Russian Brides

воскресенье, 29 ноября 2009 г.

Attracting Women - What Kind of Man Are You?

When it comes to dating, there are different kinds of men. Some will sit idly back and watch all of the girls get scooped up the other guys and then there are those that are willing to put themselves out there, because they know this is the only way to guarantee that you will get any results. If you just sit back and watch the other guys get the girl, then you really have no one to blame but yourself. Harsh, maybe. True? Definitely.

One of the reasons why you have to become a man of action is because this is what women are attracted to. Why would a beautiful women, a women that can have her choice of men, settle on a guy that is afraid to even make a move?

She won't.

We all have heard the fact that women tend to fall for alpha males. And alpha males take action. In many ways, that is the one thing that is separating YOU from the guys that are out there, dating beautiful women, and having EXPLOSIVE sex lives.

There is no reason not to take action. Most guys will fail to act because they are afraid of rejection. They are afraid to look like a fool. What's more foolish? Taking a chance and seeing what happens or sitting back and WISHING that your life was different.

Choose what kind of guy that you want to be.

One that goes out there and attracts beautiful, sexy women. Or one that sits back, watching other men have success with women and wishing that were YOU.

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