Russian Brides

вторник, 2 декабря 2008 г.

Fun Questions to Get to Know Someone

How do you make a first date fun? It helps if you come prepared and have some "Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone" ready, in the back of your mind. Notice I said in the back of your mind...not on the palm of your hand.

Get The Basic Questions Out Of The Way

We usually seem to start off with some basic questions and find out who they are, where they live, where they work, etc. And this information seems to be necessary when you want to get to know a person a little more. Even though this gets to sound very rehearsed and uninteresting after a while.

Most people love to talk about themselves. So it's your job to feed your date with plenty of content to talk about. I personally would rather listen to someone, than do all the talking. But I like to pick the subject matter...who wants to listen to four hours of their last bad relationship? Not me!!

How about asking some Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone. Fun questions that will keep the evening light hearted, happy, and full of laughter! Here's a list of ten Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone. If you do it right, you should never make it through all ten the first evening!

Ten Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone

1. Where do you like to go to have fun? (It may be the local pub, but it may be Vegas!)

2. What were you doing the last time you really had a good laugh? (This will bring up a great memory, and if they're willing to share it with you...all the better!)

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? (You may have found a new travel companion)

4. What is your all time favorite comedy movie? (There's nothing better than laughing over your favorite lines in an old movie!)

5. What is your happiest childhood memory? (Camping in the back yard? Christmas? A family vacation? Remembering will put a smile on their face...and yours.)

6. What song always makes you happy when you hear it? (You'll see if they feel comfortable enough with you, and start singing it)

7. What was your favorite sitcom growing up? ( I wouldn't start off with this one...even though everyone has a favorite. They should be just embarrassed enough to laugh about it)

8. What favorite food puts you in a great mood? (Remember this one if you get a second date)

9. Who's the funniest person you know? (Fun, funny, happy, favorite...are you starting to see where I'm going with all of this?)

10. What was the best vacation you ever had? (A happy childhood vacation memory, or possibly last years trip to Paris!)

Good luck to you! And I hope this list of Fun Questions To Get To Know Someone helps you enjoy your first date a little more.

Secrets on How to Make Him Yours

When you meet a single guy and are instantly attracted to him you want to make him yours alone. Single women like to keep a guy they fancy and will do anything to seek and keep him interested in her. It is very important to note that most of women do not have a clue how to make a man fall in love with them. They seek advice and may not get insight into how and what should be done to attract the man she is interested. Most women think that chances and luck or fate may work to capture her man.

Most of women have no idea how to effectively get a man to fall in love and to make him 'mine'. In order to attract a man and make him fall in love a woman needs to follow certain advice outline below:

(1) Be Genuine

Men are attracted to women in general but certain qualities in women can keep them attracted and make him yours. So a woman has to learn to be genuine. To impress the man she may sometimes not tell the truth about herself. For instance a woman may not reveal her career plans or what she is willing to do to reach her goals. She may also not reveal during talks about her childhood fearing he may like her less because she assumes it is less appealing to the man. But truthfully men like honest women, men like honesty, which is a true character above beauty.

(2) Good Impression

Another important aspect is to make a man relaxed when he is with you. Women should learn how to keep him relaxed in their company. Women tend to overdo it to impress men, this could be by wearing a revealing outfit which can make men uncomfortable, and because we tend to think we can snag him with our great bodies. Talking too much can also make men stay away.

(3) Unselfish and Kind

Kindness is a character that can help you attract and make him yours. By being nice and smiling at strangers can be noticed by your dating partner and will help capture his attention. By being kind to a waiter or waitress and any kind words will be noted by your man and he will notice it and be attracted to your character. It indicates you put yourself last and are not selfish which men find irresistible.

Women know that that Mr. Right never comes every day. By loving him with all your heart and capture his heart you can learn to make him yours. We all know the right guy doesn't come along every day. If she learns to attract a man and fall in love she can find her true partner for life.

The Truth About Soul Mates

This is one of the areas that people ask about the most. Who, what and where is their soul mate? And how to find that person?

