Russian Brides

среда, 23 июля 2008 г.

Fear of Dating

When you are on a date and you are scared of something, he can sense it too. Trust me when I say that. It makes you feel unattractive and not confident, which makes rejection come easier to them.

When you are scared, it inhibits your speech and body language. It prohibits you from being the person you truly are. You will stutter your speech. Your body language will be the opposite of the message you are trying to convey. You don't have to be the most confident person, but have some confidence that you will not be rejected. Until you have a necessary amount of self-confidence, fake it! It will help prepare you for the real thing.

To overcome this fear, I recommend that you try to relax before your first date. You also need to be confident that the date will work out. Don't put so much pressure on the situation. Just be you. It is not a job interview. He is not grading you; therefore you should not worry about your performance. Just remember to use proper etiquette. Lighten up and have a good time!

Before you go on the date, take a hot bath, light some scented candles, if your schedule permits. This will ensure you are relaxed. When you get to the date, smile, laugh, or tell a joke! Make yourself relax. Have fun and remember that dating is supposed to be fun. It is not supposed to be stressful. Laughter and fun are breeding grounds for admiration. If you can show him that you are fun and don't take yourself too serious, you bet you will get a first date or better yet, get to the second one, which is more important, right??

Remember that the number one attractive quality is self-confidence. Men love a woman that is not afraid to take control of the situation. They love women that are confident with their bodies and comfortable with their sexuality.

But confidence does not come over night nor does it come with using drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol will only provide you with temporary false self-confidence. What are you going to do when the effects wear off? Continue with the abuse? I don't think so nor do I think it is healthy.

Another issue is that many of us have been rejected several times, which leads to fear. I can understand that one. I have been rejected a few times. If you are out with friends and see someone of interest, I recommend that you make it known that you are approachable and interested in meeting him. Make him come to you. Be clear in the message that you are trying to convey. Don't send him mixed signals. That is too frustrating.

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