Russian Brides

пятница, 20 марта 2009 г.

Dating Success For Men - No More Rejection Blues

If you're a man and your dating life has just suffered, then you know that feeling that "the game" has eluded you. Do you sit at home nights wondering if anything is ever going to go right?

Dating success for men is a complicated procedure. I mean you have to really stand out in the field in order to make that woman want to go out with you. The good news is: You're not alone! Thousands of men like you feel this way every day. Dating is not an easy game -- it requires you to have style, class and create something that's very abstract -- an attraction. It's not a choice. That's the problem.

The good news is that with a few simple steps, it can be achieved. As strange as this sounds, the first step is believing in yourself. This is a lot easier said than done, I understand perfectly. After a while, you can snowball it into a whole different personality.

Second, make a lasting impression. Remember: Girls get approached a lot and probably forget about guys 10 minutes after they're gone, but the ones that mean the most to them are ones they remember. Poke a little light-hearted fun at her expense. Go ahead. It won't hurt anything. You can sometimes make a woman laugh by doing an impression, if you do it right.

Third, and most importantly, focus on her. Look her in the eyes. Maintain strong eye contact, or perfect the "Triangle" technique -- pick three spots (no, not those three, I mean right eye, lips, left eye) and do these for about 2 seconds apiece. Look at the right eye, then her lips, then her left eye.

There is no "magic potion" that will give you 100% success with women, but dating success for men is all about making a great first impression and going from there.

How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back - Proven Hardcore Techniques That Bring Insane Results

If you are undergoing a break up or having a sad love story then you must have spent most of your time hearing sad love songs and thinking about your ex- boyfriend. Are you suffering from a break up? DO you want to get your ex boyfriend back? Then here are some hardcore techniques that are proven and can bring great results in your life.

You might have a total emotional mess up after losing your boyfriend. But in order get your ex boyfriend back there are certain question that you have to ask yourself. Most of the time breakup occurs when a woman intrudes too much into a guy's manly space. When you disturb your boyfriend's daily process and enjoying with his friends then you will have to risk losing him.

Just keep him away from your thoughts for some days. Never call him often or beg him to come back to you immediately after the break up. This may make the situation worse. You may lose your self esteem and worthiness. So just avoid making phone calls and text massages.

In order to get your ex boyfriend back first give yourself a makeover and a new haircut. DO not appear as if you are in great sadness in from of your ex. Show him that you enjoy your life even during his absence. Go to parties and pubs along with your friends that your boyfriend usually goes.

You can have a friendly talk with him but don't be too personal. Make him wonder what's the reason for your sudden over all change? He might think that you have a sigh of relief after the break up and a kind of jealousy arises in his mind. This is the powerful tool which you can make use to get your ex boyfriend back.

Dating Advice - Why "Playing Hard to Get" Leads to Success in Dating!

I never liked the idea of playing hard to get. To me, the concept seems manipulative and false. Yet, the prevailing wisdom of our elders has always been: this is the only strategy effective in winning the hearts of the ones we desire!

As I navigated the joys and sorrows of my own personal life and observed the experiences of my clients and friends, I discovered that there is another explanation that might help us to understand why this strategy has proven so effective for so many.

Let's think about what happens when a person plays hard to get. We can use Susan and Mike as an example. Mike was given Susan's number by a mutual friend. He called her and a date was set. The evening went well: conversation flowed easily and both felt an immediate rapport. Susan was eager to hear from Mike but was advised not to call him. It was up to him to initiate the next date. The next date went famously, but again, Susan waited for him to set the plans. When he did not call the very next day, she debated whether to call him, but held herself back.

So what is going on between the two? Susan showed enthusiasm to be with Mike. but made sure she kept a bit of a reserve. She did not initiate the phone calling (or emailing) and was not the one to suggest getting together. She was not always available when he asked her out (especially when the request was at the last minute.) At the end of the day, she was friendly, but in no way did she convey to Mike that she was overly focused on this relationship.

So, what does this accomplish, not only for Susan, but for Mike, as well? In order to answer that question effectively, we need to remind ourselves about some basic human dynamics. All of us struggle with balancing our need to be independent and our need to be with others. For many people, there is a tremendous amount of discomfort about letting down one's guard and letting another person into their personal space. They need to proceed at their own pace until they feel comfortable. The person who plays "hard to get" unwittingly is allowing the other person the room to regroup, thereby taking charge of his own comfort level, and feeling better in control of his conflicting emotions.

Sometimes, a person feels crowded and anxious when a date begins calling and emailing. The relationship is proceeding at a pace that feels uncomfortable; the solution for handling this discomfort is to back off, or flee. When given the chance to call the shots, he can take each step when he is ready.

