Russian Brides

среда, 18 февраля 2009 г.

When Rules Are Meant to Be Broken

In order to gain mastery in any discipline, you must first learn the basics, the fundamentals, the rules. Once you've got these down, then you are able to build off of them and develop your own style, where you are more free to veer away from the rules now and then. However, you must have the rules down pat in order to stray from them.

So, what are some of the key rules to having a successful relationship? As frequent readers of this site now, I've outlined the necessary steps throughout the site, but here are some key core concepts:

1. Know yourself and what you are looking for

2. Take it slow

3. Date a variety of people to have freedom of choice and options

4. Don't reveal too much of yourself too soon

5. Qualify your potential mate instead of trying to qualify yourself

If you stick with these concepts, as well as others outline in this site, you'll find yourself much less likely to end up in an unhealthy relationship. Understand these concepts and make them part of your thinking.

However, there are times when rules are meant to be broken. Obviously, you must have a familiarity of the rules to know when you are veering away and to be able to make a conscious decision to do so... but there will be times when the rules just don't need to apply.

There comes a rare time in some people's lives when they meet someone who is so perfect for them, so in tune with their thoughts and emotions and dreams and desires, that they just KNOW that they found the one.  I don't think it's possible to know unless you've had enough experience with the wrong relationships, but once you've experienced the bad and know the correct way to start a relationship, you're in a better position to know in your heart when you've found something good, very good.

When you've found something wonderful, you just know it, and some of the principles just fall by the way side. You don't question, you don't wonder, you don't analyze, you just feel it... you KNOW.  Once you feel it in your core, you can loosen up some of the rules... they will naturally loosen anyway. People get into and stay in relationships for a variety of reasons.... you know you are in the right relationship when you don't even need to come up with a reason. You just be. And you feel the world come together and make sense.

I wish everyone to strive to find that person that they can feel that way with.

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