Russian Brides

среда, 12 ноября 2008 г.

Can You Talk With Your Body Language?

Body language is without words yet powerful. Most of us dismiss it because we were not taught to read them. And learning how to read the signs will set apart a thick-skinned person from one that knows how to retreat at the sight of the right signs, in the settings of a date. The power is that there so much unsaid messages hidden in them, and knowing what these messages mean can serve us a great deal, whether it's a conversation with a friend, a boss, an executive, or a love interest.

In presentation, one can watch the body languages whether the speaker is one with substance or just some terrified person forced to speak. The signs of fidgety hand movements, bad legs position will tell us how comfortable the speaker is about speaking. A nervous one will probably forget the points, due to the inability to focus.

When talking to anyone, one can tell from body movements if your audience is interested in what you have to say. Slouching backwards and a bored face are obvious signs, and there's more such as playing with the pen, tapping of the feet on the ground. All these mean "Get it over already! I'm bored! " . The eyes, windows of the soul, can also tell you if you are getting attention.

In a negotiation with a business partner, or a banker, it is wise for watch for signs and then change your approach on the spot. If you are seeing signs that they are bored, hold back no more to ensure a swift and mutually beneficial agreement. On the other hand, if they look very interested, or anxious, you can keep playing the games into your hands.

Well, in a conversation where at least one party would be angry, observing body languages can help you determine your "fight or flight" decision. Angry eyes and clenched fists indicate that you either step back or if you really have to, resolve the manner by all means.

This skill of observing body language is very useful in life. It can help you make decisions and avoid making someone upset.

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