Speed Dating is a very fast paced social event, not for the timid or faint of heart! but it has many advantages over traditional dating, because you get to meet many singles in a short period of time, thus upping the chance that you will meet someone you really click with, and reducing time wasted on duds.

It also helps singles develop their character and identity because you are faced with a new person asking you personal questions every six minutes or so, and by getting this exposure, you have the opportunity to really get to know yourself a lot better too!

Those of you who have never done it, (and some of you who have been there already...) may be asking: "What is speed dating?"

Well, it's very simple. Prior to the event, you are asked to come up with 10 questions to bring along. (See the Speed Dating Tips section for some very popular ones) These questions should be geared toward finding the person of your dreams, or at least you will finally get your chance to ask those questions you've always wanted to ask of the opposite sex, unless it is a gay or lesbian speed dating event of course, and if you were expecting to meet members of the opposite sex, you may in fact be at the wrong event.

I know that a thousand questions are probably going through your head right now...

* Will I meet my future spouse there?

* Will I be scared?

* Do I need to bring a pencil?

* What should I wear?

* What if I see someone I know there?

* Will I make a