Russian Brides

пятница, 3 апреля 2009 г.

4 Stunning Tricks to Turn Any Girl on Within Seconds! She Would Have No Idea How You Did It

Woman's arousal starts in her mind. Before engaging in the foreplay, make sure to simulate her mental awareness of what is about to happen. You need to make her desire you and have her start creating mental images of your lovemaking even before you landed your first kiss.

- Approach her slowly and sensually, looking her directly in the eyes. Take your time while doing so. Make your desire for her reflect in the eye-contact, occasionally have your eyes linger on her lips than back to her eyes again.

Stand straight, making her aware of your broad shoulders and arms that are about to hold her.

-Create the proper ambiance, make sure the place is quite or with the soft background music, where you will have privacy. Turn off the strong lights but leave the shaded light of the lamps and candles.

Use the cologne that she likes and the aromatic sticks or candles. Hitting her sense of smell with the right stimulation will make her focus all of her senses on you.

-Speak to her in a deep, husky voice, whispering in her ear how attractive you think she is and how much she means to you. Girls love to hear it. Caress her lips gently with your fingers, then slowly kiss them.

Land light butterfly kisses on her cheeks, neck and shoulders, then to her lips again, slowly building up pressure on her lips as passion takes over you both.

- Gently caress her body. With the tips of your fingers follow the curves of her waist, thighs and her back, over her arms to her breasts, but don't touch them yet. Make her moan in the anticipation for you to continue your caresses.

These four simple steps will easily turn on any woman. In addition, if you are aroused by yourself, you will transfer the mood easily on to her.

Does Your Ex Want to Get Back With You? How to Find Out

You may have noticed your ex has been showing more interest in spending time with you. They may be flirting with you more or could be showing interest in going out with you. This could get you asking yourself whether or not your ex wants to get back with you. It is all well and good to ask this question and to be optimistic about getting back with them. However it is important that you don't show too much interest too quickly.

Your ex wanting to get back with you can be quite common. There are some tell tale signs that this is the case. These signs are usually clear as day, however even if you are sure they want to get back it is important that things aren't rushed. What is the best way of going about this?

It's time to play hard to get with your ex. This however should not be taken to the extreme. If you want to start things up again you should only play 'hard to get' a little bit. It was most likely you showing little interest in them that caused them to show any interest in you in the first place. Remember, showing too much interest in getting back or playing too much 'hard to get' will push them away again.

Usually after a break up you will find that you miss your ex. Now this will occur whether or not it was you who broke up with them or your ex that broke up with you. Quite often it will be the case that your ex has similar feelings about missing you. This is most likely inevitable as you both would have spent a lot of quality time together resulting in some very nice memories. This is especially the case if you guys have been spending any considerable amount of time together.

There are times when an ex will see that you still have feelings for them and will pretend that they are also interested. This is a cruel little game played in order to get your attention for whatever reason. They may just be doing this because there is currently nothing or nobody else to keep their attention and to give them attention. And yes, this there may be some sinister intentions when doing this. Perhaps it is their way of 'settling the score' for some wrong they may have perceived to have been done to them while in the relationship. This is all the more reason to not be too keen and jump into these sort of situations. Know where you stand before proceeding forward.

This sort of situation is played out all the time. An ex wanting to get back often has good intentions, however often their actions can have a hidden agenda. That's why it is so important to get as much knowledge of the situation before showing too much interest. Again, playing hard to get is often the best strategy if used in moderation.

Your Beliefs and Dating

I've been a player for over 4 years, and the single element that made all the difference in the world in dating was my beliefs. It was when I believed I was good with women, I got good with women.

Beliefs are one of the most important concepts you need to understand in order to date really hot women.

I'm going to talk about the key to dating and it's beliefs. You must have the right beliefs in place before (or during) you start "gaming" girls. Your beliefs are the foundations of which you are going to be building "frames" around the girl. So, it is both a psychological and a tactical element to dating women.

Here's the simple truth about a belief: A Belief Is Only A Focus Of Attention.

That's it. Think about it: The belief in yourself as super successful with hot girls is merely a focus of attention.

Your entire "being" is based on your beliefs about you. No one but "you" has ever agreed about the things you believe about yourself-- except you. Yes, people of authority in your life told you things about you, but you chose to believe it.

If you have strong negative beliefs, it will externally be reflected through you're attitude, body language, and voice tone.

Internal and External Beliefs

A Belief has an internal and an external mental component. Your belief mentally, that is, inner psychology, projects out to the women you date or ask for a date (external states). External states affect the girls you date through confidence, body language, and voice tone.

In a way, beliefs are fused with frames upon frames that fuel your meta-frame. You need to understand this. (A "frame" is the meaning of the interaction that you are having with the girl you are dating. Your frame should be that she is after you: you are deciding if YOU like her.)

That's why I'm saying that the internal states will dictate the external subcommunication you give off to the world all the time.

If you get the internal states mastered and you use the tactical strategies regarding opening, manufacturing attraction, connection, and seduction, in addition to creating a cool life style, you are going to be masterful at having beautiful girls waltzing into your life!

(You ever think about how "Bad" you are with girls after a night of gaming girls at at club or bar? Think about it in the negative fuels the very reason girls won't like you or find you attractive. You are internalizing the very belief that is counter to your cause of being successful with dating girls.)

That's because your beliefs about yourself and about your ability to attract and date women is dependent on your beliefs.

Internalize this. This is important: Whatever you believe, with feeling, even if it's contrary to fact, will become your reality.

Your mind has a tendency to only focus on one thing at a time. If you have a belief, whether it is a positive or negative, then you will start to see evidence in your life that will re-enforce those beliefs. In other words, your mind filters out information that contradicts a belief.

It's really fascinating and almost bizarre, but simple and true-hence your internal beliefs actually control your reality.

Let me give you an example you can understand.

Last year, I bought a Nissan Altima. Before that I had a convertible roadster. Well, my old car, the convertible, I had seen other models of my same car everywhere, on the road. I saw them at the signal, on the freeway, in the parking lot. I saw them everywhere. I knew the model year of that car just from looking at the rims or paint job.

During that time, I never really focused on Altimas.

Well, guess what happened when I started to drive my new Altima? Yes, you guessed it. I saw them everywhere. That's what I mean when I say that a human mind can focus on one thing. This is the same phenomenon that occurs when you have a belief.

The crucial point here is that a belief will give you your reality whether it's true or not.

So, the key here is in you. You decide what to believe in your life. So, whatever belief you have about your ability with women, young or old, you have picked up sometime in your past and you have filtered and found evidence throughout your life to make it true This has helped you form your current beliefs.

Well the so called "evidence" was only because you focused on the negative belief(s). You actually filtered out the positive evidence that women were interested in you, but you didn't focus on it, so you never saw it!!!

Now, don't beat yourself up here.

I know for a fact that this type of knowledge has been around for centuries. I have a background in philosophy but these philosophers never told it in a "practical" way.

So, whether or not you believe you're good with women, it just doesn't matter in terms of whether it's true or not. The world doesn't care. Remember, the same person can be good with women or bad with women. It's just based on your beliefs. It's that simple.

It's a personal choice because you control what goes on in your head. In other words, because a belief doesn't have to reflect a basic reality, it doesn't matter if you are "bad" with young women or "good" with women, because it is just a matter of free will or choice.

Now, if you choose to believe you are good with girls, the "frames" you build will work on the women. So, believe in yourself.

One of my good friend and teacher once told me, "you only have a shortcoming if you believe you have one.

The Law of Belief: What ever you believe in, irrespective of whether or not the belief is true:--it, the belief, will come true.

So, if you believe in some belief (about yourself) that is a good belief, contrary to fact--but you believe it: by virtue of the law of belief, it will come true.

Hence your beliefs are at the core of your frame(s): the person with the stronger frame will absorb the weaker frame. Therefore, your belief can be based on a belief contrary to fact, but if you believe in yourself-it will become your reality.

Negative Beliefs

Negative beliefs are the bases of all human suffering. It's not just about getting that hot 21 year old at the local bar that we are talking about here. Negative beliefs can make you always see the negative in everything. Don't do that.

But, in attracting and dating women, you must take the negative beliefs and remove them from your mind, forever. It can be done. The human mind can substitute a negative thought with a positive one super easy. But you have to be mindful here and be aware when you have these negative thoughts. By the way, a belief or frame creates a thought, which creates a behavior and world views.

Your mental states are the most important factor in attracting and dating women. Winning girls over is an attraction process for women, which is based on your personality rather than looks or money. We have to be internally strong (personality) when we want to attract women in general.

The 100% problem men have is that they think in the man's "frame" that women would be attracted to the same things as a man, that is, looks; men think that women are attracted to looks and wealth only.

