Russian Brides

понедельник, 13 апреля 2009 г.

How to Project the Right Image to Girls

How is it possible, that in this day and age, men still don't know what women like?

Many men still think they have to be super fit with giant biceps, pockets bulging with money, and driving a muscle car. It isn't true! No woman I know would fall for a guy like that.

Men like that are such a cliche that even if a girl was interested in them, they are likely to be so shallow as to be of little interest to you.

So, how do you project the right image to girls? You need to start by deciding who it is that you really are. As they say, until you know (and love) yourself, you are no good to someone else.

The overall image you really want to project to girls is one of confidence, intelligence, and self-containment. Nothing attracts a woman more than a man who already appears to have it all. A man who appears needy or lacking in confidence simply looks like a work in progress to a woman.

Think of people you already know who are good with women. Chances are, they are confident in a charismatic way. They walk into a room with a calmness and good humor that makes women gravitate to them.

They don't chase women down - women come to them. That is the image you need to project. Desperation is unattractive. One of the quickest ways to project a good image is to start with body language.

Stand upright (but not uptight!) and don't fidget. Be calm and confident. A small smile with good eye contact works every time. No one trusts a man who doesn't make eye contact. And, when making eye contact, remember that there is "good eye contact" and "bad eye contact".

It is OK to look, but don't stare. Learn when to look away, and when you do look away, do NOT look at a woman's body. That is not the image you wish to convey.

When meeting people, make sure they know that you are a listener. Lean in to them when they talk, but be aware of their personal space. Ask them questions about themselves, listen to the answers, and then ask more questions.

Remember that everyone's favorite subject is themselves, and everyone's favorite word is their own name, so use it often. That is the image you want to project!

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