say hi to her. It may sound easy but it is not that easy in real life. You will get nervous but you will be better after a few practices. That depends on your level of confidence. Mostly, people with high confidence can do this easier.

4 Find something to talk. This may be difficult if you are not a good talker. The good news is you can practice this skill. Start now by talking to girls when you have a chance. Any girl will do. Just practice first and it will get better and better.

5 Ask for the information for further contact. Do not forget this if you can have a conversation with her. Before you depart, ask where she studies or where she works. If possible, ask for her phone number. At least, ask her if she comes here often. You will need anything that will allow you to have a chance to see her again. Forget it and you will regret for the rest of your life. I have been through this. Trust me.

How to Approach a Woman - Five Effective Steps to Approach the Girl You Like

Most of the guys do not know how to effectively approach the woman they like. This article will give you five effective steps to approach a woman.

1 When you walk around in the mall, you can practice to smile to girls. Maybe a little smile is enough. You do not have to speak or something. Just smile. You will notice that most of the girls will smile at you back. This is a good practice that you can gain your confidence in approaching girls. After awhile, you can start to look for the girl that you like and smile at her. This time, if she smiles back, you will have to walk toward her.

2 Make eye contact before you walk toward her. Don't scare her by your gesture. Just relax and you can browse at other things while you walk.

3 Say hi to her. It may sound easy but it is not that easy in real life. You will get nervous but you will be better after a few practices. That depends on your level of confidence. Mostly, people with high confidence can do this easier.

4 Find something to talk. This may be difficult if you are not a good talker. The good news is you can practice this skill. Start now by talking to girls when you have a chance. Any girl will do. Just practice first and it will get better and better.

5 Ask for the information for further contact. Do not forget this if you can have a conversation with her. Before you depart, ask where she studies or where she works. If possible, ask for her phone number. At least, ask her if she comes here often. You will need anything that will allow you to have a chance to see her again. Forget it and you will regret for the rest of your life. I have been through this. Trust me.