This is a fatal mistake. Sadly, most men will spend the rest of their lives making the mistake of pursuing wealth to compensate for "looks." They will spend the most productive part of their lives on pursuing money, cars, and homes, and never invest in their personalities. Sad.

So, for us men, we are attracted to a women's looks first. The inner part of the women is not as important to a man, at least not initially.

So, men think that this works for women as well. Most men think that women only go for the good looking "Brad Pitt" type guys. A guy thinks it's all about looks and money. Well, like I said before, I know guys that are actually ugly that get 8s, 9s, and 10s because they have such a confident, funny, and cool personality: a "stand up guy."

I know of another guy who is super good looking, blonde, and tall, but he has no confidence and he gets dates initially, but the women can figure out he's has innergame issues and is a "wimp." So they "run for the hills." He hardly gets second or third dates. It's sad.

I know this other guy who makes "x" million dollars a year, good looking, but he has no game, because internally, there's something "going on."

Remember, a guy's attractiveness to a women is from the inside out, not the outside in. Outside means cars, wealth, looks, height, and so on. You now get the picture. Duh. Simple but profound.

50 To 60 Thousand Thoughts Per Day

The Human mind has 50 to 60 thousand thoughts a day. The vast majority of these thoughts have already been established because someone of authority in your childhood and beyond gave you these thoughts about yourself that you chose to accept.


Most people have negative thoughts. These thoughts set off your emotions. Hence your emotions are subordinate to your thoughts. Your emotions determine your "state" or more importantly your being.

Much of these thoughts are your beliefs. This is why it's so important that you get the negative thoughts out of your head.

Your thought processes cycle through your mind and builds momentum over time. Think about the thoughts of your thoughts of your thoughts of your thoughts of your focus in your mind that are your belief(s). If they are negative, they take on a mind of their own.

That's 50 to 60 thousands thoughts a day that have enormous consequences in your life--because in your life, all causation is mental. Thoughts control your world. Thoughts control your emotional states. Thoughts based on your beliefs controls your emotions. Your emotions control your behavior. Your behavior controls how other people perceive you.

That explains why beliefs are so powerful. You have to "commandeer" those negatives thoughts and replace them with positive ones. It can be done with diligence.

Ideally, you are working on your inner psychology, skill set, and life-style at the same time. Trust me, it all will come together. But stay with it. " This is where it all begins. We are gong to get those bad beliefs the hell out.

You must think this: The more I believe in myself, the more I become the person I believe in.

Remember here that the "Map Is Not The Territory." If you remember this, no matter how bad you think you are with young women in the beginning of your journey, it just doesn't matter. The person (you) with the strongest belief system--which you will develop anyway over time--(that you are a master with women) holds the most influence over others with weaker belief systems (the girls who inherently have weaker belief systems).

A belief doesn't have to be real to work because of frames.

Again, I'm not saying that if you believe you can fly that you can grow feathers and fly to Paris so you can game French girls. No, I'm talking about the reality in your head. Like thinking your awesome with girls or that you suck with girls. I'm talking about that section between your ears ok!

This may be shocking, but a lot of your beliefs are not based on reality, but you're mind has accepted these beliefs and they are making you behave in a manner that messes you up with women or anything else in your life.

But it just doesn't have to be this way!!!!

Look, if you really want to know the secret to attracting women it's this: If you believe you're good with women, women will feel it, then they will believe it because your belief will fuel you frame(s). It's just that simple.


There is a psychological concept called cognitive dissonance. It states that cognitive dissonance is the filtering of information that conflicts with what one already believes, in an effort to ignore that information to reinforce one's untrue beliefs.

What this means is that we filter out evidence that contradicts a bad belief. So, your belief that you are "not good with girls" is not real. You have the potential to learn how to be a "star" with hot young women because you are already good right now.

So, when you go up to a woman and you start talking to her, you must have the following belief: you have the right to talk to her; she will find you attractive; she is hitting on you.

Guess what? She is going to test those beliefs by testing your "frame." If your belief is strong enough, your "map" will absorb her weaker "map." There never has to be evidence to the contrary for people to fall into your "frame."

In other words, she will fall into your "frame." That's how you will get her attracted to you and that's how you are going to date her.

When it comes to dating girls, your beliefs don't matter whether they reflect a basic reality or not. If you believe you are good, and you believe it strongly, women will believe you. It's kind of like believing in your own "nonsense." If you believe anything with a rock solid belief, people will agree with you. They will fall into your "frame."

But, remember that a frame operates under the assumption that you have a strong belief. Now, you can have just a strong "frame" and if you do it right, you will still get the girl. But that is super hard to do. It's just easier to believe it right away.

This is why it doesn't matter if you're good looking or have money or you don't have height. It matters to a degree, but not as much as you would think.

If you have a strong belief that you're good with girls, and you're good at controlling the frame, you will get the girls.

You see, religious leaders, politicians, charlatans, con men, cult leaders all know this. Basically, this stuff can be used to manipulate people. If you really think about it, this belief essay is the engine that runs religion.

It's not the content but the structure.

Think about it. How could people sway other people to believe in something that cannot be empirically verified? It's based on a belief in faith that another flawed human being is telling you to believe in. And here is the "rub:"

The word "belief " is synonymous to "faith."

Remember here, to help you believe that you are good with women: a belief is only a focus of attention and that belief will find evidence in your life.

So, just understand here that there is no such thing as a belief that is true; you only make it true if you chose to make it so, specific to your own reality.

Your Beliefs Will Fuel And Hold Up Your Frames-Consequently, Your Meta-Frame.

Your beliefs are going to gain momentum over time. It's really very exciting. As you become better in your skill set and you start getting results, your new beliefs, your focus of attention, should be supplying you with real world evidence that you are good with girls and you're a cool guy..

If you get your inner psychology up to speed through your new beliefs will be the foundations of the frames that you throw out there at the girls you approach and date.

The point here is that even if you have negative beliefs, as long as you understand that the stronger frame absorbs the weaker frame, than you know it will serve you anyway to believe in the "Good Beliefs" because you don't have anything to lose, anyway!

So, it's like Pascal's Wager posed by the French philosopher Blaise Pascal:

The wager is this: that even though the existence of God cannot be determined through reason, a person should "wager" as though God exists, because so living has potentially everything to gain, and certainly nothing to lose.

Haha! Don't you see the genius of me! Even if you don't believe you are good, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

This is called the Kurgan's Wager:

The wager is this: Even though you cannot believe you are good with girls via your current negative beliefs, you should "wager" as though you are "good with young girls," because in so living you are potentially having everything to gain, and certainly nothing to lose. And by virtue of you believing these new empowering beliefs, even in the face of negative evidence, your eventual acceptance of that belief will automatically allow you to set the critical frames necessary in order for you to get the girl(s), anyway!

No matter what, you will eventually get good anyway, over time: so, you might as well believe in it now, because believing will help you get there faster.

Your new empowering beliefs are now going to fuel your frames and set up your meta-frame.

What this simply means is that you will have the confidence to create "states" in your interactions with women that will have the women see you as a cool, high value guy.

They will test you. You will withstand them, and convey with confidence to them through your personality. You will have the "raw courage" to talk to women about your passions in life, and your direction. You will be able to indicate to your target your exciting life-style without being braggadocio. You will convey that you are a "stand-up guy."

You're going to do this because you have a cool fashion-style, a great life-style, a powerful skill set, and confidence.

Your frame will be solid. A women will know this as well. Your beliefs will create your frames which will give you a solid meta-frame--that will make women fall all over you!!!

Victor Kurgan

Your Beliefs and Dating

I've been a player for over 4 years, and the single element that made all the difference in the world in dating was my beliefs. It was when I believed I was good with women, I got good with women.

Beliefs are one of the most important concepts you need to understand in order to date really hot women.

I'm going to talk about the key to dating and it's beliefs. You must have the right beliefs in place before (or during) you start "gaming" girls. Your beliefs are the foundations of which you are going to be building "frames" around the girl. So, it is both a psychological and a tactical element to dating women.

Here's the simple truth about a belief: A Belief Is Only A Focus Of Attention.

That's it. Think about it: The belief in yourself as super successful with hot girls is merely a focus of attention.

Your entire "being" is based on your beliefs about you. No one but "you" has ever agreed about the things you believe about yourself-- except you. Yes, people of authority in your life told you things about you, but you chose to believe it.

If you have strong negative beliefs, it will externally be reflected through you're attitude, body language, and voice tone.

Internal and External Beliefs

A Belief has an internal and an external mental component. Your belief mentally, that is, inner psychology, projects out to the women you date or ask for a date (external states). External states affect the girls you date through confidence, body language, and voice tone.

