Russian Brides

понедельник, 18 августа 2008 г.

Attracting Women - Do You Have These 5 Traits?

With thousands of websites, books, DVDs, and live seminars dedicated to attracting and dating women, there is definitely no shortage of information for the guy who is struggling in the dating world. Despite the fact that much of this information is very good, most of it is essentially saying the same thing, albeit packaged differently.

If you are able to absorb the good stuff and disregard all the fluff and repetitiveness, you'll be armed to the teeth in your quest to attract women. So what is the common message that is being delivered by this media?

Well, it pretty much comes down to five critical points that every guy should be aware of in order to see any success in the dating world.

Here they are, in no particular order:

Confidence - Nothing even comes close to a guy that has confidence. Women are naturally attracted to you and admire the way you carry yourself. Though you are far from being arrogant and cocky, you are comfortable with who you are and your place in society. This self-assuredness radiates from you wherever you go. You are not hung up on your physical looks because you understand that true attractiveness comes from within.

A sense of humor - You can make women laugh. You aren't necessarily good-looking or rich, but you understand that it really means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Your great sense of humor goes a long way.

Integrity - You assume responsibility for all your actions and you don't try to pass blame onto others. You are a person that people can rely on to do the right thing. You have high morals, you're honest, and they look up to you for guidance.

Humbleness - Even though you might have a lot going for you in life, you tend not to talk (brag) about yourself. You are down-to-earth and enjoy chatting to anyone and everyone. You are comfortable in any social setting.

A Friendly Disposition - You always have a friendly smile for everyone and make it a point to look people in the eye when you are talking to them. You are very aware of the fact that your friendly appearance speaks volumes about your personality. People (not just beautiful women) are naturally attracted to you. When you speak, they listen.

Attracting women doesn't have to be complicated. Try to adopt these 5 traits and you'll be amazed at the difference it will make!

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