Russian Brides

среда, 17 сентября 2008 г.

How to Attract a Man - Some Do's and Don't's

So you want to know how to attract a man. Do you have a specific one in mind? It does make a difference. If not, I suggest you find one, picking a man at random is a good recipe for disaster, and letting the man pick you isn't always much better.

The best advice you will ever get on how to attract a man, won't come from your friends, but from your grandmothers. Let's face it, long before women's lib, psychology or eHarmony, our ancestress had thousands of years to figure out what made men tick and how to get them to sit up and take notice.

For all that arranged marriages were popular in many cultures and many time periods, the dance of attraction has taken place every where unmarried adults gathered in any numbers. And until recent years, the tricks that were used to attract a man were passed down in village stories and palace gossip. Today, that entertainment has been replaced by the exploits of Brittney Spears, which have far less to teach us about how to attract a man.

The best of what used to be taught through the village gossip was how to make a man chase you. After all, it wasn't considered proper for a girl to approach a guy, so our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had to man the men come for them. And because of the way men think, it still works.

Men, even more then women, like to be in control, and feel that they are directing their lives. This is why they resist asking for directions, and always insist they know where they are going. A man will be attracted to a woman that he needs, to go after himself, rather then one that throws herself at him. It gives him the feeling of being in control of his actions, rather then being pushed into something.

So how do you make a man come after you? It takes a bit more then playing hard to get. First, you need to make a man notice you. Dress your best, be friendly, flirt a little bit, but not too much. When he has noticed you, be polite, be friendly, but be a little bit distant. Don't go looking for him, be around him, bump into him now and again, but for the most part make him come to you.

Learning how to attract a man by not going after him can take some work, it isn't a skill most women know anymore. But if you can learn it, it will work better then almost anything else you can try. After all, a couple thousand years of test generates some pretty strong evidence.

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