In a way, beliefs are fused with frames upon frames that fuel your meta-frame. You need to understand this. (A "frame" is the meaning of the interaction that you are having with the girl you are dating. Your frame should be that she is after you: you are deciding if YOU like her.)

That's why I'm saying that the internal states will dictate the external subcommunication you give off to the world all the time.

If you get the internal states mastered and you use the tactical strategies regarding opening, manufacturing attraction, connection, and seduction, in addition to creating a cool life style, you are going to be masterful at having beautiful girls waltzing into your life!

(You ever think about how "Bad" you are with girls after a night of gaming girls at at club or bar? Think about it in the negative fuels the very reason girls won't like you or find you attractive. You are internalizing the very belief that is counter to your cause of being successful with dating girls.)

That's because your beliefs about yourself and about your ability to attract and date women is dependent on your beliefs.

Internalize this. This is important: Whatever you believe, with feeling, even if it's contrary to fact, will become your reality.

Your mind has a tendency to only focus on one thing at a time. If you have a belief, whether it is a positive or negative, then you will start to see evidence in your life that will re-enforce those beliefs. In other words, your mind filters out information that contradicts a belief.

It's really fascinating and almost bizarre, but simple and true-hence your internal beliefs actually control your reality.

Let me give you an example you can understand.

Last year, I bought a Nissan Altima. Before that I had a convertible roadster. Well, my old car, the convertible, I had seen other models of my same car everywhere, on the road. I saw them at the signal, on the freeway, in the parking lot. I saw them everywhere. I knew the model year of that car just from looking at the rims or paint job.

During that time, I never really focused on Altimas.

Well, guess what happened when I started to drive my new Altima? Yes, you guessed it. I saw them everywhere. That's what I mean when I say that a human mind can focus on one thing. This is the same phenomenon that occurs when you have a belief.

The crucial point here is that a belief will give you your reality whether it's true or not.

So, the key here is in you. You decide what to believe in your life. So, whatever belief you have about your ability with women, young or old, you have picked up sometime in your past and you have filtered and found evidence throughout your life to make it true This has helped you form your current beliefs.

Well the so called "evidence" was only because you focused on the negative belief(s). You actually filtered out the positive evidence that women were interested in you, but you didn't focus on it, so you never saw it!!!

Now, don't beat yourself up here.

I know for a fact that this type of knowledge has been around for centuries. I have a background in philosophy but these philosophers never told it in a "practical" way.

So, whether or not you believe you're good with women, it just doesn't matter in terms of whether it's true or not. The world doesn't care. Remember, the same person can be good with women or bad with women. It's just based on your beliefs. It's that simple.

It's a personal choice because you control what goes on in your head. In other words, because a belief doesn't have to reflect a basic reality, it doesn't matter if you are "bad" with young women or "good" with women, because it is just a matter of free will or choice.

Now, if you choose to believe you are good with girls, the "frames" you build will work on the women. So, believe in yourself.

One of my good friend and teacher once told me, "you only have a shortcoming if you believe you have one.

The Law of Belief: What ever you believe in, irrespective of whether or not the belief is true:--it, the belief, will come true.

So, if you believe in some belief (about yourself) that is a good belief, contrary to fact--but you believe it: by virtue of the law of belief, it will come true.

Hence your beliefs are at the core of your frame(s): the person with the stronger frame will absorb the weaker frame. Therefore, your belief can be based on a belief contrary to fact, but if you believe in yourself-it will become your reality.

Negative Beliefs

Negative beliefs are the bases of all human suffering. It's not just about getting that hot 21 year old at the local bar that we are talking about here. Negative beliefs can make you always see the negative in everything. Don't do that.

But, in attracting and dating women, you must take the negative beliefs and remove them from your mind, forever. It can be done. The human mind can substitute a negative thought with a positive one super easy. But you have to be mindful here and be aware when you have these negative thoughts. By the way, a belief or frame creates a thought, which creates a behavior and world views.

Your mental states are the most important factor in attracting and dating women. Winning girls over is an attraction process for women, which is based on your personality rather than looks or money. We have to be internally strong (personality) when we want to attract women in general.

The 100% problem men have is that they think in the man's "frame" that women would be attracted to the same things as a man, that is, looks; men think that women are attracted to looks and wealth only.

This is a fatal mistake. Sadly, most men will spend the rest of their lives making the mistake of pursuing wealth to compensate for "looks." They will spend the most productive part of their lives on pursuing money, cars, and homes, and never invest in their personalities. Sad.

So, for us men, we are attracted to a women's looks first. The inner part of the women is not as important to a man, at least not initially.

So, men think that this works for women as well. Most men think that women only go for the good looking "Brad Pitt" type guys. A guy thinks it's all about looks and money. Well, like I said before, I know guys that are actually ugly that get 8s, 9s, and 10s because they have such a confident, funny, and cool personality: a "stand up guy."

I know of another guy who is super good looking, blonde, and tall, but he has no confidence and he gets dates initially, but the women can figure out he's has innergame issues and is a "wimp." So they "run for the hills." He hardly gets second or third dates. It's sad.

I know this other guy who makes "x" million dollars a year, good looking, but he has no game, because internally, there's something "going on."

Remember, a guy's attractiveness to a women is from the inside out, not the outside in. Outside means cars, wealth, looks, height, and so on. You now get the picture. Duh. Simple but profound.

50 To 60 Thousand Thoughts Per Day

The Human mind has 50 to 60 thousand thoughts a day. The vast majority of these thoughts have already been established because someone of authority in your childhood and beyond gave you these thoughts about yourself that you chose to accept.


Most people have negative thoughts. These thoughts set off your emotions. Hence your emotions are subordinate to your thoughts. Your emotions determine your "state" or more importantly your being.

Much of these thoughts are your beliefs. This is why it's so important that you get the negative thoughts out of your head.

Your thought processes cycle through your mind and builds momentum over time. Think about the thoughts of your thoughts of your thoughts of your thoughts of your focus in your mind that are your belief(s). If they are negative, they take on a mind of their own.

That's 50 to 60 thousands thoughts a day that have enormous consequences in your life--because in your life, all causation is mental. Thoughts control your world. Thoughts control your emotional states. Thoughts based on your beliefs controls your emotions. Your emotions control your behavior. Your behavior controls how other people perceive you.

That explains why beliefs are so powerful. You have to "commandeer" those negatives thoughts and replace them with positive ones. It can be done with diligence.

Ideally, you are working on your inner psychology, skill set, and life-style at the same time. Trust me, it all will come together. But stay with it. " This is where it all begins. We are gong to get those bad beliefs the hell out.

You must think this: The more I believe in myself, the more I become the person I believe in.

Remember here that the "Map Is Not The Territory." If you remember this, no matter how bad you think you are with young women in the beginning of your journey, it just doesn't matter. The person (you) with the strongest belief system--which you will develop anyway over time--(that you are a master with women) holds the most influence over others with weaker belief systems (the girls who inherently have weaker belief systems).

A belief doesn't have to be real to work because of frames.

Again, I'm not saying that if you believe you can fly that you can grow feathers and fly to Paris so you can game French girls. No, I'm talking about the reality in your head. Like thinking your awesome with girls or that you suck with girls. I'm talking about that section between your ears ok!

This may be shocking, but a lot of your beliefs are not based on reality, but you're mind has accepted these beliefs and they are making you behave in a manner that messes you up with women or anything else in your life.

But it just doesn't have to be this way!!!!

Look, if you really want to know the secret to attracting women it's this: If you believe you're good with women, women will feel it, then they will believe it because your belief will fuel you frame(s). It's just that simple.


There is a psychological concept called cognitive dissonance. It states that cognitive dissonance is the filtering of information that conflicts with what one already believes, in an effort to ignore that information to reinforce one's untrue beliefs.

What this means is that we filter out evidence that contradicts a bad belief. So, your belief that you are "not good with girls" is not real. You have the potential to learn how to be a "star" with hot young women because you are already good right now.

So, when you go up to a woman and you start talking to her, you must have the following belief: you have the right to talk to her; she will find you attractive; she is hitting on you.

Guess what? She is going to test those beliefs by testing your "frame." If your belief is strong enough, your "map" will absorb her weaker "map." There never has to be evidence to the contrary for people to fall into your "frame."

In other words, she will fall into your "frame." That's how you will get her attracted to you and that's how you are going to date her.

When it comes to dating girls, your beliefs don't matter whether they reflect a basic reality or not. If you believe you are good, and you believe it strongly, women will believe you. It's kind of like believing in your own "nonsense." If you believe anything with a rock solid belief, people will agree with you. They will fall into your "frame."

