Russian Brides

среда, 4 февраля 2009 г.

How Dating Works With Your List - Finding the One

Dating can be fun when you use a list to find Mr. or Mrs. Right!

Millions of Americans are in the process of trying to find the one to make their lives complete. But this process can take years unless you have a basic strategy that works. You need to realize that when you are choosing a lifetime partner you are really searching for character:

  1. In the end you marry your significant other's character, not their beauty.

  2. In the end you marry your significant other's traits, not their superficial personality.

So what does this mean- It means that you can have list of positive traits you desire in a marriage:

  • When your date does not have the right traits on your list, you move on to the next one instead of wasting time.

  • When you date displays traits that are less than desirable, you move on.

Granted- This is not very romantic and that is the point.

It may not be very exciting- and that is the point.

If you marry someone who fits your list, then you can gradually fall in love.

But let's discuss another factor- Are you actually ready for love? Are you acting out roles that you learned as a child that prevent you from being Mr. or Mrs. Right for someone.

  • Are you emotionally unavailable?
  • Are you emotionally afraid of intimacy?
  • Are you emotionally insecure and cling to others (learned helplessness)?

And consider that you may not be placing enough emphasis on looking attractive because you believe that your significant other is only marrying your character-

  1. Do you exercise regularly to keep your weight in check?
  2. Do you use a sauna to detox for a radiant and glowing skin?
  3. Do you eat healthy fruits and vegetables?

Get the complete package for dating by cultivating positive traits, and do not forget to keep your body in shape as well.

P.S. Your list should not be about physical traits such as he will be over six feet tall or make a certain income. It is about traits and habits such as: kindness, honesty, and trust. For example, your date drinks heavily and gambles, but he is a kind person. You reject him because he demonstrates undesirable traits for a life partner. Now this may sound somewhat judgmental, but you have to make a selection and why marry someone who is obviously unfit for marriage. Your list should also have traits that you find undesirable in a marriage as well as positive traits.

Granted that on one is perfect- but why purposely pick someone is obviously undesirable according to your list?

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