Russian Brides

суббота, 28 марта 2009 г.

Romantic Body Language - How to Make Her Ache For You

Do you want to become the man which women absolutely ache for? If you do, then you need to learn the principles of romantic body language. This is all about conveying the right characteristics which inspire attraction within women. Here are just some of the principles of the alpha male body language.

1. Slow Down

Most guys seem to act "wired". That is to say that their movements are usually very jerky and wide ranging.

You need to set yourself apart from the crowd and give her a reason to notice you. So slow down all of your movements. This includes the pace at which you walk, down to how fast you turn your head when someone calls your name. This will give you a kind of "rockstar persona" which women find deeply attractive.

2. Strong Eye Contact

You will never be able to flip her attraction switches unless you can make strong eye contact with her. It's as simple as that. Women view men as insecure or dishonest if they cannot make strong eye contact with them

Needless to say, these are two traits that will NEVER get you more dates.

Practice making strong eye contact with everyone you speak to. This conveys confidence in the man you are and what you have to say.

3. Your Vibe

You need to give off the right vibes with your body language. To do this, you need to have a winning mindset. Stop telling yourself that you aren't good looking enough, or rich enough for her. See yourself as THE MAN, and she will also see you in this light.

Want to Pick Up Sexy Women But Not Very Good Looking? (Read This Now)

I am sure this is not going to be the first time you've been told that you don't have to be good looking to get with beautiful women. I really have found that most of the "gurus" telling you this stuff are doing so just to sell you their products. If you want the real truth, then read on.

Do looks matter?

Of course they do! You are only fooling yourself by thinking the Hunchback of Notre Dame could get with Megan Fox. But on the other hand, looks mean a lot less to women than they do to men. Here is how to attract sexy women without the looks of an underwear model.

1. High Value

This is the first half of the attraction equation. Women will never be attracted to a man whom they feel doesn't have a higher value than them. This is pure fact.

What you need to do is start working your butt off to become a high value man. This is done through becoming goal oriented, and not reacting to other people's thoughts and actions.

You will never attract women without them perceiving you to be of higher value than them (trust me, this is not as hard as it may sound).

2. Emotions...and Tons of 'Em

This is the second half of the attraction equation. In order to inspire attraction within a woman you must be able to expose her to a wide range of emotions. There are many different ways of doing this. Just make sure that the techniques you employ are congruent to your personality.
