Russian Brides

среда, 12 ноября 2008 г.

Practical Tips For Finding a New Relationship

What are some practical things people can do to find a new relationship?
You can act as if you have already found it. "Remembering Forward." It teaches people to act as if they already are in the relationship they desire. I believe so strongly in the "Law of Attraction." If you resonate as if you already have what you are looking for, it will be delivered to you.

What are your top tips for finding a new relationship?
Get your "mojo" going. Do things in your day-to-day life that make you feel alive, sexy and deserving of a relationship. Flirt with someone at a coffee shop. Dress up like you have an incredible date and notice how people react to you and your energy. You will be pleasantly surprised with what shows up in your life.

What types of creative visualize techniques can people use to find a new relationship?
Again, practice "Remembering Forward." Talk about how you are going to feel in your new relationship, how you are going to act, what you're going to look like and what activities you will do with your partner. Be extremely clear on what it is you desire to attract into your life. Make a list of the qualities that are an absolute must for you and only engage in dates with people who fit the criteria.

Who should people be when trying to find a new relationship?
It is important to be "The One." Be the person you wish to attract in life. If you want someone kind, compassionate, sexy, playful and fun, be those things. Instead of looking outside of yourself to find what you want in life, just become that which you want.

What is one interesting fact about finding a new relationship?
What you believe will happen, will happen. I have seen this work both ways firsthand. If you believe someone amazing, talented and kind will come into your life, they will. Trust that the universe knows when to deliver them. I have also seen people who are afraid of something in a relationship, such as loss or an affair, and they also create these circumstances.

After people decide to find a new relationship, why are the first 30 days so crucial?
The first 30 days are crucial because this is when you are setting the foundation. I strongly believe you teach people how to treat you. During this period, you are assessing if the people you are considering relationships with meet your values, criteria, wants and desires. You are also learning about boundaries and communication patterns. It is important to set these things straight from the very beginning to ensure long-term success.

What feelings can be expected during this search?
Any and all! Relationships bring up each and every emotion. From love and happiness to fear and deeply held emotional issues. Trust that each of these emotions are there for a purpose and allow all of them to surface. Embrace the positive ones and allow the negative ones to act as "warning lights." Ask yourself what you need to learn or do with the negative emotions, implement the answer and move forward.

What is the most important thing to do after the first 30 days?
Keep your behavior consistent with how you were in the first 30 days. So many times in life, people get comfortable or do not put forth the effort they did in the beginning of a journey. They expect the same rewards, but they don't want to give the energy. If you continue to act as if you are blissfully excited with this new experience, the experience will continue at that level.

What is the belief you personally go to during times of change?
That it is all part of the journey, and even the painful times are taking me closer to what I truly desire in life.

The best thing about change is...the rewards that are on the other side!

What's the best change you have ever made?

Most of the time, the changes I've experienced were made for me. The last relationship I went through that didn't work out brought tremendous change. In losing my partner, I also lost my job, place to live, my future, my dreams and my income, and I had to move from a different country. None of this was my decision and it happened in one single day. I learned the most beautiful gift in life from that experience-I can get through anything. I embraced all of the changes and accomplished incredible goals with the new opportunities I created.

Practical Tips For Finding a New Relationship

What are some practical things people can do to find a new relationship?
You can act as if you have already found it. "Remembering Forward." It teaches people to act as if they already are in the relationship they desire. I believe so strongly in the "Law of Attraction." If you resonate as if you already have what you are looking for, it will be delivered to you.

What are your top tips for finding a new relationship?
Get your "mojo" going. Do things in your day-to-day life that make you feel alive, sexy and deserving of a relationship. Flirt with someone at a coffee shop. Dress up like you have an incredible date and notice how people react to you and your energy. You will be pleasantly surprised with what shows up in your life.

What types of creative visualize techniques can people use to find a new relationship?
Again, practice "Remembering Forward." Talk about how you are going to feel in your new relationship, how you are going to act, what you're going to look like and what activities you will do with your partner. Be extremely clear on what it is you desire to attract into your life. Make a list of the qualities that are an absolute must for you and only engage in dates with people who fit the criteria.

