Russian Brides

пятница, 29 августа 2008 г.

4 Dating Games Women Play and What They Mean

1. The woman you are dating could test you to see if you really like her figure by asking you, "Do you think I look fat in this dress?" When you get a question like this from a woman you are involved with, no matter how she looks you have to be very tactful with your reply. This is the time for you to complement her. Don't just say, "You look okay." Tell her, "Baby, you look sexy. Your dress fits you perfectly." Flattery can help you win her heart very quickly.

2. Women will sometimes flirt with you even to the point of saying sexually suggestive things to you, and when you look like you are about to chase them, they pull back or go cold on you. When they do this, it means that they want you to chase them but they want to be in control of when the chase starts. You should respond by pulling back and acting like you are no longer interested in them anymore. Let them make the next move. When they see that you are not going to chase them, they will start doing things to get your attention again. When you finally get the chance to speak with them one on one, let them know that you do not play games, and that you are very straight forward. Women love this kind of straight talk. When they see that you are not responding to their dating games, they will drop their head games and start responding to your overtures.

3. If she gives you her phone number and you call her but she never returns your calls, don't conclude that she is too busy for you, or is not attracted to you. A lot of times, women want you to work for their affections. They want you to prove that you really like them by gauging how persistent you are in your chase. Other times they want to create the impression that they have busy lives and that you are not the only thing on their mind. But the truth is that they are glad you called. When they finish speaking with you, chances are they will call their friends to let them know that you called them.

4. One of the ways women try to see if you really care about them is to try and make you jealous when you are hanging out with them. They may do it by flirting with a handsome looking waiter or by getting a little too cozy with one of their male friends. If you act as if you are bothered, then they feel that you really care a lot about them, but if you act like you don't give a damn whether another man picks them up or not, then they will conclude that you have no romantic interest in them.

So now that you know the four most common dating games women play and what they mean, you will now be in a better position to know what to do to win them over. The thing about dating is that the more you learn how to figure out women and what makes them tick, the better you will be at attracting and dating more women that you have ever dated in the past.

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