Russian Brides

понедельник, 6 октября 2008 г.

How to Tell If a Woman is Flirting With You - 3 Signs to Know

Most women are born flirts. Maybe they are even born into this world knowing how to flirt. I've never seen volumes of material trying to instruct women in the art of flirting. It would be about as useful as instructions on how to breathe.

Men, on the other hand, must learn how to flirt and even recognize when a woman is flirting with them so they can return the favor. Here are some certain signs that a woman is flirting with you:

She Keeps Glancing at You
If every time you glance her way, she is glancing your way, it's a pretty good indication she is flirting with you but if she drops her glance it could mean that she is interested buy shy. Get up, walk over to her, introduce yourself and start a conversation.

If her glance includes a smile then that is an open invitation for you to make the first move. If she goes out of her way to get you to notice her, that my friend, is flirting!

If, on her way from point A to point B, she takes an unnecessary detour through point C (you), she might be trying to get your attention. For instance, if she walks by your table "on her way" to the washroom in a coffee shop, but your table is located at the opposite end of the restrooms, she is probably interested. Why else would she be taking the long way? If she smiles at you on her way, consider your job half done.

When Women Play with Their Hair, They are Flirting
A woman's hair really is her 'crowning glory' in her opinion. Why else would they get so upset over a bad haircut? When you see a woman who is glancing at you, smiling AND twirling her fingers in her hair...go get 'em, tiger.

If she talks to you first - that is a sure sign of serious flirting on her part. Taking the first step to initiate a connection with you is a huge sign that she's interested.

"You Remind me of Someone I Know"
If she tells you something like "You remind me of someone I know," which begs a response and subsequent conversation, that's a concrete sign.

Compliments are another sure sign she is flirting with you... especially if she compliments you on your physique. Women are sparse with compliments, so if she throws one your way, you can pat yourself on the back.

Touching you on purpose is definitely flirting. When a woman breaks the contact barrier during a conversation, it is almost a sure sign that she's interested. It can be as obvious as touching your arm or knee while making a point, or as faint as having her knees come into contact with yours under the table. But you must make sure that she makes the first skin convergence.

Laughing at your jokes when you are in a group of other people is a sure sign she is flirting with you. When you relate a funny story, does she throw her head back in riotous laughter or does she just look at you and say, "Is that supposed to be funny?" Flirting involves reactions to a person, so if she acts captivated by your words, you're in the green. Other reactions that convey approval include asking "really?", "wow" and opening her mouth in amused disbelief.

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