Now, some of you will protest that it's not fair!!! Why should the other person be in control? Well, of course you are right that it is not fair that one person gets to make the moves. However, as they say, life is not always fair! Sometimes we need to be smart enough to figure out how to make things happen in our lives. if we can learn what we need to do from our end to ensure the growth and well-being of a relationship, then I don't consider it game-playing. Rather, I consider it as having the savvy to understand the emotional make-up of the other person, and to understand what is needed for the comfort level of both parties!

How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back - Proven Hardcore Techniques That Bring Insane Results

If you are undergoing a break up or having a sad love story then you must have spent most of your time hearing sad love songs and thinking about your ex- boyfriend. Are you suffering from a break up? DO you want to get your ex boyfriend back? Then here are some hardcore techniques that are proven and can bring great results in your life.

You might have a total emotional mess up after losing your boyfriend. But in order get your ex boyfriend back there are certain question that you have to ask yourself. Most of the time breakup occurs when a woman intrudes too much into a guy's manly space. When you disturb your boyfriend's daily process and enjoying with his friends then you will have to risk losing him.

Just keep him away from your thoughts for some days. Never call him often or beg him to come back to you immediately after the break up. This may make the situation worse. You may lose your self esteem and worthiness. So just avoid making phone calls and text massages.

In order to get your ex boyfriend back first give yourself a makeover and a new haircut. DO not appear as if you are in great sadness in from of your ex. Show him that you enjoy your life even during his absence. Go to parties and pubs along with your friends that your boyfriend usually goes.

You can have a friendly talk with him but don't be too personal. Make him wonder what's the reason for your sudden over all change? He might think that you have a sigh of relief after the break up and a kind of jealousy arises in his mind. This is the powerful tool which you can make use to get your ex boyfriend back.

How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back - Proven Hardcore Techniques That Bring Insane Results

If you are undergoing a break up or having a sad love story then you must have spent most of your time hearing sad love songs and thinking about your ex- boyfriend. Are you suffering from a break up? DO you want to get your ex boyfriend back? Then here are some hardcore techniques that are proven and can bring great results in your life.

You might have a total emotional mess up after losing your boyfriend. But in order get your ex boyfriend back there are certain question that you have to ask yourself. Most of the time breakup occurs when a woman intrudes too much into a guy's manly space. When you disturb your boyfriend's daily process and enjoying with his friends then you will have to risk losing him.

Just keep him away from your thoughts for some days. Never call him often or beg him to come back to you immediately after the break up. This may make the situation worse. You may lose your self esteem and worthiness. So just avoid making phone calls and text massages.

In order to get your ex boyfriend back first give yourself a makeover and a new haircut. DO not appear as if you are in great sadness in from of your ex. Show him that you enjoy your life even during his absence. Go to parties and pubs along with your friends that your boyfriend usually goes.

You can have a friendly talk with him but don't be too personal. Make him wonder what's the reason for your sudden over all change? He might think that you have a sigh of relief after the break up and a kind of jealousy arises in his mind. This is the powerful tool which you can make use to get your ex boyfriend back.

Dating Advice - Why "Playing Hard to Get" Leads to Success in Dating!

I never liked the idea of playing hard to get. To me, the concept seems manipulative and false. Yet, the prevailing wisdom of our elders has always been: this is the only strategy effective in winning the hearts of the ones we desire!

As I navigated the joys and sorrows of my own personal life and observed the experiences of my clients and friends, I discovered that there is another explanation that might help us to understand why this strategy has proven so effective for so many.

Let's think about what happens when a person plays hard to get. We can use Susan and Mike as an example. Mike was given Susan's number by a mutual friend. He called her and a date was set. The evening went well: conversation flowed easily and both felt an immediate rapport. Susan was eager to hear from Mike but was advised not to call him. It was up to him to initiate the next date. The next date went famously, but again, Susan waited for him to set the plans. When he did not call the very next day, she debated whether to call him, but held herself back.

So what is going on between the two? Susan showed enthusiasm to be with Mike. but made sure she kept a bit of a reserve. She did not initiate the phone calling (or emailing) and was not the one to suggest getting together. She was not always available when he asked her out (especially when the request was at the last minute.) At the end of the day, she was friendly, but in no way did she convey to Mike that she was overly focused on this relationship.

So, what does this accomplish, not only for Susan, but for Mike, as well? In order to answer that question effectively, we need to remind ourselves about some basic human dynamics. All of us struggle with balancing our need to be independent and our need to be with others. For many people, there is a tremendous amount of discomfort about letting down one's guard and letting another person into their personal space. They need to proceed at their own pace until they feel comfortable. The person who plays "hard to get" unwittingly is allowing the other person the room to regroup, thereby taking charge of his own comfort level, and feeling better in control of his conflicting emotions.

