Online dating has introduced many new dating opportunities to people in all kinds of situations. Given the nature of romance in the offline world, finding that perfect person can be quite a challenge for most people.

For example, when you live in a town the size of my hometown (population 50,000), the best you can hope for - to meet new people - is to have a friend looking out for you, or to go to a bar. If you are like me, the bar scene is not something many of us look forward to doing. The bar scene was fine - when I was in my twenties - twenty years ago.

As someone who is much older, going to a bar might feel like going to a preschool to pick up a date. On the flip side, if you are able to find a bar where people your own age go, if you found them in a bar, they might be the crying in their beer type. Who wants to bring a drunk home, eh?

Where does one go outside the bar scene to find your future love? You ask your friends and they say you should start attending a specific church - as someone at that church might be on the lookout for his or her love interest also.

You can also look at the people you work with, but that is not recommended in today's hypersensitive sexual harassment environment.

I remember when I was younger, someone told me that I should go to the laundromat to pick up women. The strategy seemed realistic in that most consumers at the laundromat are women, and I am a guy.

I knew a guy one time that always went to the grocery store when he wanted to meet new women.

My thought is that if I go to the laundromat or the grocery store, I am going to potentially offend dozens of married women, before I get to the single women in the place. From my viewpoint, that is just a little too heartbreaking - to find a woman you are attracted to and then to learn you could never date her because she is already married.