But, remember that a frame operates under the assumption that you have a strong belief. Now, you can have just a strong "frame" and if you do it right, you will still get the girl. But that is super hard to do. It's just easier to believe it right away.

This is why it doesn't matter if you're good looking or have money or you don't have height. It matters to a degree, but not as much as you would think.

If you have a strong belief that you're good with girls, and you're good at controlling the frame, you will get the girls.

You see, religious leaders, politicians, charlatans, con men, cult leaders all know this. Basically, this stuff can be used to manipulate people. If you really think about it, this belief essay is the engine that runs religion.

It's not the content but the structure.

Think about it. How could people sway other people to believe in something that cannot be empirically verified? It's based on a belief in faith that another flawed human being is telling you to believe in. And here is the "rub:"

The word "belief " is synonymous to "faith."

Remember here, to help you believe that you are good with women: a belief is only a focus of attention and that belief will find evidence in your life.

So, just understand here that there is no such thing as a belief that is true; you only make it true if you chose to make it so, specific to your own reality.

Your Beliefs Will Fuel And Hold Up Your Frames-Consequently, Your Meta-Frame.

Your beliefs are going to gain momentum over time. It's really very exciting. As you become better in your skill set and you start getting results, your new beliefs, your focus of attention, should be supplying you with real world evidence that you are good with girls and you're a cool guy..

If you get your inner psychology up to speed through your new beliefs will be the foundations of the frames that you throw out there at the girls you approach and date.

The point here is that even if you have negative beliefs, as long as you understand that the stronger frame absorbs the weaker frame, than you know it will serve you anyway to believe in the "Good Beliefs" because you don't have anything to lose, anyway!

So, it's like Pascal's Wager posed by the French philosopher Blaise Pascal:

The wager is this: that even though the existence of God cannot be determined through reason, a person should "wager" as though God exists, because so living has potentially everything to gain, and certainly nothing to lose.

Haha! Don't you see the genius of me! Even if you don't believe you are good, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

This is called the Kurgan's Wager:

The wager is this: Even though you cannot believe you are good with girls via your current negative beliefs, you should "wager" as though you are "good with young girls," because in so living you are potentially having everything to gain, and certainly nothing to lose. And by virtue of you believing these new empowering beliefs, even in the face of negative evidence, your eventual acceptance of that belief will automatically allow you to set the critical frames necessary in order for you to get the girl(s), anyway!

No matter what, you will eventually get good anyway, over time: so, you might as well believe in it now, because believing will help you get there faster.

Your new empowering beliefs are now going to fuel your frames and set up your meta-frame.

What this simply means is that you will have the confidence to create "states" in your interactions with women that will have the women see you as a cool, high value guy.

They will test you. You will withstand them, and convey with confidence to them through your personality. You will have the "raw courage" to talk to women about your passions in life, and your direction. You will be able to indicate to your target your exciting life-style without being braggadocio. You will convey that you are a "stand-up guy."

You're going to do this because you have a cool fashion-style, a great life-style, a powerful skill set, and confidence.

Your frame will be solid. A women will know this as well. Your beliefs will create your frames which will give you a solid meta-frame--that will make women fall all over you!!!

Victor Kurgan

A Man's Guide to Attract Anyone - Trust in Relationships

Ok guys, listen up, this one is for you. This is for every guy that has been rejected, dumped and had his heart broken beyond repair by women or in many cases a particular woman. I feel for you, because I have been in your position more than once. I have been cheated on, and I have been left without warning. I won't go into much detail as that is a story for another day, but let me just say this: I bounced back because I knew the secrets to attract anyone. Another thing is that this is not something you would use for a one night stand or a quickie, but for long term relationship. Yes, I am talking about love, true love, and it does exist. I am living proof of that as I am getting married in August with the most wonderful woman in the world. Ok, enough about me. This article isn't about me, but how you can do what I did to attract the woman of your dream. Are you ready? Do this:

* Be yourself I used to be a player, a liar, and a phony. It worked for me for a while, but I couldn't understand why I could not keep the girl. A couple of years ago I discovered that I was always telling these lies in order to get people to like me and they did, except it never lasted, because I couldn't keep up with the lies and multiple personalities. Be who you are, that is more powerful than anything. If a woman falls in love with you for that reason, it makes sense that she will stay with you. If you ever wanted to gain trust in relationships, this is it.

* Be independent Don't be too dependent on anyone, especially the woman you are interested in. It is simply unattractive and you will look like you can't take care of yourself let alone the woman you are interested in. Here's the not so shocking news: Women want men who are confident and can take care of them. They don't want to be your mommies. Some do, but would you really want that? Wouldn't you want the freedom to do things you like to do? So be independent guys, strong guys.

* Be patient I can't tell you how many times this little nugget has saved my life from total destruction. The woman I love and who I am to marry in August is the total opposite of me. She is not patient at all, but there is some amazing news. Because I am patient with her, she is slowly getting that trait as well and she has changed a lot since I met her. That is not the only reason you should be patient. I will now say something powerful: Patience is the key to getting what you want. This is true, I know it, because I am always getting what I want. It's not because I am confident or good looking, it's because of my uncanny ability to be extremely patient. It is my super powers. If you can be patient, you can easily get what you wanted, because it's true: Good things come to those that wait. It doesn't mean you should wait forever of course, but most men rush things and trust me when I say it is a deadly mistake. These are the three most powerful things you can have in your arsenal. If you possess these three things, then you possess the ability to attract anyone at any given time. You to can have trust in relationships built around these three powerful concepts. So what are you waiting for guys? Get your head wrapped around these three concepts and you can own the world. To your success!

Your Beliefs and Dating

I've been a player for over 4 years, and the single element that made all the difference in the world in dating was my beliefs. It was when I believed I was good with women, I got good with women.

Beliefs are one of the most important concepts you need to understand in order to date really hot women.

I'm going to talk about the key to dating and it's beliefs. You must have the right beliefs in place before (or during) you start "gaming" girls. Your beliefs are the foundations of which you are going to be building "frames" around the girl. So, it is both a psychological and a tactical element to dating women.

Here's the simple truth about a belief: A Belief Is Only A Focus Of Attention.

That's it. Think about it: The belief in yourself as super successful with hot girls is merely a focus of attention.

Your entire "being" is based on your beliefs about you. No one but "you" has ever agreed about the things you believe about yourself-- except you. Yes, people of authority in your life told you things about you, but you chose to believe it.

If you have strong negative beliefs, it will externally be reflected through you're attitude, body language, and voice tone.

Internal and External Beliefs

A Belief has an internal and an external mental component. Your belief mentally, that is, inner psychology, projects out to the women you date or ask for a date (external states). External states affect the girls you date through confidence, body language, and voice tone.

In a way, beliefs are fused with frames upon frames that fuel your meta-frame. You need to understand this. (A "frame" is the meaning of the interaction that you are having with the girl you are dating. Your frame should be that she is after you: you are deciding if YOU like her.)

That's why I'm saying that the internal states will dictate the external subcommunication you give off to the world all the time.

If you get the internal states mastered and you use the tactical strategies regarding opening, manufacturing attraction, connection, and seduction, in addition to creating a cool life style, you are going to be masterful at having beautiful girls waltzing into your life!

(You ever think about how "Bad" you are with girls after a night of gaming girls at at club or bar? Think about it in the negative fuels the very reason girls won't like you or find you attractive. You are internalizing the very belief that is counter to your cause of being successful with dating girls.)

That's because your beliefs about yourself and about your ability to attract and date women is dependent on your beliefs.

Internalize this. This is important: Whatever you believe, with feeling, even if it's contrary to fact, will become your reality.

Your mind has a tendency to only focus on one thing at a time. If you have a belief, whether it is a positive or negative, then you will start to see evidence in your life that will re-enforce those beliefs. In other words, your mind filters out information that contradicts a belief.

It's really fascinating and almost bizarre, but simple and true-hence your internal beliefs actually control your reality.

Let me give you an example you can understand.

Last year, I bought a Nissan Altima. Before that I had a convertible roadster. Well, my old car, the convertible, I had seen other models of my same car everywhere, on the road. I saw them at the signal, on the freeway, in the parking lot. I saw them everywhere. I knew the model year of that car just from looking at the rims or paint job.

During that time, I never really focused on Altimas.

Well, guess what happened when I started to drive my new Altima? Yes, you guessed it. I saw them everywhere. That's what I mean when I say that a human mind can focus on one thing. This is the same phenomenon that occurs when you have a belief.

The crucial point here is that a belief will give you your reality whether it's true or not.

So, the key here is in you. You decide what to believe in your life. So, whatever belief you have about your ability with women, young or old, you have picked up sometime in your past and you have filtered and found evidence throughout your life to make it true This has helped you form your current beliefs.

