Russian Brides

четверг, 19 марта 2009 г.

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Able to Get a Date - How to Become a Player

How do you tell if you are on the right track into getting a date and if you really know how to become a player?

It's very easy to find out if there's something wrong with the way you flirt with women or not. There are lots of indicators that can provide you with the proof whether you are on the right track or not when it comes to getting a date. There are only 5 indicators that can tell you whether you are most probably going to get a date or not, and these 5 tips, when practiced properly can teach you how to become a player:

1. Your confidence. Confidence can tell so much about your personality. If you are shy, you will most likely have a hard time getting a date, but on the other hand, if you know how to act around women, it will be easy for you to get them to like you. Just see how in demand confidence is: when attracting women, you need confidence; when talking to women, you need confidence; when even walking through a hall full of women, you will still need confidence to make it to the other side without stumbling down along the way. A lot of guys can't handle themselves properly when around women and they would most likely make more mistakes than their confident counterparts. To avoid clumsiness, you must equip yourself with enough confidence and poise.

2. Your looks. Not to sound superficial here, but attraction begins with how women see you and not how you good you are in certain "nerdy" areas. If you want to attract women at the first glance or to command attention at least, try to dress maturely and neatly as possible. Don't overdress nor under-dress because that can be a huge turn off. Turn to nice suits and ties or probably a clean polo.

3. Your appeal around women. If women remember you as someone who is confident, it will be very easy for you get their attraction as well as attention. It is important to keep a certain appeal when around women, because if your looks can't do it, your appeal will attract them for you. Just think about this, who would you prefer talking to: someone who is confident of himself and his actions or someone who is shy and uncertain of what he does everyday? You must build your appeal with women so they will likely you more and will most definitely prefer you among other guys they meet.

4. Your intriguing personality. You must try to be mysterious as much as possible so as to attract women. Women love intriguing guys since they claim that attraction ends as soon as the intrigue does. Keep them hooked on you by being intriguing and attractive to your date.

5. Your interpersonal skills. You must know how to socialize with people for them to know you better. If you want to be noticed by girls, somehow you just need to very friendly and charming to be able to attract many women possible. It is very important to know how to socialize and to keep that attraction flowing.

Do you find one of your traits written above? If you do, then that is definitely one of the best traits you should try to develop. On the contrary, if you seem to lack confidence, then build that missing trait up so you'll know how to become a player.

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