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пятница, 29 августа 2008 г.

7 Reasons on Why Men Dump Women and Often End Relationships

The important question that is anticipated by most of the relationship counsellors from most of their clients is indeed provoking as "Why does men dump women and vice versa" resulting in total break up of their relationships. Most of the times, you cannot expect exact answers from any advisors but some of them may say that it is Infidelity, which may be the common cause, which tends only to be an approximation. But there are a variety of factors that causes this problem & are discussed in detail.

However, we needed to carefully examine what is there in the Mindset of both men & women.

-So Men are believed to be mostly as over excessive thinking habit but women on the other hand tend to be out of the world thinking process. In general Terms, Men would to start to think in their own unusual way when everything seems to be fine but women start their thinking process when there is no such necessity at all. So we can conclude that both men & women are interrelated as long as their mental abilities are concerned. But Men after a lot of thinking come to a grave conclusion that instead of getting dumped by woman, let us dump them.

-As discussed above, men have a bad mental thinking that instead of committing themselves to women & get trapped in such commitment cycles , they conclude finally that dumping is the natural remedy. If a man is getting satisfaction from woman & if woman suddenly ask for a commitment, man will think about ending such relationship. Men will never liked to pressurised at all in general & in specific with respect to marriage related matters.

-Sex will also have a major say in relationship break-ups since no men would like to have a bad sex life with any woman & if such a situation arises, he will say good bye for such a women. This holds good for women as well.

-As observed women always try to control men or dominate men completely & this nature or attitude will be very hard to resist for many men. Also when women subdues his attitude, then he will feel such women as boring & unchallenging eventually ending the relationship as well.

-Infidelity can thought of as one of the major causes for men dumping women & ending relationships. This is because men does not want to live with the spouse who is found to be cheating & if he finds something fishy, we would brand his spouse as Unfaithful partner & leave such a relationships.

-One of the Important factors that why men dump women often and ends relationships is because his spouse will be a nagging partner and most of the women are in the habit of nagging on and on. This would make him like a fish out of water & wants to break way from such a situation & move towards his own freedom.

-Over-possessive attitude of the women seems to hurt men to a maximum extent and does not want to live with such natured woman. Men like any other person want his share and bit of space & if denied his share, would have no other option of dumping women & eventually leave such relationship.

If you are a woman, you should have surely come across the above instances & we can conclude that why men leaves relationship is that "Men are men & women are women". Follow the above 7 secrets to understand why men dump women quite often & leave relationships

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