Russian Brides

пятница, 27 февраля 2009 г.

How Often Should I Text a Girl I Just Met? Follow These 3 Rules For Success

Texting is the #1 way girls like to send instant messages to their friends and love interest. And for guys, text messaging is one of the greatest and most powerful tools to use if they want to be successful with girls.

A big anxiety for guys is knowing, "How often should I text a girl I like because if I do it wrong, I'll likely chase a really cute girl away?"

Follow these 3 rules for texting success with girls to create attraction and make her excited to see again:

Rule #1. You can text a girl in a few hours, the next day or in a couple of days of meeting her if you do this:

Keep the message short, fun and playful and text her something that communicates on her emotional level. Start the convo with something she mentioned to you when you met or that she did or that happened at the place where you met her.

Read this texting convo example to see this rule in action:

If you just met a girl and got her number at a party on Saturday night, you could send her a text the next day and say something like this,

YOU: "Hey, I am going to relax in your spa later...I guess you can come too."

She mentioned to you at the party that there is a nice spa at the complex where she lives and she invited you to come over soon. You have given her an opening she can relate to and respond back.

HER: "Oh bummer I can't today. I have to work. Another time?"

She's not available to see you on Sunday. No problem. Tease her by saying:

YOU: "I thought you had a trust account we could both live on. Looks like I'll be enjoying the spa without you."

HER: "Ha, ha. You'll miss a good back massage."

She's playing back. This is a good sign she is interested. Flirt back with:

YOU: "Those delicate hands didn't look that strong for a good massage. I'll have to inspect them more closely next time."

HER: "What are you doing tomorrow night?"

You can accept her invite or play a little hard to get (which is better) and suggest she meet you where you hang out by saying:

YOU: "Can't tomorrow. Tues I usually stop at Bailey's coffee house around 5:30 after work. You can join me there and I can check out those strong hands of yours."

HER: "Ha, ha, sounds great. See you then."

RECAP: So remember, Rule #1, you can text her within a few hours, the next day or in a couple of days as long as you keep it short, fun and flirty.

Rule #2: When you send the first text message and she doesn't reply right away, DO NOT get upset or think the worse. She could be busy. Fun and exciting girls have full lives. So don't send another text if you don't hear from her right away.

You can try again later, the next day or the next week. You control what happens.

Rule #3: When that hottie does text you back, you don't have to respond right away. Wait 10 minutes or so. This shows the girl that you are a busy guy, too, and she must work for your attention. Once you start texting back and forth you can respond back immediately.

These are just a few rules to follow for texting success with girls that will get you going in the right direction.

Remember, the purpose of you texting that cutie you met is to build attraction with flirty messages so she is anxious to see you again on your terms. Stay cool and in control, yet be playful and that will attract her to you like a magnet.

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