Russian Brides

среда, 31 декабря 2008 г.

What Do Women Want? - Discover What Women Really Look For in a Man!

So what is it that women want?

I mean, women all over the world keep sending us guys mixed signals.

They say they want a guy who is funny...

They say they want a guy who is nice...

They say they want a guy who is sensitive...

They say they want a guy who is caring...

In essence they say they want a "nice guy"...

But who do they always end up being with?

The guy who is a bad boy. The guy who is a jerk. The guy who doesn't treat them right.

So why do they keep saying they want a "nice guy" when in fact they want a bad boy?

Well I was like you before. I was also confused and totally baffled.

I mean I was the typical nice guy who would buy them flowers and go out of my way just to see her smile. My gosh was I a miserable failure with women.

So what the heck was I doing wrong? I mean I was always there for her... but why would I never be able to move beyond the "friends zone".

Why oh why?

That was before I figured out something really simple and basic yet a lot of guys somehow miss.

Women like men, who act like, well men!

This doesn't sound like rocket science now does it? But if you ever stopped and considered the behaviors of a nice guy. Is he acting more womanly than the women he is trying to seduce? If so, then chances are he is way too nice and this is killing his chances with the women he is trying to get.

But why do women say that want nice guys when in reality they want bad boys?

Well because bad boys, are very good at conveying to the woman that they have a very high social status.

The high social status is what women want! That is the secret!

The secret thing that a woman want's in a man, is for her man to have a high social status!

If you are a bad boy, you don't care about what other people think of you. You don't act desperate, you are not needy and you sure as heck don't ask for her permission to kiss her.

These are all attributes of successful men, and that is what women want in guys!

The attraction circuits of females are wired to seek out men who have this higher social standing. This is just like how guys are wired to look for the hottest girl in the room.

It is the same thing.

So enough about the theory, what are the things you need to do to demonstrate that you have a higher social status?

There are 6 main things:

1. You are recognized and appreciated by others
2. Other people seek your approval
3. You are competent at what you do
4. You demonstrate publicly that other people around you have lower social status without being an asshole
5. You display social intelligence
6. You are picky with the women you date

If you are able to demonstrate these attributes in your everyday interactions with women, then you will be seen as the "alpha guy" with a higher status.

Then you will be able to naturally draw women to you, just like how attractive women always have a group of men just waiting to take her out to buy her something.

If you want a breakdown and discussion of how to convey higher status, you should check out: What Women Want.

Also be sure to sign up to my 6 part seduction mini course, it will blow your mind!

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