Russian Brides

понедельник, 17 ноября 2008 г.

Attraction and Bad Boys

I know you have seen the ads for the movie about the love story between a young male vampire and a "normal" young girl. This movie has really gotten a lot of publicity! To tell the truth, I thought it was strange that such a movie could be so popular, but young girls loved it. Perhaps, my not being a young girl is the reason that I do not understand why so many people would think so highly of a love affair between a vampire and a normal young girl.

Since the movie is a love story, my thoughts of the movie lead me to thoughts about relationships and attraction. Growing up I always heard that girls were attracted to the "bad boys". So, what I did was to try and visualize the young vampire as a "bad boy". I know that many people consider vampires to be a type of monster, but, if you think about it a young male vampire would have to be the ultimate "bad boy". If we can assume that girls actually are attracted to bad boys, maybe there is some logic in the popularity of the movie.

For the most part I was a good boy while in high school; that was until I lost a few girl friends to the so-called bad boys. I tried to ask one of my sons if it was different when he went to high school, but they were usually busy with their video games. I did notice that the boys growing up during my sons era, mostly wanted to look like thugs. Most of them were probably good kids, but if they wanted to be stylish, they needed to look like thugs. I wondered if there was more to my son and his friends' thuggish look than just being stylish.

I looked up attract and attraction in a Webster's Dictionary. It stated:

Attract: "to draw to or toward oneself". Attraction: "the act or power of attracting".

I suppose the dictionary was a good place to start, but it does not tell you very much. What I wanted to know was what causes attraction? A large number of people will likely respond that appearance is the number one cause of attraction. But, I have known some guys whose physical appearance was not that great, yet they had no problem attracting women.

During my research, I saw several instances of supposedly scientific persons (actually pointing to our connection to animals) stating that individuals release a chemical substance (pheromones) that stimulates a behavioral response in others. Perhaps the pheromones released by bad boys are different from what the average male releases, and we can believe that attraction is the result of signals from our sense of smell. My relationship history will attest that I am no Dr. Mac Daddy Got This Down, but anytime I investigate behavioral situations I usually end up at the level of the subconscious mind. Physical appearance may be important in some cases when considering attraction, but I do not believe that it is not the most important factor. I believe that individuals illuminate vibrational energy that is picked up by other individuals. When our intuition tells us that the energy is good or capable creating comfort for us, then we begin to develop an attraction.

Getting back to the question of whether girls are attracted to bad boys? I believe that only girls who are insecure as a result of having been raised without a father present, or with a father who was negligent in his duties as a father. Such girls have a strong desire to be protected by a male. They interrupts the mostly negative energy that vibrates for the bad boy as being protective energy. Her attraction begins and she believes that her days of being afraid are over. Things go well until her bad boy turns on her. What she does not know or does not realize is that most bad boys loose touch with their emotional level of being. They cease to even care about their self. It is almost impossible that her bad boy will ever care about anyone else, at least not for very long.

Herman Wheeler

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