Well the so called "evidence" was only because you focused on the negative belief(s). You actually filtered out the positive evidence that women were interested in you, but you didn't focus on it, so you never saw it!!!

Now, don't beat yourself up here.

I know for a fact that this type of knowledge has been around for centuries. I have a background in philosophy but these philosophers never told it in a "practical" way.

So, whether or not you believe you're good with women, it just doesn't matter in terms of whether it's true or not. The world doesn't care. Remember, the same person can be good with women or bad with women. It's just based on your beliefs. It's that simple.

It's a personal choice because you control what goes on in your head. In other words, because a belief doesn't have to reflect a basic reality, it doesn't matter if you are "bad" with young women or "good" with women, because it is just a matter of free will or choice.

Now, if you choose to believe you are good with girls, the "frames" you build will work on the women. So, believe in yourself.

One of my good friend and teacher once told me, "you only have a shortcoming if you believe you have one.

The Law of Belief: What ever you believe in, irrespective of whether or not the belief is true:--it, the belief, will come true.

So, if you believe in some belief (about yourself) that is a good belief, contrary to fact--but you believe it: by virtue of the law of belief, it will come true.

Hence your beliefs are at the core of your frame(s): the person with the stronger frame will absorb the weaker frame. Therefore, your belief can be based on a belief contrary to fact, but if you believe in yourself-it will become your reality.

Negative Beliefs

Negative beliefs are the bases of all human suffering. It's not just about getting that hot 21 year old at the local bar that we are talking about here. Negative beliefs can make you always see the negative in everything. Don't do that.

But, in attracting and dating women, you must take the negative beliefs and remove them from your mind, forever. It can be done. The human mind can substitute a negative thought with a positive one super easy. But you have to be mindful here and be aware when you have these negative thoughts. By the way, a belief or frame creates a thought, which creates a behavior and world views.

Your mental states are the most important factor in attracting and dating women. Winning girls over is an attraction process for women, which is based on your personality rather than looks or money. We have to be internally strong (personality) when we want to attract women in general.

The 100% problem men have is that they think in the man's "frame" that women would be attracted to the same things as a man, that is, looks; men think that women are attracted to looks and wealth only.

This is a fatal mistake. Sadly, most men will spend the rest of their lives making the mistake of pursuing wealth to compensate for "looks." They will spend the most productive part of their lives on pursuing money, cars, and homes, and never invest in their personalities. Sad.

So, for us men, we are attracted to a women's looks first. The inner part of the women is not as important to a man, at least not initially.

So, men think that this works for women as well. Most men think that women only go for the good looking "Brad Pitt" type guys. A guy thinks it's all about looks and money. Well, like I said before, I know guys that are actually ugly that get 8s, 9s, and 10s because they have such a confident, funny, and cool personality: a "stand up guy."

I know of another guy who is super good looking, blonde, and tall, but he has no confidence and he gets dates initially, but the women can figure out he's has innergame issues and is a "wimp." So they "run for the hills." He hardly gets second or third dates. It's sad.

I know this other guy who makes "x" million dollars a year, good looking, but he has no game, because internally, there's something "going on."

Remember, a guy's attractiveness to a women is from the inside out, not the outside in. Outside means cars, wealth, looks, height, and so on. You now get the picture. Duh. Simple but profound.

50 To 60 Thousand Thoughts Per Day

The Human mind has 50 to 60 thousand thoughts a day. The vast majority of these thoughts have already been established because someone of authority in your childhood and beyond gave you these thoughts about yourself that you chose to accept.


Most people have negative thoughts. These thoughts set off your emotions. Hence your emotions are subordinate to your thoughts. Your emotions determine your "state" or more importantly your being.

Much of these thoughts are your beliefs. This is why it's so important that you get the negative thoughts out of your head.

Your thought processes cycle through your mind and builds momentum over time. Think about the thoughts of your thoughts of your thoughts of your thoughts of your focus in your mind that are your belief(s). If they are negative, they take on a mind of their own.

That's 50 to 60 thousands thoughts a day that have enormous consequences in your life--because in your life, all causation is mental. Thoughts control your world. Thoughts control your emotional states. Thoughts based on your beliefs controls your emotions. Your emotions control your behavior. Your behavior controls how other people perceive you.

That explains why beliefs are so powerful. You have to "commandeer" those negatives thoughts and replace them with positive ones. It can be done with diligence.

Ideally, you are working on your inner psychology, skill set, and life-style at the same time. Trust me, it all will come together. But stay with it. " This is where it all begins. We are gong to get those bad beliefs the hell out.

You must think this: The more I believe in myself, the more I become the person I believe in.

Remember here that the "Map Is Not The Territory." If you remember this, no matter how bad you think you are with young women in the beginning of your journey, it just doesn't matter. The person (you) with the strongest belief system--which you will develop anyway over time--(that you are a master with women) holds the most influence over others with weaker belief systems (the girls who inherently have weaker belief systems).

A belief doesn't have to be real to work because of frames.

Again, I'm not saying that if you believe you can fly that you can grow feathers and fly to Paris so you can game French girls. No, I'm talking about the reality in your head. Like thinking your awesome with girls or that you suck with girls. I'm talking about that section between your ears ok!

This may be shocking, but a lot of your beliefs are not based on reality, but you're mind has accepted these beliefs and they are making you behave in a manner that messes you up with women or anything else in your life.

But it just doesn't have to be this way!!!!

Look, if you really want to know the secret to attracting women it's this: If you believe you're good with women, women will feel it, then they will believe it because your belief will fuel you frame(s). It's just that simple.


There is a psychological concept called cognitive dissonance. It states that cognitive dissonance is the filtering of information that conflicts with what one already believes, in an effort to ignore that information to reinforce one's untrue beliefs.

What this means is that we filter out evidence that contradicts a bad belief. So, your belief that you are "not good with girls" is not real. You have the potential to learn how to be a "star" with hot young women because you are already good right now.

So, when you go up to a woman and you start talking to her, you must have the following belief: you have the right to talk to her; she will find you attractive; she is hitting on you.

Guess what? She is going to test those beliefs by testing your "frame." If your belief is strong enough, your "map" will absorb her weaker "map." There never has to be evidence to the contrary for people to fall into your "frame."

In other words, she will fall into your "frame." That's how you will get her attracted to you and that's how you are going to date her.

When it comes to dating girls, your beliefs don't matter whether they reflect a basic reality or not. If you believe you are good, and you believe it strongly, women will believe you. It's kind of like believing in your own "nonsense." If you believe anything with a rock solid belief, people will agree with you. They will fall into your "frame."

But, remember that a frame operates under the assumption that you have a strong belief. Now, you can have just a strong "frame" and if you do it right, you will still get the girl. But that is super hard to do. It's just easier to believe it right away.

This is why it doesn't matter if you're good looking or have money or you don't have height. It matters to a degree, but not as much as you would think.

If you have a strong belief that you're good with girls, and you're good at controlling the frame, you will get the girls.

You see, religious leaders, politicians, charlatans, con men, cult leaders all know this. Basically, this stuff can be used to manipulate people. If you really think about it, this belief essay is the engine that runs religion.

It's not the content but the structure.

Think about it. How could people sway other people to believe in something that cannot be empirically verified? It's based on a belief in faith that another flawed human being is telling you to believe in. And here is the "rub:"

The word "belief " is synonymous to "faith."

Remember here, to help you believe that you are good with women: a belief is only a focus of attention and that belief will find evidence in your life.

So, just understand here that there is no such thing as a belief that is true; you only make it true if you chose to make it so, specific to your own reality.

Your Beliefs Will Fuel And Hold Up Your Frames-Consequently, Your Meta-Frame.

Your beliefs are going to gain momentum over time. It's really very exciting. As you become better in your skill set and you start getting results, your new beliefs, your focus of attention, should be supplying you with real world evidence that you are good with girls and you're a cool guy..

If you get your inner psychology up to speed through your new beliefs will be the foundations of the frames that you throw out there at the girls you approach and date.

The point here is that even if you have negative beliefs, as long as you understand that the stronger frame absorbs the weaker frame, than you know it will serve you anyway to believe in the "Good Beliefs" because you don't have anything to lose, anyway!

So, it's like Pascal's Wager posed by the French philosopher Blaise Pascal:

The wager is this: that even though the existence of God cannot be determined through reason, a person should "wager" as though God exists, because so living has potentially everything to gain, and certainly nothing to lose.

