Russian Brides

воскресенье, 15 февраля 2009 г.

The Alpha Male Mystique - Find Out Why Women Adore Them and Why Guys Want to Be Like Them

What is an Alpha Male?

I was recently asked by a buddy of mine, "What exactly is an Alpha Male and what's all this talk about them?" (I agreed not to reveal his real name, so I'll change it to Logan). I've got to be honest; he asked that question sarcastically in a belittling and somewhat of a besmirching manner. You need to know a little about Logan and understand his background to see why he had an issue with Alpha Males.

-Logan has a sweet Trust Fund from his Grandparents
-Logan graduated from an IVY League school
-Logan has a cream puff job making $175,000 annually
-Logan has a condo in Miami and a Town home in NY
-Logan drives a Porsche 911, a Lincoln Navigator and a Mercedes SL500
-Logan has never paid one bill late, not ever
-Logan has three attorneys on retainer

Even with all of that, at 28-years of age, Logan has never had a steady girlfriend! Why you ask? Two reasons.

1. He's a member of the Shy Guy Society
2. He's self conscious about his looks; people say he looks like Michael Phelps

Fast Forward To What Prompted The Sarcastic Questions

The previous night Logan hung out at the Club Mansion in Miami, Florida. If you don't know, this is probably one of the hottest clubs in Miami. Hot Girls are everywhere and yet, Logan walked out and did not connect up with one single solitary babe. Forget about getting a phone number, he didn't even get a name or a dance. It was like he was at the club but he was invisible. Seeing all those gorgeous babes having fun with other guys and he walked away with nothing, he was bummed! He called me the next day to tell me that CLUB MANSION sucked? I'm like, "Dude, are you kidding me, that's a freakin meat market filled with some of the sexiest and most fun loving babes on the planet, what do you mean it sucks?"

He proceeded to tell me how those hot girls are all stuck up, prissy and this, that and the other; he was totally negative. So I finally said to him, "You need to switch teams and become a Alpha Male!" When I said that, Logan went on the defensive and started giving me the proverbial, "I'm a shy guy speech..." I used to be like Logan that's why I wasn't empathetic to his Beta Male excuses. He tried to persuade me that certain people are born shy and there was nothing they could do but live with their lot in life.

Once again, I'm like, "Dude, you need to stop being a freakin wuss, join the winning team and I promise you, your lot in life will change! You will become the guy that gets the girl." After a few more hours of fruitless debating and pontificating on being born shy, Logan finally relented and decided to overcome his shyness, disregard his looks and become the kind of guy he use to envy. The truth is, Alpha Males are great guys; the type of guys women adore, parents love and Beta Males despise.

They are the type of guys in which the mainstream media, feminist organizations, and other misinformed groups and individuals have mistakenly tagged as: BAD BOYS, JERKS, THUGS and males who display unbridled aggression. That my friend is truly unfortunate and can literally be classified as slander. Here's The True Definition of an Alpha Male...

-They are True Leaders
-They are Good Communicators
-They Don't Crack Under Pressure
-They are Loyal To Their Family and Friends
-They are Decisive
-They are Honest
-They are Protectors
-They are Self-Confident But Not Arrogant
-They are Go-getters
-They are Comfortable in Their Skin
-They are Men of Courage
-They are Loving
-They are Kind
-They are Considerate
-They are Lovers

It is these traits that makes Alpha Males so irresistibly attractive to women.

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