Who should people be when trying to find a new relationship?
It is important to be "The One." Be the person you wish to attract in life. If you want someone kind, compassionate, sexy, playful and fun, be those things. Instead of looking outside of yourself to find what you want in life, just become that which you want.

What is one interesting fact about finding a new relationship?
What you believe will happen, will happen. I have seen this work both ways firsthand. If you believe someone amazing, talented and kind will come into your life, they will. Trust that the universe knows when to deliver them. I have also seen people who are afraid of something in a relationship, such as loss or an affair, and they also create these circumstances.

After people decide to find a new relationship, why are the first 30 days so crucial?
The first 30 days are crucial because this is when you are setting the foundation. I strongly believe you teach people how to treat you. During this period, you are assessing if the people you are considering relationships with meet your values, criteria, wants and desires. You are also learning about boundaries and communication patterns. It is important to set these things straight from the very beginning to ensure long-term success.

What feelings can be expected during this search?
Any and all! Relationships bring up each and every emotion. From love and happiness to fear and deeply held emotional issues. Trust that each of these emotions are there for a purpose and allow all of them to surface. Embrace the positive ones and allow the negative ones to act as "warning lights." Ask yourself what you need to learn or do with the negative emotions, implement the answer and move forward.

What is the most important thing to do after the first 30 days?
Keep your behavior consistent with how you were in the first 30 days. So many times in life, people get comfortable or do not put forth the effort they did in the beginning of a journey. They expect the same rewards, but they don't want to give the energy. If you continue to act as if you are blissfully excited with this new experience, the experience will continue at that level.

What is the belief you personally go to during times of change?
That it is all part of the journey, and even the painful times are taking me closer to what I truly desire in life.

The best thing about change is...the rewards that are on the other side!

What's the best change you have ever made?

Most of the time, the changes I've experienced were made for me. The last relationship I went through that didn't work out brought tremendous change. In losing my partner, I also lost my job, place to live, my future, my dreams and my income, and I had to move from a different country. None of this was my decision and it happened in one single day. I learned the most beautiful gift in life from that experience-I can get through anything. I embraced all of the changes and accomplished incredible goals with the new opportunities I created.

Create Better Dates

I always get emails from people about dates, and what are the best things to do on them. People are always asking me, "is dinner and a movie okay?"

Sure, dinner and a movie are great - if you want to sit there in silence and stare at a screen for two hours. You drop them off at the end of the night and you haven't learned a thing about them the entire evening!

How about going to a movie and bringing a picnic into the movie? Having a picnic during a movie is always fun. You can hide it in your manbag! You can whip out this great little sushi meal as you watch The Return of Godzilla! You could even make the food fit the theme of the movie.

How about watching the sunset? Most people think, let's go to the beach and watch the sunset. It's like kissing on New Year's Eve - how cliché. I read something recently in a magazine that I thought was a cool idea: why don't you paint the sunset?

Go to the store and get two paint kits and actually paint the sunset. Whether you are a professional artist or a stick-figure artist (like me) you will really be able to interact with the person you are painting with. You could ask them, "so what made you put the sun to the right?" "Why does your stick figure look so much different than mine?

What about a Sunday drive? Instead of just cruising to the beach or a lake, why don't you go to open houses? I've talked a lot about this in some of my products. Take a look at some of the houses in both the good and the bad neighborhoods. Get an idea of what each of you like in a house.

This will bring up a lot of interesting conversations between the two of you as well. Even if a house that you look at isn't really that great, you can talk about it and it will give you an idea of the depth of her character

And when you go and visit the McMansions you can take a look at it, have some fun and really pretend that you're interested in buying the house. It can be a really fun day.

Here's something I've read about but I've never really done it: shooting clay birds. I don't know, I've never really seen a clay bird. I have a bird in my office two days a week, but I've never shot clay birds in my life. Apparently it's quite fun and a good idea for a date. Go figure that one out.

So there are some new date ideas for you.

Create Better Dates

I always get emails from people about dates, and what are the best things to do on them. People are always asking me, "is dinner and a movie okay?"

Sure, dinner and a movie are great - if you want to sit there in silence and stare at a screen for two hours. You drop them off at the end of the night and you haven't learned a thing about them the entire evening!