Haha! Don't you see the genius of me! Even if you don't believe you are good, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

This is called the Kurgan's Wager:

The wager is this: Even though you cannot believe you are good with girls via your current negative beliefs, you should "wager" as though you are "good with young girls," because in so living you are potentially having everything to gain, and certainly nothing to lose. And by virtue of you believing these new empowering beliefs, even in the face of negative evidence, your eventual acceptance of that belief will automatically allow you to set the critical frames necessary in order for you to get the girl(s), anyway!

No matter what, you will eventually get good anyway, over time: so, you might as well believe in it now, because believing will help you get there faster.

Your new empowering beliefs are now going to fuel your frames and set up your meta-frame.

What this simply means is that you will have the confidence to create "states" in your interactions with women that will have the women see you as a cool, high value guy.

They will test you. You will withstand them, and convey with confidence to them through your personality. You will have the "raw courage" to talk to women about your passions in life, and your direction. You will be able to indicate to your target your exciting life-style without being braggadocio. You will convey that you are a "stand-up guy."

You're going to do this because you have a cool fashion-style, a great life-style, a powerful skill set, and confidence.

Your frame will be solid. A women will know this as well. Your beliefs will create your frames which will give you a solid meta-frame--that will make women fall all over you!!!

Victor Kurgan

How to Get Girls - The Fake Way and the Real, Natural Way

There's a little community out there. A community you may or may not have heard of but it's entire purpose is focusing on how to get girls. Ok, maybe it's not the ENTIRE focus but it's focus is revolved around attracting and seducing women and improving self-confidence and self-esteem.

The community is filled with a bunch of great guys whom are all knowledgeable in one form or another on this topic. BUT the problem I have is that most of the stuff they're teaching is linear.

Meaning - They approach the subject like attracting women is step-by-step, which it's not and is almost impossible for it to be that way. Every woman and man is different. No "ONE" experience will ever be the same as another experience. Sure there can be similar situations but not ALL personalities are the same in every single encounter. If that was the case could you imagine how boring the world would be?

You see, their whole theory is wrapped around creating a shell identity of yourself.

A shell identity is just your outside and fake personality to attract women. You're not genuine, you never internally change. You learn how to do magic tricks, or to say this when she says this, or do this when she does that (all social conditioning and inauthentic stuff) - but it's all actions and words that the REAL you would never use. In fact, most people who HAVE been doing this for a long time will begin to notice that they don't even know who they are anymore. Scary stuff.

They notice that relationships start to fall apart and attraction in the long run will come to a screeching halt because eventually you'll become transparent and incongruent with your REAL personality. Worst, you'll feel uncomfortable and fake because you'll realize the truth - she's not genuinely attracted to the real you, she's attracted to your shell identity. Which is just pigment of your imagination, it doesn't exist.

Obviously this isn't the right approach on how to get girls. If you're doing this, you're treading on thin ice. If you're like me, you don't want to do that. You want to be genuinely attracted to a women and have her be genuinely attracted to the REAL you. The YOU who can exude confidence and a great personality that is congruent to no one but yourself. I call this type of person, a Natural.

My Top 7 Tips on Teenage Dating

Top Tip #1

Teen Dating is Normal
Parents will have their opinion and will many times voice their opinion, but teen dating is normal and it happens to all of us. But you can't learn everything, especially in a classroom setting. As the saying goes Experience is the best teacher, but it's a damn hard lesson to learn. Having interactions about your family life, but it is important to develop your skills in relationships that you have to give and take.

Top Tip #2

The Difference in Compromise and When to be Assertive
At many times during the relationships you will have to make your views on things extremely clear, and the way you communicate that will have difference effects on the relationships that you have. But to the other degree, there are situations that you may not want to be so assertive, this is the time that you must learn how to compromise yourself and listen. For example, if you and your partner decide to go see a movie, but you have stated that you don't want to see it for the following reasons. Ask yourself dose your partner offer to go do something else or demands to go to see the movie. Negotiation is key here.

Top Tip #3

Shaping Your Dating Skills
Keep up to date with your dating skills is a must for singles. A good tip to remember is that the first date never means that mush, and it doesn't lead to knowing enough about the guy/girl. If something goes wrong, just go to the bathroom take a break and ask yourself what went wrong and how can I fix it. You don't have to go the bathroom you can do this at the table as long as it is in your head. Be truthful to yourself and put yourself in there shoes to get a better understanding on what went wrong. You are going to make mistakes it's apart of dating. The best thing is your partner you are with is most likely thinking the same thing and asking the same questions.

Top Tip #4

There are Many Signs of an Abusive Relationship
Learning what the signs of a abusive relationships are is a must, and having a I'm not going to put up with that is the best way to deal with it. In long run it always better to get out of the relationship then staying in it and thinking you can change the person. The most destructive force in any relationship is jealousy. It can easily manifest itself just by you or your partner asking were have you been. And over time it will build and build until to bursts out. Just because you are in a relationship with someone doesn't mean they can control you or tell you how to do something. Everybody in the relationship needs there space and respect.

Top Tip # 5

All Dating is Interaction with Another Person
Having someone control you in everyday events and not taking in to what you want out of the relationship shouldn't have you in the first place. This kind of controlling behavior will only lead to you wanting to break free from the relationship. Stopping it from the start is the key; it will kill the relationship in no time flat.

Top Tip #6

Don't Make Excuses for Your Partners Behavior
From time to time people behave badly; it's just a part of being human. But never try to make excuses or apologize for that behavior, just like they can't control you, you can't control them. This doesn't mean that they can just run amuck, they have to take responsibility for their actions. If this makes you feel uncomfortable and over time your partner doesn't quit then it may be time to end the relationship.

Top Tip #7

Dating Someone that Makes you Laugh and Feel Good About Yourself
Feeling good is a must when it comes to relationships, if you don't feel comfortable around your partner then there is point in being with them. You can never share and grow your relationship to a healthy level. Having a sense of appreciated and a need of wanted will make you want to make the relationship work.

My Top 7 Tips on Teenage Dating

Top Tip #1

Teen Dating is Normal
Parents will have their opinion and will many times voice their opinion, but teen dating is normal and it happens to all of us. But you can't learn everything, especially in a classroom setting. As the saying goes Experience is the best teacher, but it's a damn hard lesson to learn. Having interactions about your family life, but it is important to develop your skills in relationships that you have to give and take.

Top Tip #2

The Difference in Compromise and When to be Assertive
At many times during the relationships you will have to make your views on things extremely clear, and the way you communicate that will have difference effects on the relationships that you have. But to the other degree, there are situations that you may not want to be so assertive, this is the time that you must learn how to compromise yourself and listen. For example, if you and your partner decide to go see a movie, but you have stated that you don't want to see it for the following reasons. Ask yourself dose your partner offer to go do something else or demands to go to see the movie. Negotiation is key here.

Top Tip #3

Shaping Your Dating Skills
Keep up to date with your dating skills is a must for singles. A good tip to remember is that the first date never means that mush, and it doesn't lead to knowing enough about the guy/girl. If something goes wrong, just go to the bathroom take a break and ask yourself what went wrong and how can I fix it. You don't have to go the bathroom you can do this at the table as long as it is in your head. Be truthful to yourself and put yourself in there shoes to get a better understanding on what went wrong. You are going to make mistakes it's apart of dating. The best thing is your partner you are with is most likely thinking the same thing and asking the same questions.

Top Tip #4

There are Many Signs of an Abusive Relationship
Learning what the signs of a abusive relationships are is a must, and having a I'm not going to put up with that is the best way to deal with it. In long run it always better to get out of the relationship then staying in it and thinking you can change the person. The most destructive force in any relationship is jealousy. It can easily manifest itself just by you or your partner asking were have you been. And over time it will build and build until to bursts out. Just because you are in a relationship with someone doesn't mean they can control you or tell you how to do something. Everybody in the relationship needs there space and respect.

Top Tip # 5

All Dating is Interaction with Another Person
Having someone control you in everyday events and not taking in to what you want out of the relationship shouldn't have you in the first place. This kind of controlling behavior will only lead to you wanting to break free from the relationship. Stopping it from the start is the key; it will kill the relationship in no time flat.

Top Tip #6

Don't Make Excuses for Your Partners Behavior
From time to time people behave badly; it's just a part of being human. But never try to make excuses or apologize for that behavior, just like they can't control you, you can't control them. This doesn't mean that they can just run amuck, they have to take responsibility for their actions. If this makes you feel uncomfortable and over time your partner doesn't quit then it may be time to end the relationship.

Top Tip #7

Dating Someone that Makes you Laugh and Feel Good About Yourself
Feeling good is a must when it comes to relationships, if you don't feel comfortable around your partner then there is point in being with them. You can never share and grow your relationship to a healthy level. Having a sense of appreciated and a need of wanted will make you want to make the relationship work.

