Russian Brides

пятница, 13 февраля 2009 г.

Top 5 Places Not to Take a Date!

Let's go over places you would like to avoid this valentines! Some are common sense... some not so much!

#5 Walmart

Nothing says love like a discount! Wait... Whats wrong with Walmart I can buy her tons of chocolate its only $2!!!...NO! The problem is there is a time and place for your Walmart and I will tell you right now Walmart is not what your women wants. You better be making her dinner or taking her out somewhere nice. This is one of the very few times you better go out of your way!

#4 Your Parent's House for Dinner!

Its time to disconnect the cord! This will fly in elementary, middle school, some high school. But its time to leave the boat and walk on water! Thats right you are Jesus and she is the burning bush...wait what no she isn't, well for your sake I hope not. You have to think out of the box This February!

#3 Your "Hot spot" For your EX GIRLFRIEND!

Come on really... Its been some time and the only place you can think of is Dennys because your EX loves the "Meat Lovers Scramble" ;D... STOP! Don't do it think about this situation.

GF: Oh...(sad face knowing she has chosen the wrong mate) Dennys... well I guess... (here it comes) But why Denny's?

You: Oh well my Ex-GF that works here loves this place and I figure you would of...

GF: *kicks you right in the child maker*

You: Why!!!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrgghhhhh.

I am here to help you! Take my advice, do not take her to were your hot spot was with your EX for valentines.

#2 The Middle of Nowhere!

Yes...I see it now, you take your girlfriend on a long drive late at night. She ask you "Hey hun were are we going" you grin and say "Some were special... you'll remember it FOREVER." As you take her through the back streets in your area trying to go get to somewhere isolated.

LOOK YOU! Unless you are Brad Pitt don't try to be romantic by taking her somewhere isolated that's not the beach. I'm sure your 53 min drive to nowhere is romantic well maybe to a serial killer.

Avoid this!

* Drum Roll *

#1 The Internet

If you try to be funny this season and take her to "The Internet"... Ok wait before i go on the Odds of being struck by lightning: 576,000 to 1 your odds will change to 1 to 1! The internet its not romantic, fun, exciting watching your favorite YouYube videos 30 times and going over endless street fight videos is a big NO!

Last words...

Follow these tips for places not to take your date and you'll surely have better chances this valentines season!

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