Russian Brides

вторник, 23 декабря 2008 г.

Nice Guys Don't Always Finish Last

It's a question which has puzzled many people - what do girls look for in a guy? The shortest answer is someone 'nice'. Having a flash car, dressing in designer gear and being super smooth in conversations don't always guarantee getting the girl. Neither does being a bad boy with dodgy friends and a criminal record. All girls want in a guy is someone who'll treat them nicely. So if you're a nice guy and are fed up of finishing last, then it doesn't have to be that way anymore.

Don't be shy

Conversation can really make or break a date for a girl. Women like to talk. They tend to be curious and like to find out as much information as possible about the guys they date. You will be asked questions on your date so make sure you have the confidence to answer them in an interesting and honest way. Short 'yes' and 'no' answers will make for a very dull and awkward date. Also remember to ask about her and what she likes to do, girls appreciate a man who does this as it shows that they care.

Love yourself

No one likes a show off but displaying confidence in yourself can keep girls interested. Paying attention to detail to your appearance will show a girl that you like her enough to make an effort for the date. Not caring about what other people think of you is a hard trick to pull off but if you can master it then you'll be a hit with the girls. All girls like to feel special and they certainly will if you show confidence and coolness and choose them to go on a date with.

Don't be a push over

Most girls find confident guys attractive. Make sure you don't look shocked or surprised if she asks to see you again and don't drone on about how lucky you are to have gone on a date with her. Like guys, girls like to do a little bit of chasing too so don't make yourself too available or confess your love after just one date. While following the phrase 'treat them mean to keep them keen' might be going a bit far, you can let a girl know you like her without saying it outright and potentially coming across as desperate.

Be funny

This doesn't mean throwing out Little Britain catchphrases every other sentence or making fun of other people for a cheap joke. Having a good sense of humour can simply mean being able to laugh at yourself and not taking life to seriously. Forced and awkward conversation is probably the key to not getting a second date but by relaxing and being yourself you'll probably find that comedy comes easily and you'll have your date in stitches.

Act your age

Unless you're 15 and trying to impress someone in your school then pulling wheelies on a BMX or asking a girl to watch your latest goal on a football game will not impress. Girls look for fun, excitement and conversation on first dates so sitting around playing computer games or taking her on a pub crawl with your mates are best avoided. Be creative when you're planning a date and suggest unusual places to go such as a local museum or gardens, an old film screening or a walk in the country. This will show thoughtfulness and maturity.

Nice guys don't always finish last and with these tips and by simply being yourself, you can win first place with the girls.

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