How about going to a movie and bringing a picnic into the movie? Having a picnic during a movie is always fun. You can hide it in your manbag! You can whip out this great little sushi meal as you watch The Return of Godzilla! You could even make the food fit the theme of the movie.

How about watching the sunset? Most people think, let's go to the beach and watch the sunset. It's like kissing on New Year's Eve - how cliché. I read something recently in a magazine that I thought was a cool idea: why don't you paint the sunset?

Go to the store and get two paint kits and actually paint the sunset. Whether you are a professional artist or a stick-figure artist (like me) you will really be able to interact with the person you are painting with. You could ask them, "so what made you put the sun to the right?" "Why does your stick figure look so much different than mine?

What about a Sunday drive? Instead of just cruising to the beach or a lake, why don't you go to open houses? I've talked a lot about this in some of my products. Take a look at some of the houses in both the good and the bad neighborhoods. Get an idea of what each of you like in a house.

This will bring up a lot of interesting conversations between the two of you as well. Even if a house that you look at isn't really that great, you can talk about it and it will give you an idea of the depth of her character

And when you go and visit the McMansions you can take a look at it, have some fun and really pretend that you're interested in buying the house. It can be a really fun day.

Here's something I've read about but I've never really done it: shooting clay birds. I don't know, I've never really seen a clay bird. I have a bird in my office two days a week, but I've never shot clay birds in my life. Apparently it's quite fun and a good idea for a date. Go figure that one out.

So there are some new date ideas for you.

How to Pick Up a Woman

How To Pick Up Women

According to, the words "pick up" are a verb phrase that sends different meanings.

It could mean to gather by hand, like pick-up firewood.
Or it could mean to buy, like pick up the electric drill at Wal-Mart.

"Hey, wise guy," you cut in. "Is it also the same as saying pick up the cute saleslady at Wal-Mart?"

If you mean you want to buy her, no. Definitely not, kiddo.

Now let's go on with our discussion. And take note, this is the interesting part. states that to pick up is also a slang word that means "to become acquainted with for a sexual purpose".

"Aha," you exclaim with a knowing naughty look. Your wide grin spreads from ear to ear. Glad you finally get it, kiddo. That is exactly what we have in mind in this article. To pick up women and eventually sleeping with her.

For some men, successfully picking up women needs no effort at all. It's no rocket science. To them, it seems just having a handshake and that's that. This smart-ass guy talks to the woman, she responds and they walk away together to some private place (and mind you, she's not the least bit a hooker!).

But for the rest of the ordinary guys, picking up women is one nasty ordeal. To them, it feels like fighting the gigantic gorilla, King Kong, in a hand-to-hand combat. The mere thought alone scares away the wits of any seemingly tough guy.

We know. Like you, we too had been there

How in the world would you pick up women and discreetly convey to them "I would very much enjoy having sex with you" when you can hardly speak "How do you do?"
One hell of a challenge, indeed.

But we'll let you in onto our little secret. Listen well for we will not say this twice.

You can do it. And you can do it easily.

Here are the proven strategies on how to pick up women.

Insecurities and self-doubts are the root of your problem. Stumped? Ok, let me explain a bit.

Imagine a puppy in a doghouse. A few meters away rolls a steaming hot bacon. The bacon looks so tasty and inviting. The puppy sees it. It wants to approach the bacon and gobble it up.

But it could not reach the food no matter how hard it tries. A leash reins it to a doghouse and keeps the poor puppy from going to the bacon.

Cutting the leash would surely solve his dilemma. But as long as the puppy remains on a leash, it will have practically no chances whatsoever of getting to the bacon (unless of course the bacon would pity the puppy and meekly roll down towards the helpless dog!).

"Come on, man, "you remark impatiently. " In plain English, please."

The puppy is you, kiddo. The bacon's that cute pretty woman. You want to approach her and pick her up but you cannot. You insecurities and self-doubts is the leash that prevents you approaching that woman.

Know why? Because you think that she will reject you. You think that she will spurn your gesture. You think so many negative thoughts.

The result? You're stuck with your own fears, kiddo. Your fears---your leash, if you will--- tie you down and prevent you from picking up women.

"So what should I do?" you ask.

Simple, kiddo. Cut your self-made leash. Banish all negative thoughts from your mind and replace it with positive ones. Believe in yourself. Believe you can do it. Believe in your potential. If you do, you will set yourself free and successfully pick up beautiful women you desired for so long.

