Some of you out there have had some bad raps with women, have had a rough time of it and aren't really sure if you're worthy of a good woman because you've just had a string of bad luck. What ends up happening is that you start feeling grateful for any woman who will look your way. Stop right now. That is ridiculous. You -- and every other man who isn't a psychopath or total Jackhole -- deserves someone who will treat you like the rockstar you are inside.

So you need to go into the relationship expecting to be treated with dignity and not like you are lucky to be dating at all. Here is a scenario that is flip flopped a little bit, with the man dating women who feel lucky he gives them the time of day. But he is not interested in them. See who does capture his attention and remember it works both ways.

I once knew a guy I'll call James who made the women crazy. He dated several women at once and they always fell in love with him. The problem was he never fell for any of them. He drove them completely wild.

Well one day James was introduced to a mutual friend of ours, whom I'll call Julie. Well Julie didn't appear to fall for his charms right away, but had fun being goofy and silly with him. James was intrigued. He began to pursue Julie, who was friendly and nice but definitely wasn't worshipping him (or at least didn't act like it.)

Before too long, James and Julie were an item.

James, who had his way for years, stringing women along a