Russian Brides

пятница, 21 ноября 2008 г.

How to Flirt With a Guy - The Most Powerful 3 Tips You Will Ever Need!

There are many women that think they are not pretty enough to flirt with certain guys. This is just not true. Anybody can flirt and girls you can flirt with any guy. You need to learn how to flirt with a guy the right way so that you can impress him and you might even find out that he likes you too. Would not that be a pleasant surprise?

All girls have their own style when it comes to flirting. All three of these tips can be incorporated into your own style and are just a guideline for you to use anyway. Here are the 3 tips to help you flirt better:

- Make sure you look as beautiful as you can

When you are flirting with a guy it is very important that you not only look attractive to him, but you feel attractive to yourself as well. This will give you more self confidence and you will know that you are hot. This is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself and it does not involve dressing in a provocative way. You should look classy and feel like you are the best looking woman around.

This should go without saying, but making sure you shower regularly, brush your teeth, have good breathe, and smell good. Do not put on so much perfume that is overwhelming, but you want enough that he will notice it.

- Don't flirt in packs

You have to separate yourself from the heard at some point so he has a chance to approach you. Nobody likes to be rejected and it is even work in front of a group. You should stand alone at least for a little while to give him the opportunity to approach you. Plus some guys feel that they cannot approach you because you are with your friends.

Also, you can help him out by making the distance between the two of you shorter so that he can get to you easier. This will make him notice you and know that he can approach you.

- Know How to set him on fire without him realizing it

You can always act flirty and some girls are very good at it. Here are some of the best ways to do it:

Start by giving him a compliment, but make sure it is true and sincere. Nobody likes a fake compliments.

Make sure you are always making good eye contact. This does not mean that you have to have a staring contest with him, but eye contact shows that you are interested.

The magic touch that every woman possesses can be used to your benefit. Brush up against him lightly and you will have his attention faster than you could ever imagine. Also, while talking with him if you put your hand on his arm or touch him lightly you will get an amazing reaction that only you will notice.

Some of the sexiest things are a smile and a giggle. If you show that you are happy, then you will probably be able to get him to smile as well. This is very powerful and most men will remember this if nothing else.

The last bit of advice is the hardest to follow, but it is extremely important. Do not just jump right into a relationship. You have to get to know him as a friend first and make sure he is right for you. Then, you can date him and eventually become his best friend.

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