Russian Brides

четверг, 24 июля 2008 г.

Tired of the Women Who Don't Listen?

I don't care if you need to get an anti-men shot, be restrained in a straight jacket, or have to banish yourself to a deserted island. You don't ever need men to validate you.

I am appalled by the way some women allow men to mistreat them. Much like a friend I know who wouldn't believe the truth about the man she is with. Then she saw him with another woman and BOOM! He was was giving her signs for so many years that he was no longer into her but she kept holding on.

You've probably said, "Girl, if that was me, I'd drop kick his rear end to the curb!!" Would you really? Do you have enough guts to stand up for yourself and enough respect to know where to draw the line with men?

Don't get me wrong. Real, decent and good men are darlings. We can't help but love them but sometimes good women pick the ugly ones. Understand that when you get emotionally attached to the wrong man, your female brain becomes hooked on the part of him that's bad for you. So when your girlfriends/mother/women in your life tell you to cut a loser loose, you should shut up and listen.

I am tired of the women who don't listen to the people who care about them only to drown in pain at the end of a man's bad behavior because they give men permission to mistreat them. I recently told a man who was mistreating my friend off and I didn't care what she thought of it. I had enough and told him where to go.

Get guts and you'll have magnificent self respect. That's the kind of attitude that will keep the trash out and let authentic treasures flow in your life.

I want to help you get and maintain rock solid feminine self-confidence.

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