You're scared to approach beautiful women? Me, too, in the past. So do most of the guys everywhere. You see, you're not alone.

We experienced the same difficulty. The trick, then, is to gain confidence. You can begin by enrolling in a public speaking class. When you know what to speak and how to speak it well, you've won half the battle.

Do you just slump on the coach and watch football, basketball, or wrestling on TV and nothing else? I bet you do. That's why you cannot think of any other topic to discuss with women except sports. Which, by the way, bores women to death.

The solution? Try to watch fashion shows. Yes, you heard it right. Fashion shows (now, don't look at me with that exasperated look on your face, kiddo!)

Also, browse through the newspaper and read about celebrities who had just divorced, shagged up together, or caught on camera with their pants down.

Most importantly, learn about diamonds. If you can tell a woman the difference between a 12-carat diamond from a 24-carat one, that's a bonus. You see, women are interested to hear about celebrity scandals, fashion shows, and jewelries (though not necessarily in that order).

Can You Talk With Your Body Language?

Body language is without words yet powerful. Most of us dismiss it because we were not taught to read them. And learning how to read the signs will set apart a thick-skinned person from one that knows how to retreat at the sight of the right signs, in the settings of a date. The power is that there so much unsaid messages hidden in them, and knowing what these messages mean can serve us a great deal, whether it's a conversation with a friend, a boss, an executive, or a love interest.

In presentation, one can watch the body languages whether the speaker is one with substance or just some terrified person forced to speak. The signs of fidgety hand movements, bad legs position will tell us how comfortable the speaker is about speaking. A nervous one will probably forget the points, due to the inability to focus.

When talking to anyone, one can tell from body movements if your audience is interested in what you have to say. Slouching backwards and a bored face are obvious signs, and there's more such as playing with the pen, tapping of the feet on the ground. All these mean "Get it over already! I'm bored! " . The eyes, windows of the soul, can also tell you if you are getting attention.

In a negotiation with a business partner, or a banker, it is wise for watch for signs and then change your approach on the spot. If you are seeing signs that they are bored, hold back no more to ensure a swift and mutually beneficial agreement. On the other hand, if they look very interested, or anxious, you can keep playing the games into your hands.

Well, in a conversation where at least one party would be angry, observing body languages can help you determine your "fight or flight" decision. Angry eyes and clenched fists indicate that you either step back or if you really have to, resolve the manner by all means.

This skill of observing body language is very useful in life. It can help you make decisions and avoid making someone upset.

Create Better Dates

I always get emails from people about dates, and what are the best things to do on them. People are always asking me, "is dinner and a movie okay?"

Sure, dinner and a movie are great - if you want to sit there in silence and stare at a screen for two hours. You drop them off at the end of the night and you haven't learned a thing about them the entire evening!

How about going to a movie and bringing a picnic into the movie? Having a picnic during a movie is always fun. You can hide it in your manbag! You can whip out this great little sushi meal as you watch The Return of Godzilla! You could even make the food fit the theme of the movie.

How about watching the sunset? Most people think, let's go to the beach and watch the sunset. It's like kissing on New Year's Eve - how cliché. I read something recently in a magazine that I thought was a cool idea: why don't you paint the sunset?

Go to the store and get two paint kits and actually paint the sunset. Whether you are a professional artist or a stick-figure artist (like me) you will really be able to interact with the person you are painting with. You could ask them, "so what made you put the sun to the right?" "Why does your stick figure look so much different than mine?

What about a Sunday drive? Instead of just cruising to the beach or a lake, why don't you go to open houses? I've talked a lot about this in some of my products. Take a look at some of the houses in both the good and the bad neighborhoods. Get an idea of what each of you like in a house.

This will bring up a lot of interesting conversations between the two of you as well. Even if a house that you look at isn't really that great, you can talk about it and it will give you an idea of the depth of her character

And when you go and visit the McMansions you can take a look at it, have some fun and really pretend that you're interested in buying the house. It can be a really fun day.

Here's something I've read about but I've never really done it: shooting clay birds. I don't know, I've never really seen a clay bird. I have a bird in my office two days a week, but I've never shot clay birds in my life. Apparently it's quite fun and a good idea for a date. Go figure that one out.

