Russian Brides

воскресенье, 8 февраля 2009 г.

The Reality of the Over Inflated Ego

This is something that I wrote about 12 months ago. The feedback was incredible and a lot of guys found they could relate. I have placed it here and I hope it reaches you the way it has to so many others.
Happy reading.

Knowing yourself means understanding yourself and why at times in your life you know the score, you know what to do but you just can't act. Sometimes you get feelings of frustration and intimidation in a situation. You may then make an excuse that you are too good for the potential rejection anyway.

If you're in a situation and want to act knowing very well that if things don't go according to plan that you will still be OK and you will learn something new. If you can't make yourself act under these circumstances, than there is something nasty that still holds you back that causes a fear in you. If all of the above is occurring then you can be absolutely sure that the very thing that is preventing you from acting is your "ego".

There is no reason for you not to act because you cannot get hurt. You are not in a business situation where the reputation of the business can get damaged.

Let's discuss the situation of meeting women and the art of approaching... Do you see that if you fail you still cannot lose?

If you approached a group of women and got ignored or laughed at... This would still be an incredibility positive situation. You see you are learning! The question still lingers though. Why don't you act and just approach knowing this truth?

This is such an interesting topic and I've come to realize through my own journey and training my clients that it's our "ego" that is responsible for our lack of action in life.

Our "ego" is an illusionary image that we have of ourselves. The "ego" thinks that it is too good to potentially get rejected and does NOT care about the upside of things. It just wants to be protected from any potential damage. Even if that means losing many good opportunities to meet women and learn.

Some men will suffer from a higher "ego" than others, but generally our "ego" is there to protect us from feeling like a failure and we all have some traces of it in us. In small doses this is ok but when it gets to big... THIS IS BAD THING!

The "ego" is an imaginary state of mind, an illusion... You're ego is something that permits you to think that you are better than you really are; It's a cover up, a bandaid solution for an insecurity. This is the insecure feeling that you won't succeed if your approach. With you "ego" though you can pretend that you will succeed and so don't need to try.

Let's be blunt. If you go and approach and you get rejected, there is a reason for this. She may have issues or is in a bad mood but... most likely what just occurred was your fault. You most likely lack in skill and experience in cold approaching women and your insecurities take over and mess you up.

This insecurity and lack of skill is something that has to be ironed out of you and removed over time. This can only occur through constant daily practice. If you keep up with the approaching and interactions with women.... Eventually you will gain the much needed experience that is so vital to your success.

What prevents you from acting and achieving this though is your "ego"

Your "ego" will always get in the way. Your "ego" might make you feel good through illusion in the short term, but I guarantee you it's doing you more damage then you realise. What the "ego" is doing is robbing you from the vital experience needed in different situations so you can learn and grow. Your "ego" is not allowing you to act, and it has a hidden agenda. It wants to be protected and shielded from rejection and all costs.

When you don't put yourself out there and out of your comfort zone, you have no chance of rejection... You're "ego" is protected and this is where it likes to be. Over INFLATED and protected.

WHAT ABOUT YOU THOUGH, WHERE DOES YOUR HAPPINESS LIE? All you end up with is frustration and loneliness and an over protected over inflated false sense of self. "High ego"!

Most of us have suffered at one stage or another with an over inflated "ego".
We tell ourselves how good we are and how confident we are, but inside feel weak and scared. This is what it's like living with an over inflated "ego". I think that the right place to begin to eliminate this enemy of an "ego" is to understand it. Don't let it stop you from acting and reaching your goals. Before you can ever start a proper path to becoming successful with women, you need to have LIVE infield experience and lots it.

The way to get this experience is through approaches. Some approaches (especially when you are new) will lead to rejection and this rejection will lead to you learning and gaining the necessary insight and skills. When you start to get a proper feel for being out there in the field and you're studying some theory too. You will begin to have success.

Please remember that nobody is above rejection and these painful embarrassing experiences are a part of the learning process. They will help you to grow overtime and develop a thicker skin.

The "ego" must go and make room for your practical training. It's time!

I wrote this article so it could stimulate thought. Think about your "ego" and what it's doing to you.

Is it worth it?

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