Russian Brides

пятница, 29 августа 2008 г.

How Soon Should You Call Someone After the First Date

After you have successfully planned your first date you should move on to the next step, which is preparing for the next date. Lets assume that you hit it off really well on the first date, and the both of you would like to see each other again. But how soon should you let her know that you enjoyed her company? How long should you wait before you call her to set up the second date?

This is a very common dating dilemma, and although there is no single rule, you can follow some of the advice found below.

Don't call your date on the same night. This is a big no-no. It will only lessen your date's anticipation and excitement, and as a result, lower her attraction level for you. When you make the call right away, women can get the impression that you like her very much, and therefore won't need to exert effort and energy in wondering whether you like her or not. Instead, she can focus her energy on wondering why she doesn't need to go out with you again, which is definitely something you should avoid.

You should not call on the same evening as your date to create some anticipation. However, if it can't be helped and you really have to call her that same night to find out how she feels about you, then at least use your creativity in coming up with the reason for your call. Were there any questions that you wanted to ask during your date but you forgot to ask? Then call your date to answer that question. Or, you could call her and comment on the dinner you shared or thank her for the amazing time you had with her.

However, if your date ended after 10 PM you should wait until the next day before calling. If you had a great time but your date has not responded to your phone calls, you should not call her again. You are only wasting your effort and time, which you could use on planning other first dates, so don't despair.

The best time you can call a woman to set up a second date is when you have plans for your next date. When you wait to call a woman, it makes her wonder why you haven't called her back, if you liked her or not, or if she said or did something wrong. This is good since this means she spends a lot of time wondering about you so much that she doesn't even have the time to think about whether she likes you or not.

And by the time you call, she'll be so happy to hear from you that she'll be doing her best to attract you and capture your interest. That first date spark will burn out and die if you wait too long to call.

But really, the best thing you can do is to prevent this sort of dilemma. As soon as you send your date off from your first date, and assuming both of you enjoyed your date, then set up your plans right then and there to avoid wondering when you'll call. Once you do this everything will be ready and you will only have to call to confirm your next date.

4 Dating Games Women Play and What They Mean

1. The woman you are dating could test you to see if you really like her figure by asking you, "Do you think I look fat in this dress?" When you get a question like this from a woman you are involved with, no matter how she looks you have to be very tactful with your reply. This is the time for you to complement her. Don't just say, "You look okay." Tell her, "Baby, you look sexy. Your dress fits you perfectly." Flattery can help you win her heart very quickly.

2. Women will sometimes flirt with you even to the point of saying sexually suggestive things to you, and when you look like you are about to chase them, they pull back or go cold on you. When they do this, it means that they want you to chase them but they want to be in control of when the chase starts. You should respond by pulling back and acting like you are no longer interested in them anymore. Let them make the next move. When they see that you are not going to chase them, they will start doing things to get your attention again. When you finally get the chance to speak with them one on one, let them know that you do not play games, and that you are very straight forward. Women love this kind of straight talk. When they see that you are not responding to their dating games, they will drop their head games and start responding to your overtures.

3. If she gives you her phone number and you call her but she never returns your calls, don't conclude that she is too busy for you, or is not attracted to you. A lot of times, women want you to work for their affections. They want you to prove that you really like them by gauging how persistent you are in your chase. Other times they want to create the impression that they have busy lives and that you are not the only thing on their mind. But the truth is that they are glad you called. When they finish speaking with you, chances are they will call their friends to let them know that you called them.

4. One of the ways women try to see if you really care about them is to try and make you jealous when you are hanging out with them. They may do it by flirting with a handsome looking waiter or by getting a little too cozy with one of their male friends. If you act as if you are bothered, then they feel that you really care a lot about them, but if you act like you don't give a damn whether another man picks them up or not, then they will conclude that you have no romantic interest in them.

So now that you know the four most common dating games women play and what they mean, you will now be in a better position to know what to do to win them over. The thing about dating is that the more you learn how to figure out women and what makes them tick, the better you will be at attracting and dating more women that you have ever dated in the past.

7 Reasons on Why Men Dump Women and Often End Relationships

The important question that is anticipated by most of the relationship counsellors from most of their clients is indeed provoking as "Why does men dump women and vice versa" resulting in total break up of their relationships. Most of the times, you cannot expect exact answers from any advisors but some of them may say that it is Infidelity, which may be the common cause, which tends only to be an approximation. But there are a variety of factors that causes this problem & are discussed in detail.

However, we needed to carefully examine what is there in the Mindset of both men & women.

-So Men are believed to be mostly as over excessive thinking habit but women on the other hand tend to be out of the world thinking process. In general Terms, Men would to start to think in their own unusual way when everything seems to be fine but women start their thinking process when there is no such necessity at all. So we can conclude that both men & women are interrelated as long as their mental abilities are concerned. But Men after a lot of thinking come to a grave conclusion that instead of getting dumped by woman, let us dump them.

-As discussed above, men have a bad mental thinking that instead of committing themselves to women & get trapped in such commitment cycles , they conclude finally that dumping is the natural remedy. If a man is getting satisfaction from woman & if woman suddenly ask for a commitment, man will think about ending such relationship. Men will never liked to pressurised at all in general & in specific with respect to marriage related matters.

-Sex will also have a major say in relationship break-ups since no men would like to have a bad sex life with any woman & if such a situation arises, he will say good bye for such a women. This holds good for women as well.

-As observed women always try to control men or dominate men completely & this nature or attitude will be very hard to resist for many men. Also when women subdues his attitude, then he will feel such women as boring & unchallenging eventually ending the relationship as well.

-Infidelity can thought of as one of the major causes for men dumping women & ending relationships. This is because men does not want to live with the spouse who is found to be cheating & if he finds something fishy, we would brand his spouse as Unfaithful partner & leave such a relationships.

-One of the Important factors that why men dump women often and ends relationships is because his spouse will be a nagging partner and most of the women are in the habit of nagging on and on. This would make him like a fish out of water & wants to break way from such a situation & move towards his own freedom.

-Over-possessive attitude of the women seems to hurt men to a maximum extent and does not want to live with such natured woman. Men like any other person want his share and bit of space & if denied his share, would have no other option of dumping women & eventually leave such relationship.

If you are a woman, you should have surely come across the above instances & we can conclude that why men leaves relationship is that "Men are men & women are women". Follow the above 7 secrets to understand why men dump women quite often & leave relationships
