Russian Brides

пятница, 16 января 2009 г.

The One Killer Tactic in Getting a Girl to Fall Head Over Heels For You - Using "Choice Constraint"

Getting a girl attracted to you is indeed tricky business. This is because most men do not really know for sure what women look for in a partner.

To make things a little bit more difficult, it is also impossible to get an answer directly by asking a girl what she wants in a man. If you actually do that, do not be surprised if she shuts you off totally. This is what you would get if you come across as insecure and needy.

Here's what a woman looks for in a man - summarized in one sentence. She wants a confident man who KNOWS EXACTLY what she wants - even though she does not really know what she wants herself.

Did you get that? If not, read that sentence again.

Now that you know exactly what women want, then you will need to do this in order to win any woman's affection - the act of transforming from being a needy person to someone who is charismatic and overflowing with manliness and confidence.

It is important to do this without coming across as arrogant and cocky.

Sure, this is easier said than done, but I will share with you some tips on how to make that transformation. Read on.

So here is how you do it. I am going to share with you a technique adapted from psychology called the 'choice constraint'. The best way to illustrate this is via an example. If she is only presented with one choice only, then she will be hard-pressed to REJECT that option. However, if you give her two or three choices, then she will be choosing any one of the options presented to her.

So how to use this when talking to women then? Simple!

Let's say you go and talk to a woman and want to get her phone number. If you ask her for her number outright, then there is a huge risk of rejection - simply because she knows that she has got the option to reject you.

Instead, apply the "choice constraint" principle and say to her, "Good talking to you. Shall we exchange phone numbers or arrange for a drink this Friday evening?" She will then have to choose between the two, and either choice is great for you.

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