Sometimes, a person feels crowded and anxious when a date begins calling and emailing. The relationship is proceeding at a pace that feels uncomfortable; the solution for handling this discomfort is to back off, or flee. When given the chance to call the shots, he can take each step when he is ready.

Now, some of you will protest that it's not fair!!! Why should the other person be in control? Well, of course you are right that it is not fair that one person gets to make the moves. However, as they say, life is not always fair! Sometimes we need to be smart enough to figure out how to make things happen in our lives. if we can learn what we need to do from our end to ensure the growth and well-being of a relationship, then I don't consider it game-playing. Rather, I consider it as having the savvy to understand the emotional make-up of the other person, and to understand what is needed for the comfort level of both parties!

Attracting Love - Do Men Think You Are Unapproachable? Is That OK With You?

A recent client told me "I do want to be with my body/mind/soul mate. I don't remember being abandoned by girlfriends while I was dating someone nor when I broke up with him. I found my girlfriends most supportive. This was true for boyfriends and when I divorced.

I have long-term male and female friends, friendships lasting decades. I am visiting a guy friend and his family as well as a single friend for two weeks each on my trip to California....

AND, I am still single and would prefer to be with my body/mind/soul mate. (I want it all.)"

What is the root of this conflict?

What I do know for sure from my work with highly successful women who are not with a man who gets them, is that they are not aware of the image they are projecting to the world.

Most are stunned to realize that they are projecting an "I'm not available" image. Not only that, little do they know that this image or vibe is amazingly efficient at keeping the "right" type of man out of their experience.

How do I know this to be true? Exactly, how many prospects with real potential have you dated in the last year? I rest my case!

If you think you might be sending out this "I love being single" vibe when you want to be sending a "I'm ready for a man with substance " vibe, it is wise to look deep within your heart to see what is behind your singleness.

One way to approach this is to take a few days to compile a list of all the best parts about your life right now. What are the advantages of being single? While you might not come up with many at first, if you work on this for a couple of days, you may surprise yourself. Once your list is complete, go through each item and decide mindfully whether or not you are negotiable on it.

This self reflection may be just what the doctor ordered in helping you discover why you are still single. If you still don't see yourself as unapproachable, ask a close friend to go through your list with you. Her view of your current state of affairs or lack of (sorry, couldn't resist) may add extra dimension to your self inquiry.

Once you unearth the root to your singleness, you will have one of two outcomes. One, you may indeed embrace your singleness with new passion as it IS life affirming for you or two, you will find yourself in the right place and the right time more often where you will cross paths with many more interesting and available men!

Talk about a win-win!

Cuddling 101 - The Psychological Approach

Most people attribute cuddling to being a precursor to sex. I contend that this is quite possible, and at certain stages of a relationship, it is in fact a prelude to, and a conclusion of sex. However, this is not always the case, and in fact cuddling has a more sacrosanct place in our psyche. It is the physical glue that holds our social, spiritual, and intellectual foundation together, as it relates to relationships. How? You say." Let's start here. It first reinforces our relationship to one another. Not relationship as in dating or involved in an intimate arrangement, but it reinforces our co-dependent spiritual and physical relationships. That's right, I said co-dependent.

Most modern feminists, or "independent" women as they like to call themselves, would make the argument that they don't need a man. They may even go forward to quote some famed blues musician, and state "They can do bad by themselves". Well, that's exactly what they will do. (But that's not what this lesson is about. We will discuss this further in a lesson called pseudo independence.) We are, whether you like it or not, co-dependent beings. It's how we were created; man and woman, two parts of one whole. Now that's not to say the two can't successfully exist separate of one another, that's just saying they weren't intended too. The original intent was to provide balance to, and support for one another. Our co-dependent nature extends beyond procreation, which is the most obvious; we need one another to perpetuate our existence. However, I will contend that we need each other for spiritual solidarity.

Cuddling, in its most basic form reinforces this need; it reaffirms our roles in life. That's right, I said roles. We all have roles, the problems exist when most of us don't realize what they are, and when we do, we fail to act in them. Now, don't be misled by the word "role". That in no way is intended to be connotative of what most people believe about roles. Nor is it to suggest that one gender has greater, physical or spiritual authority than the other. Their positions in life are actually equal; their roles are just different. Their positions have to be equal. If they are not, it disrupts the balance of things.

So when we engage in the physical art of embracing and caressing, we are in fact saying to one another (non-verbal communication), that I acknowledge your position in my life as nurturer, provider, supporter, and protector. In layman's terms, we are saying that regardless to what's going on in life, no matter what obstacles we are facing, "Boo I got you". We are saying, it's okay to be yourself around me; you don't have to pretend, because I won't judge. We are saying I acknowledge you as a potential spiritual counterweight, and basic physics teaches us what a counterweight provides. It provides balance; balance is the equivalent of harmony, which is the equivalent of peace. Peace only comes from the creator. We have to make the conscience decisions for things to be balanced, the rest happens accordingly.

