Russian Brides

среда, 8 апреля 2009 г.

Using EFT to Heal Heartbreak

Of all the problems to treat with the Emotional Freedom Technique, one of the most difficult is heartbreak and heartache. Whenever it comes up, you can almost bank on the SUDS level being at least a 9. Nobody I've ever worked with has ever been just a tiny bit heartbroken. Losing a love is one of the hardest things for a person to experience.

Heartbreak is a conglomerate of feelings and emotions that meld into a deep, dark despair that does not go away quickly. No two people reaction to heartache in the same fashion. Every case heartbreak is difficult in its own unique way. EFT will definitely help but there aren't likely to be many one-minute wonders when it comes to treating heartbreak.

Heartbreak encompasses loss of love, friendship, companionship, touch, pleasure, hope and so much more. One also experiences the loss of an expected future. Heartbreak completely and traumatically alters the roadmap one was using to guide their life. All of these feelings and upsets need to be tapped on.

It's worse if it's sudden and out of the blue. It's only slightly better when it's been a long time coming and inevitable as in a drawn out breakup. In drawn out, inevitable break ups, the heartache is sometimes balanced by a feeling of relief because the hovering axe has finally fallen but it is still often difficult to get through.

On the SUDS scale, tapping will not take heartache from a 10 to a 1. What is most likely to happen is that tapping on heartache will initiate a process whereby one can unravel, examine and tap out all the components of the problem. One may start with heartache being a 10 but as the feeling is tapped, the heartache changes to sadness, anger, despair, loneliness or just about any other feeling.

Whatever feeling arises needs to be treated. Don't skip treating any feeling just because it doesn't seem like the right feeling or the crucial feeling. If it comes up, it came up for a reason. Treat it then and there.

EFT is definitely useful for heartache and heartbreak but it's probably not going to be an easy or quick treatment. Be patient. It will get better.

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