How to Get Girls - The Fake Way and the Real, Natural Way

There's a little community out there. A community you may or may not have heard of but it's entire purpose is focusing on how to get girls. Ok, maybe it's not the ENTIRE focus but it's focus is revolved around attracting and seducing women and improving self-confidence and self-esteem.

The community is filled with a bunch of great guys whom are all knowledgeable in one form or another on this topic. BUT the problem I have is that most of the stuff they're teaching is linear.

Meaning - They approach the subject like attracting women is step-by-step, which it's not and is almost impossible for it to be that way. Every woman and man is different. No "ONE" experience will ever be the same as another experience. Sure there can be similar situations but not ALL personalities are the same in every single encounter. If that was the case could you imagine how boring the world would be?

You see, their whole theory is wrapped around creating a shell identity of yourself.

A shell identity is just your outside and fake personality to attract women. You're not genuine, you never internally change. You learn how to do magic tricks, or to say this when she says this, or do this when she does that (all social conditioning and inauthentic stuff) - but it's all actions and words that the REAL you would never use. In fact, most people who HAVE been doing this for a long time will begin to notice that they don't even know who they are anymore. Scary stuff.

They notice that relationships start to fall apart and attraction in the long run will come to a screeching halt because eventually you'll become transparent and incongruent with your REAL personality. Worst, you'll feel uncomfortable and fake because you'll realize the truth - she's not genuinely attracted to the real you, she's attracted to your shell identity. Which is just pigment of your imagination, it doesn't exist.

Obviously this isn't the right approach on how to get girls. If you're doing this, you're treading on thin ice. If you're like me, you don't want to do that. You want to be genuinely attracted to a women and have her be genuinely attracted to the REAL you. The YOU who can exude confidence and a great personality that is congruent to no one but yourself. I call this type of person, a Natural.

My Top 7 Tips on Teenage Dating

Top Tip #1

Teen Dating is Normal
Parents will have their opinion and will many times voice their opinion, but teen dating is normal and it happens to all of us. But you can't learn everything, especially in a classroom setting. As the saying goes Experience is the best teacher, but it's a damn hard lesson to learn. Having interactions about your family life, but it is important to develop your skills in relationships that you have to give and take.

Top Tip #2

The Difference in Compromise and When to be Assertive
At many times during the relationships you will have to make your views on things extremely clear, and the way you communicate that will have difference effects on the relationships that you have. But to the other degree, there are situations that you may not want to be so assertive, this is the time that you must learn how to compromise yourself and listen. For example, if you and your partner decide to go see a movie, but you have stated that you don't want to see it for the following reasons. Ask yourself dose your partner offer to go do something else or demands to go to see the movie. Negotiation is key here.

Top Tip #3

Shaping Your Dating Skills
Keep up to date with your dating skills is a must for singles. A good tip to remember is that the first date never means that mush, and it doesn't lead to knowing enough about the guy/girl. If something goes wrong, just go to the bathroom take a break and ask yourself what went wrong and how can I fix it. You don't have to go the bathroom you can do this at the table as long as it is in your head. Be truthful to yourself and put yourself in there shoes to get a better understanding on what went wrong. You are going to make mistakes it's apart of dating. The best thing is your partner you are with is most likely thinking the same thing and asking the same questions.

Top Tip #4

There are Many Signs of an Abusive Relationship
Learning what the signs of a abusive relationships are is a must, and having a I'm not going to put up with that is the best way to deal with it. In long run it always better to get out of the relationship then staying in it and thinking you can change the person. The most destructive force in any relationship is jealousy. It can easily manifest itself just by you or your partner asking were have you been. And over time it will build and build until to bursts out. Just because you are in a relationship with someone doesn't mean they can control you or tell you how to do something. Everybody in the relationship needs there space and respect.

Top Tip # 5

All Dating is Interaction with Another Person
Having someone control you in everyday events and not taking in to what you want out of the relationship shouldn't have you in the first place. This kind of controlling behavior will only lead to you wanting to break free from the relationship. Stopping it from the start is the key; it will kill the relationship in no time flat.

Top Tip #6

Don't Make Excuses for Your Partners Behavior
From time to time people behave badly; it's just a part of being human. But never try to make excuses or apologize for that behavior, just like they can't control you, you can't control them. This doesn't mean that they can just run amuck, they have to take responsibility for their actions. If this makes you feel uncomfortable and over time your partner doesn't quit then it may be time to end the relationship.

Top Tip #7

Dating Someone that Makes you Laugh and Feel Good About Yourself
Feeling good is a must when it comes to relationships, if you don't feel comfortable around your partner then there is point in being with them. You can never share and grow your relationship to a healthy level. Having a sense of appreciated and a need of wanted will make you want to make the relationship work.

3 Tips For Successful & Safe Online Dating

So you have decided to take the plunge and try online dating, but you want to make sure that you have made the right decision well here are some wonderful tips to help you get started in your quest.

First and foremost you need to feel safe and secure while online dating. With this in mind make sure you never give out personal information such as address, work place and or telephone number until you have established a connection with a person you feel comfortable with. Also get an email account that is separate from your everyday normal account this way if you feel threatened in anyway you can cut off contact by deleting that email address.

Next look at your profile and proofread it several times before posting it. Check for spelling errors; for many misspelled words are a big turnoff. Also make sure your profile is true and honest because sooner or later you will meet someone and you want to make sure that you are as honest as possible because they will find out if you are not. With this in mind keep your profile short and don't go into your whole life story (that is for when you actually develop a relationship with someone).

Finally when you do decide to meet with someone for the first time chose a place that is on neutral territory such as a restaurant or a bar and that you will meet them there. This is a good way to get to know someone without giving away your address just in case the date does not go well or you are not comfortable with the person. Also by meeting them there you have your own mode of transportation so that you can leave if the person is making you uncomfortable or you are feeling threatened in anyway.

With these tips in mind you are at a great place to start on your online dating venture. So good luck and I hope you find the person of your dreams.

3 Tips For Successful & Safe Online Dating

So you have decided to take the plunge and try online dating, but you want to make sure that you have made the right decision well here are some wonderful tips to help you get started in your quest.

First and foremost you need to feel safe and secure while online dating. With this in mind make sure you never give out personal information such as address, work place and or telephone number until you have established a connection with a person you feel comfortable with. Also get an email account that is separate from your everyday normal account this way if you feel threatened in anyway you can cut off contact by deleting that email address.

Next look at your profile and proofread it several times before posting it. Check for spelling errors; for many misspelled words are a big turnoff. Also make sure your profile is true and honest because sooner or later you will meet someone and you want to make sure that you are as honest as possible because they will find out if you are not. With this in mind keep your profile short and don't go into your whole life story (that is for when you actually develop a relationship with someone).

Finally when you do decide to meet with someone for the first time chose a place that is on neutral territory such as a restaurant or a bar and that you will meet them there. This is a good way to get to know someone without giving away your address just in case the date does not go well or you are not comfortable with the person. Also by meeting them there you have your own mode of transportation so that you can leave if the person is making you uncomfortable or you are feeling threatened in anyway.

With these tips in mind you are at a great place to start on your online dating venture. So good luck and I hope you find the person of your dreams.

3 Tips For Successful & Safe Online Dating

So you have decided to take the plunge and try online dating, but you want to make sure that you have made the right decision well here are some wonderful tips to help you get started in your quest.

First and foremost you need to feel safe and secure while online dating. With this in mind make sure you never give out personal information such as address, work place and or telephone number until you have established a connection with a person you feel comfortable with. Also get an email account that is separate from your everyday normal account this way if you feel threatened in anyway you can cut off contact by deleting that email address.

Next look at your profile and proofread it several times before posting it. Check for spelling errors; for many misspelled words are a big turnoff. Also make sure your profile is true and honest because sooner or later you will meet someone and you want to make sure that you are as honest as possible because they will find out if you are not. With this in mind keep your profile short and don't go into your whole life story (that is for when you actually develop a relationship with someone).

Finally when you do decide to meet with someone for the first time chose a place that is on neutral territory such as a restaurant or a bar and that you will meet them there. This is a good way to get to know someone without giving away your address just in case the date does not go well or you are not comfortable with the person. Also by meeting them there you have your own mode of transportation so that you can leave if the person is making you uncomfortable or you are feeling threatened in anyway.

With these tips in mind you are at a great place to start on your online dating venture. So good luck and I hope you find the person of your dreams.

Are You Looking For the Woman of Your Dreams? Here's How To

It has always been a problem for men on how to approach the woman of their dreams. You read, research and study all the materials you can get your hands just to be able to learn the secrets in approaching women successfully. 