(Note: Those of us who understand the multiplicity of our actions are consciously processing and engaging in this type of behavior; the rest are simply regurgitating learned behavior. The inclination for the action remains the same, yet the understanding of the action is vastly different.)

*****Disclaimer: The expressed views and opinions above are exactly that, Views & Opinions. Mr. Dabney does not hold an MD or PhD in Psychology, and therefore is not a doctor, however, he does play one on-line, and he did save a lot on his car insurance by switching to Geico. *****

Attracting Love - Do Men Think You Are Unapproachable? Is That OK With You?

A recent client told me "I do want to be with my body/mind/soul mate. I don't remember being abandoned by girlfriends while I was dating someone nor when I broke up with him. I found my girlfriends most supportive. This was true for boyfriends and when I divorced.

I have long-term male and female friends, friendships lasting decades. I am visiting a guy friend and his family as well as a single friend for two weeks each on my trip to California....

AND, I am still single and would prefer to be with my body/mind/soul mate. (I want it all.)"

What is the root of this conflict?

What I do know for sure from my work with highly successful women who are not with a man who gets them, is that they are not aware of the image they are projecting to the world.

Most are stunned to realize that they are projecting an "I'm not available" image. Not only that, little do they know that this image or vibe is amazingly efficient at keeping the "right" type of man out of their experience.

How do I know this to be true? Exactly, how many prospects with real potential have you dated in the last year? I rest my case!

If you think you might be sending out this "I love being single" vibe when you want to be sending a "I'm ready for a man with substance " vibe, it is wise to look deep within your heart to see what is behind your singleness.

One way to approach this is to take a few days to compile a list of all the best parts about your life right now. What are the advantages of being single? While you might not come up with many at first, if you work on this for a couple of days, you may surprise yourself. Once your list is complete, go through each item and decide mindfully whether or not you are negotiable on it.

This self reflection may be just what the doctor ordered in helping you discover why you are still single. If you still don't see yourself as unapproachable, ask a close friend to go through your list with you. Her view of your current state of affairs or lack of (sorry, couldn't resist) may add extra dimension to your self inquiry.

Once you unearth the root to your singleness, you will have one of two outcomes. One, you may indeed embrace your singleness with new passion as it IS life affirming for you or two, you will find yourself in the right place and the right time more often where you will cross paths with many more interesting and available men!

Talk about a win-win!

What to Do After You Get Her Phone Number

OK, so you have approached a hot woman at the bar and managed to get her phone number. You might have felt pretty pleased with yourself. But now, what do you next? Do you call immediately, or chill and wait for a couple of days? How soon is too soon, and how late is too late?

The biggest misconception about calling after getting her number...

Guys used to believe that in general they have to wait for at least two days before calling - so that they don't come across as desperate.

Now here's the deal - in this age everything seems to be 'instant' - our attention span has become much shorter. The fact is that if you wait for more than a day or two then most women would think that you have forgotten about them. They will figure that you have lost interest, and they will too, soon after.

So here's what you should do...

You should call her within 24 hours upon getting her number. Look - if she has given you a real number it would mean that she is interested in you - so she won't really think badly of you when you indeed call. In fact, she should be looking forward to it! Trust me on this.

And when you do call...

Ensure that you have already got a few date ideas - don't let her figure out what you want from the phone call.

The call should be short - don't dwell on it too long. Just let her know that you want to touch base and then ask her out. Don't sound over eager, and just be laid back and let the conversation flow. Remember again NOT to linger on too long. Quit when you are ahead.

What to Do After You Get Her Phone Number

OK, so you have approached a hot woman at the bar and managed to get her phone number. You might have felt pretty pleased with yourself. But now, what do you next? Do you call immediately, or chill and wait for a couple of days? How soon is too soon, and how late is too late?

The biggest misconception about calling after getting her number...

Guys used to believe that in general they have to wait for at least two days before calling - so that they don't come across as desperate.

Now here's the deal - in this age everything seems to be 'instant' - our attention span has become much shorter. The fact is that if you wait for more than a day or two then most women would think that you have forgotten about them. They will figure that you have lost interest, and they will too, soon after.

So here's what you should do...

You should call her within 24 hours upon getting her number. Look - if she has given you a real number it would mean that she is interested in you - so she won't really think badly of you when you indeed call. In fact, she should be looking forward to it! Trust me on this.

And when you do call...

Ensure that you have already got a few date ideas - don't let her figure out what you want from the phone call.

The call should be short - don't dwell on it too long. Just let her know that you want to touch base and then ask her out. Don't sound over eager, and just be laid back and let the conversation flow. Remember again NOT to linger on too long. Quit when you are ahead.