The truth is we have more than one soul mate in each life. Thank goodness! Who wants to try and track down that ONE elusive person? Since we have had many lives, we have many soul connections and soul mates. Here are other frequently asked questions about the mate of our soul...

How will I find a soul mate? Never fear about finding your soul mate. You WILL come together. And you have a better chance if you are open to it. Being open to this means that you know you deserve a true love and that you aren't so worried about finding him/her that you actually create a block. Our souls can get rather complicated on us!

How do I know if he/she is my soul mate? This is easier than you think. People often believe that a soul mate union is pure bliss. Not so! A soul mate union is very deep, indeed! But a soul mate will also challenge you, frustrate you, and dig in so deep it feels like a thorn at times. Simply put, it's a person that you can't get out of your system.

So are some soul mate unions actually negative? Nothing having to do with the soul is negative. Everything we go through here on earth in our human form is presented to us so that our souls can learn, love, and grow.

Should I stay with a soul mate who is making me miserable? NEVER! You deserve to be happy and have true love. Just because a soul mate has come into your life and you live in misery doesn't mean you have to stay! You are/were with this person in order to learn something. Believe it or not, many times it's the simple lesson of letting go and raising our self-esteem! And don't forget, they are going through their own soul lessons. If they are stuck in a low place, (anger problems, abuse, addiction, etc.) they are here to learn self-control, love and tolerance, but you shouldn't stick around while they refuse to learn! Once you move on, the lesson is learned and you can now find a more positive relationship. Never stay with anyone who abuses you in ANY way! That is not a soul lesson for you to learn!

How do I attract my soul mate? Our energies reach far and wide and our souls will recognize one another and come together at some point. The main problem that I find is people who crave love so badly that they jump into the first relationship that comes along, stay in it and end up miserable, find someone else before they're even out of that relationship, then they attract more of the on and so on. Our energy is what attracts people to us. If we're in a bad place in our life or feel badly about ourselves, we will attract a person who is attracted to the energy we have at that time. So it's wise to be sure your self-esteem is in a good place and that the energy from your current/previous relationship isn't affecting you.

How to Tell the Men From the Boys - And Keep Them

When a man asks for your number, it usually means one of several things. At the very least, it means that he's curious and would like to see if there's more to you than your initial conversation. Another possibility is that he's physically attracted to you, and he might be interested in hooking up with you in the near future. And the best case scenario would be that he's both physically and emotionally attracted to you, and would very much like to see whether you'd be interested in getting into a good long-term relationship together.

But how do you know which is which? For instance, when you think he's only curious, you might act polite and formal on your next date so that you can get to know each other better. But when he was actually both physically and emotionally attracted to you, then your polite and formal behavior might give the message that you only want to be friends.

So how can you find out? Simple - ask questions.

Not doing anything can be just as bad as doing the wrong thing when it comes to potential relationships with men. So don't be afraid to ask questions - when you do so in a mature, playful, conversational manner, it's the best way to separate the men from the boys. Immature men ("boys," if you will) tend to shy away or be offended when you ask such questions, while the real men actually like your openness and will draw closer to you.

Another way to tell the men from the boys would be to always know the context in which you say things. Let's take a simple example - the sentence "I hate you." When you tell him this with a dead-serious stare and your arms crossed at your chest, then he'll think that you really do hate him. But when you say it by leaning forward with a smirk, he'll think you're only kidding and that you're really into him. And when he plays your game and moves the playful conversation forward, you'll know that he's one of the few mature men out there.

Finally, a great way to tell the men from the boys is to find out what makes them tick. Remember that the way a man gets attracted to a woman isn't the same the other way around. Men are turned on by intellectual conversations, while boys shy away from them. Men love teasing and being teased, while boys easily feel insulted. Men like to talk about things bigger than themselves, while boys think it's all about them.

Once you can tell the men from the boys, you'll save yourself from the trouble of having to put up with any immaturity and instead spend all your time with the men that really know their place.
