Russian Brides

вторник, 5 августа 2008 г.

5 Easy Ways to Instantly Increase the Number of Girls You Can Pull!

If every city, in every country 90% of guys wants to be able to pull more girls, and the 10% who don't probably want to pull better looking girls! It doesn't matter who you are and where you live you want more! There are ways to instantly improve your success rate, and you don't need a whole lot of effort to achieve it.

Here Are 5 Free Pulling Girls Tips To Help You Out:
  • Dress Individually To Impress The Girl - You won't get noticed if you don't stand out, there is no need to go out and buy some silly bright pants that don't suit you but at least dump that black jumper! And buy clothes you have never seen anyone in that look good and can get you compliments from girls.

  • Look After Yourself And Be Well Groomed - Most guys still don't spend enough time looking after yourself. Soft moisturized skin, shiny white teeth and smartly styled hair can go a long way. It says a lot about the guy to the girl.

  • Don't Hesitate, You Can't Afford To - One minute they are their the next minute they are gone. How many times does this happen in a bar or a club? You only have a couple of minutes to go and strike up a conversation with that pretty little thing at the bar. Don't hesitate because you can't afford do!

  • First Impressions Are Vital - You only get one chance, and normally the first impression is not when you go up and speak to her. It happens when you walk in the bar and she is sitting their and sees you. If you walk in looking at every girl and look desperate then when you walk up to her it will be a "sorry, no". Act natural and have fun and you will be a hot prospect!

  • Don't Jump Straight In - When you first approach a girl don't instantly say something sexual or pay her a compliment. It puts pressure on the conversation, find another way to speak to her and then after a few minutes become a little bit flirty so she gets the message.

It isn't easy suddenly putting the 5 tips above into practice, so read over them again so you don't forget them. Write yourself a plan of action and memorize the tips that need to be put into action on the night. Get yourself some new clothes, get yourself in shape and hit the town - let the good times roll!

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