So there are some new date ideas for you.

Regain Your Manhood and Walk Your Walk

Lonely guys at the end of the bar, pathetically nursing their drinks and pretending to be more interested in the big screen that they can't hear are there for many reasons. If it's you, then you probably already know your reasons. If it's not you, then you know your reasons for not wanting to be there. Define, for the sake of that empty bar seat, what you want in this life and what you want from the women you have the potential to meet. Be clear in your desires and your decisions and stop being a wishy washy mush ball. It's unattractive.

If you're all into meaningless flings and you're greatest interest is in the fastest possible way to get laid, then fine. Your relationships can be defined that way. If you are still there because that is the reputation you have given yourself, but it isn't making you feel fulfilled, you can step out of it simply by redefining the image of what you're looking for an act accordingly. I've known guys who have been with more women than they can count who finally realize that they are rather miserable. Yet they continue the behavior because that is what is expected of them. It's not necessary. If it makes you happy, fine. If it doesn't, then change it.

Some guys have an easier time of breaking their reputation by finding a new place to hang out. Sure, they end up without their buddies, but overall, they find it easier to present themselves without the expectation that they have led people to believe is true about them.

You get to walk your own walk anytime you want. You get to define what you're looking for and change it up as you see fit. The expectation of others is really pretty inconsequential. Because you are your own man, and you are entitled to your own definitions of what it means to be a man, then you are in control. Being in control of your own choices gives you freedom.

When you decide that you're going to walk a new walk, and you go through the time and energy to define how it's going to be, nothing is written in stone. In fact, often you might find that you are a little lonely during your new vision and you might slip back to your old stomping grounds for a night and grab and quickie. It doesn't mean you are ingenuine about what you are looking for. It means you're a guy with a need that you still have the capacity to fill. Once you're involved with a woman that choice is no longer recommended, but you will probably find that you're happier anyway. After all, you're the guy that made the choice to walk your different walk.

Relieving ourselves of the expectation of others is a gift to our own sense of manhood and our own ability to be our own man. Regardless of the reputation you have set forth for yourself, you get to change it at will and let the world know that you are in control of your own decisions and choices.

If you have found my article interesting, I have come across a site which is at the moment giving away a massive free eBook titled "Secrets To Dating Beautiful Women". I have personally found this one of the best books on the subject of Dating and Relationships and I highly recommend you read it. It's a must read.

Create Better Dates

I always get emails from people about dates, and what are the best things to do on them. People are always asking me, "is dinner and a movie okay?"

Sure, dinner and a movie are great - if you want to sit there in silence and stare at a screen for two hours. You drop them off at the end of the night and you haven't learned a thing about them the entire evening!

How about going to a movie and bringing a picnic into the movie? Having a picnic during a movie is always fun. You can hide it in your manbag! You can whip out this great little sushi meal as you watch The Return of Godzilla! You could even make the food fit the theme of the movie.

How about watching the sunset? Most people think, let's go to the beach and watch the sunset. It's like kissing on New Year's Eve - how cliché. I read something recently in a magazine that I thought was a cool idea: why don't you paint the sunset?

Go to the store and get two paint kits and actually paint the sunset. Whether you are a professional artist or a stick-figure artist (like me) you will really be able to interact with the person you are painting with. You could ask them, "so what made you put the sun to the right?" "Why does your stick figure look so much different than mine?

What about a Sunday drive? Instead of just cruising to the beach or a lake, why don't you go to open houses? I've talked a lot about this in some of my products. Take a look at some of the houses in both the good and the bad neighborhoods. Get an idea of what each of you like in a house.

This will bring up a lot of interesting conversations between the two of you as well. Even if a house that you look at isn't really that great, you can talk about it and it will give you an idea of the depth of her character

And when you go and visit the McMansions you can take a look at it, have some fun and really pretend that you're interested in buying the house. It can be a really fun day.

Here's something I've read about but I've never really done it: shooting clay birds. I don't know, I've never really seen a clay bird. I have a bird in my office two days a week, but I've never shot clay birds in my life. Apparently it's quite fun and a good idea for a date. Go figure that one out.

So there are some new date ideas for you.
