Russian Brides

вторник, 20 января 2009 г.

Letting Go of Online Dating in Favor of the Dateless Method

One of the biggest adjustments that some men will have to make when you begin learning and practicing the "Dateless Method" is letting go of the idea of finding women on Online Dating sites. Mainly, because everybody knows that there is an abundance of women on Online Dating sites and if you have even had a little success with women from it letting go of such an easy place to meet and find women seems counter productive.

Yet, one of the main teachings of the Dateless Method is living the kind of life that you want to live irregardless of women. In other words, if you currently were with the woman of your dreams would you still be going onto Online Dating sites for entertainment, educational, or otherwise.

For the majority off men out there it is pretty safe to say that you wouldn't which is why you need to get out of that habit as quickly as you can. Especially, when you begin to realize that there are women everywhere and that the more time you spend online is more time lost to a reality that only exists in your mind.

Another reason why you should consider moving away from attempting to attract women online is how much time and energy are you using in an attempt to have success with women online and what are you missing out on because of it.

Whether you like it or not, we each only get 24 hours in a day and the more time you spend online chasing women is less time you have to chase women that you can catch in a way where you are doing other things that are important and fulfilling in your life as well.

In the end, no matter how you slice the online dating pie the only thing you are doing is chasing in the hope that one day you will meet the one.

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