Russian Brides

понедельник, 16 февраля 2009 г.

Do People Hit on You? Get More of the Right Kind of Attention (Part 2)

In Part 2 of this article I want to share with you some simple methods that can help get you more of the right kind of attention in social settings.

Imagine feeling more Social Confidence ( for Men ) or Social Comfort ( for Women ) and with these extra tips you can make your dating even better!

Who else wants to discover how to maximize the kind of attention they get? Learn a few simple tips about what to wear, do and say, that inspire people to start conversations with you and more.

Every day people get approached in various places and they usually do not know what to do to follow up or to keep the conversations going.

So in order to capitalize on being approached you will need to know what to say and do to encourage the person to want to stay a bit longer and keep on talking.

Assuming that you are getting more attention now that you followed my suggestions from Part 1 ( relax, I will recap later on in this article ) you will want to learn what to do next.

1. Take a quick inventory of your usual clothing, accessories and places you tend to go to. Consider how the things you wear tell a story. Imagine going to a Book Store and browsing. Notice the kinds of books that catch your attention. Are they colorful? Do they have intriguing titles or do they just get you curious about the book? Notice the kinds of activities that you like to do and the places you like to go to. Are there potential singles where you are at? Or do most of your hobbies and interests keep you isolated? These are some of the things you will want to play with. What kind of a book are you and how can you get the right kind of readers to notice you and pick you up? :)

2. Practice accepting compliments and attention graciously so that the other person feels encouraged to continue and knows that you are enjoying their company. So when someone compliments your wrist watch you will have a good story to tell about that watch. This story will really be a story about you and that is why I recommend that you wear things that match who you are. This helps to avoid judging a book by the cover because the real you will match what you are wearing and doing. So if someone seems interested in you and even compliments you about something you will feel comfortable accepting the praise and you will draw more conversation from them and both of you will enjoy the encounter.

3. Also practice graciously letting the other person know that you are busy, involved with someone already, etc. so that you let them down easy and everyone can go back to what they were doing.

So here is a quick recap and summary of part 1 and 2 on how to get more of the right kinds of attention that may lead to better dates.

Find something you wear that serves a purpose ( a scarf can keep you warm ) and now consider how well that item matches your personality. Is there another scarf, watch, etc. that can still serve a useful purpose AND get you more attention? Now have a story about where you got it or that it was a gift and smoothly flow into more conversation.

When in doubt, you can always imagine a a back and forth--someone compliments you and you share a story about yourself ( or that item and how it relates to who you are ) and then you can return the favor and compliment them about something and get them talking more about themselves.

Keep in mind that Valentines Day is just around the corner and regardless of when you are reading this article you will want to put yourself where there are potential singles. These potential singles should be the type of person that you find attractive and these tips will just make it easier for them to approach you. Feel free to approach potential dates rather than just waiting for people to flirt with you.

It helps if you adapt a more flirtatious nature because psychological studies have show that other people will want to act in kind. The more open you seem to being approached by potential dates, the more you will experience this.

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