Yes, I know that this article may offend some overweight men, but I have to say it anyway. If you are insulted by this article, then I offer my apologies, but do suggest that you get out of the denial mode. If you are a man with a protruding beer belly and is so obese that your neck is hidden in a clump of chin fat and you think that being fat is attractive to women, then you are living in a denial mode.

Yes, some women may be attracted to slightly chubby men, but most women are turned off sexually by overweight men. You may have read somewhere that girls are not attracted by sight. You know what? That is not entirely true.

Don't believe me? Pray, tell me why are there so many screaming girls when a handsome pop star or actor comes to town? Why do these good-looking men get so many fan mails from women declaring their undying love for them even when they have never met?

You see, instinctively a girl (of course are exceptions) is only sexually attracted to a man if she perceived him to have good genes that can be passed down to her offspring and at the same time, able to protect herself and her brood. So what do you think you will figure out in her subconscious mind if you are overweight and sporting a beer belly with dangling male boobs? A real turn off, isn't it?

Most likely, she will think that you are lazy, is not bothered with your own health and that you are more than likely a strong candidate for obesity related diseases such as heart attack