Russian Brides

вторник, 3 ноября 2009 г.

Tips to Get a Girlfriend

IF you are wondering about some tips to get a girlfriend then I think I can help you out.  I am a guy who actually knows because he has been in the position a couple of years back where he struggled to get a girlfriend but now enjoys abundance in that area. Would you not rather learn from me about tips to get a girlfriend than someone who just spouts what they have heard from their parents. Without further ado, here are my top tips to get a girlfriend. 

Be Honest - The first of my tips to get a girlfriend is this. Girls can smell when a guy in a relationship is lying a mile away. If you are going to approach then do not be wimpy about it. Just get in there and have some fun. See if she seems to like you too and go for it. Women love a man who will approach without shame because they are so different to ninety nine percent of other guys who will approach and be nervous and fidgety the whole time. 

Stick Out - When a girl looks around a room in a place where she goes to meet people (clubs etc) she will look for something that catches her eye out wont she? It is natural human behaviour.  The second of my tips to get a girlfriend is that you want to make yourself stand out somehow. Now I am not saying that you have to wear fluorescent jackets (you can to see my point if you wish) but you need to somehow stick out in a crowd. 

You could become a leader of men who speaks in a loud clear voice and has everyone laughing at his jokes. This shows 2 great qualities. That you are a leader of men and that you have a sense of humour that always helps. This is a great tip. 

The last of my top tips to get a girlfriend is to be yourself. There is literally nothing to do. If you stop putting on fronts for girls when you are trying to date and flirt with them and maybe get a relationship it seems fake. Sooner or later you will have to take off that mask and again they know when something is fake a mile away. It is in their genes. 

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