The truth is you don't need any reading materials to become successful. You just have to discover it in yourself because all you need is in you.

Thus, before being able to approach women and understand them, you must, first and foremost, understand yourself first. As the Greek saying goes, "Know thyself." You can never get to know others if you don't yourself. 

If you know yourself - your beliefs, ideas, even the deepest desires of your heart - eventually you'll be sure of yourself. And because you are sure of yourself, you gain confidence and women love men who exude self-confidence. 

Also, in the process of getting to know yourself, you'll get to know where you're good at. If you know where you're good at, you can use this strength to get your lady love's attention. 

Another thing is that, most of the time, in order to get the attention of women, men have this tendency to research the what the particular woman likes in men and would pretend to be exuding these characteristics. 

It may be effective but it may backfire if your lady love discovers that you do not really have any of the characteristics you pretended to have in the first place. Thus, it pays that you be yourself. If you are able to discover yourself, this will be easy to do. Women do not like it when men pretend something that they are not. 

Men also have a tendency to follow tips to the word. The truth is tips are just tips. They are just advises of some people who seem to have success with these advices. 

But the same advices may not work on you because you may not have the same situation and same characteristics. You are the only who can really know what to do because you are the only one who knows the situation.

The bottom of this all is that men should be just themselves to become successful in getting the attention of their lady love. Know yourself and learn where you're really good at. Do not pretend to be someone you are not. Everything is really up to you.

Online Dating Advice For Men - What Do You Want From Online Dating? - Sex Or to Find a Relationship?

What exactly do you want from online dating?

I'm sure the thought just went through every one of your heads, "Sex, you idiot! What else!" OK, well, I'll give you that one, but let's take it to the next level. Once you get the sex, what do you want to do with it? Answer that one, smart guy!

Many of you still think, "I just want sex, and that's it." If that's what you want, then you are at the right place. Reports now show that more than 30% of all women who meet through online dating have sex on the first night!

There's another thing many of you want that online dating is great for getting. No, it's not business networking, catching up with high school friends, or making new friends. You and the girls joined a dating site to get a date! You didn't spend your hard-earned cash to expose yourself to the rest of the world so you could stay home at night. Your actions and hers are to meet and, hopefully, hook up. Girls don't join sites so they can network and make business acquaintances; they join for one reason--you.

We're here for two things, and we already covered one - getting sex. So we know sex is on the menu - but, more importantly, where there is sex, there is opportunity. Opportunities will arise from sex that include girlfriend or even wife possibilities. There is nothing wrong with finding a great relationship and settling down.

That is, if you are over 30, of course! I simply believe that men need to play the field as much as possible before the big 3-0. This way when it is time to settle down you will be more likely to take any relationship more serious.

But after that-and maybe slightly before-you may be looking for a great gal for a great relationship. As sappy as that may sound, there's nothing wrong with wanting a fantastic woman in your life, provided that's what you really want. But whether you want to find a wife or a few playmates, you will use the same processes and, hopefully, increase the number of good prospects from which to choose.

The two reasons you are using online dating and my system:


Now you are on the right path get ready for the next step, finding which service is best to help you reach your goals. Sites range from all sex sites to the sappy world of meeting your soul mate. Believe it or not, every sight is different and attracts a different type of woman with different goals . There are thousands of online dating sights, and it can take a lot of time and money finding out which ones don't work for you. My system and book will take you to those that DO work for you, depending whether you want sex, relationship, or both!

Online Dating Advice For Men - What Do You Want From Online Dating? - Sex Or to Find a Relationship?

What exactly do you want from online dating?

I'm sure the thought just went through every one of your heads, "Sex, you idiot! What else!" OK, well, I'll give you that one, but let's take it to the next level. Once you get the sex, what do you want to do with it? Answer that one, smart guy!

Many of you still think, "I just want sex, and that's it." If that's what you want, then you are at the right place. Reports now show that more than 30% of all women who meet through online dating have sex on the first night!

There's another thing many of you want that online dating is great for getting. No, it's not business networking, catching up with high school friends, or making new friends. You and the girls joined a dating site to get a date! You didn't spend your hard-earned cash to expose yourself to the rest of the world so you could stay home at night. Your actions and hers are to meet and, hopefully, hook up. Girls don't join sites so they can network and make business acquaintances; they join for one reason--you.

We're here for two things, and we already covered one - getting sex. So we know sex is on the menu - but, more importantly, where there is sex, there is opportunity. Opportunities will arise from sex that include girlfriend or even wife possibilities. There is nothing wrong with finding a great relationship and settling down.

That is, if you are over 30, of course! I simply believe that men need to play the field as much as possible before the big 3-0. This way when it is time to settle down you will be more likely to take any relationship more serious.

But after that-and maybe slightly before-you may be looking for a great gal for a great relationship. As sappy as that may sound, there's nothing wrong with wanting a fantastic woman in your life, provided that's what you really want. But whether you want to find a wife or a few playmates, you will use the same processes and, hopefully, increase the number of good prospects from which to choose.

The two reasons you are using online dating and my system:


Now you are on the right path get ready for the next step, finding which service is best to help you reach your goals. Sites range from all sex sites to the sappy world of meeting your soul mate. Believe it or not, every sight is different and attracts a different type of woman with different goals . There are thousands of online dating sights, and it can take a lot of time and money finding out which ones don't work for you. My system and book will take you to those that DO work for you, depending whether you want sex, relationship, or both!

How to Make a Woman Interested in You - And Keep Her Interested!

If you first cannot get a woman interested in you enough to want to learn more (curiosity) then you will never have the chance to inspire attraction. With that said, how can you first get a woman to notice you? Is it a mere chance of being her "type"? Hardly. Here is how to get her interested and more important CURIOUS about you.

How to Make a Woman Interested in You - And Keep Her Interested

1. Body Language

Your body language conveys the type of man you are. It shows whether or not you are secure in yourself or not as well as if you are congruent with what you say. Body language is the device which women look at to judge your true value as a man.

What you must do is educate yourself on the type of characteristics you must convey and HOW to portray it using your body language.

2. Pre-selection

An ultra easy way to spark interest in women is "pre-selection". This is where you arrive to a club (or any other social event) with beautiful women already with you. The other women in the room will see that you have SOMETHING of value to offer because there are other women already by your side.

The women you go out with don't need to be girlfriends or "friends with benefits". They can just be normal friends. The key thing to remember is this...the more beautiful they are, the more interest you will generate.

3. Man Up

Live in a reality where you man up. In other words, act like the man you are supposed to be rather than a socially conditioned wimp. Be an alpha man and make decisions for your ENTIRE group. Lead them to a place to sit down and decide which other venues to go to.

Take the leadership role and women will notice this. Remember that sexy women only want the leaders....never the followers.

Online Dating Advice For Men - What Do You Want From Online Dating? - Sex Or to Find a Relationship?

What exactly do you want from online dating?

I'm sure the thought just went through every one of your heads, "Sex, you idiot! What else!" OK, well, I'll give you that one, but let's take it to the next level. Once you get the sex, what do you want to do with it? Answer that one, smart guy!

Many of you still think, "I just want sex, and that's it." If that's what you want, then you are at the right place. Reports now show that more than 30% of all women who meet through online dating have sex on the first night!

There's another thing many of you want that online dating is great for getting. No, it's not business networking, catching up with high school friends, or making new friends. You and the girls joined a dating site to get a date! You didn't spend your hard-earned cash to expose yourself to the rest of the world so you could stay home at night. Your actions and hers are to meet and, hopefully, hook up. Girls don't join sites so they can network and make business acquaintances; they join for one reason--you.

We're here for two things, and we already covered one - getting sex. So we know sex is on the menu - but, more importantly, where there is sex, there is opportunity. Opportunities will arise from sex that include girlfriend or even wife possibilities. There is nothing wrong with finding a great relationship and settling down.

That is, if you are over 30, of course! I simply believe that men need to play the field as much as possible before the big 3-0. This way when it is time to settle down you will be more likely to take any relationship more serious.

But after that-and maybe slightly before-you may be looking for a great gal for a great relationship. As sappy as that may sound, there's nothing wrong with wanting a fantastic woman in your life, provided that's what you really want. But whether you want to find a wife or a few playmates, you will use the same processes and, hopefully, increase the number of good prospects from which to choose.

The two reasons you are using online dating and my system:


Now you are on the right path get ready for the next step, finding which service is best to help you reach your goals. Sites range from all sex sites to the sappy world of meeting your soul mate. Believe it or not, every sight is different and attracts a different type of woman with different goals . There are thousands of online dating sights, and it can take a lot of time and money finding out which ones don't work for you. My system and book will take you to those that DO work for you, depending whether you want sex, relationship, or both!
