Russian Brides

вторник, 3 февраля 2009 г.

How to Handle Rude Women

This article will teach you how to handle rude women. I know a lot of guys have encountered this before, they meet a hot woman at a party, but then try to strike up a conversation with her, but then she is just being cold and rude.

Heck the girl I met the other day was even worse. She was cold, rude AND sarcastic - ALL THE TIME.

So how did I get her to be really attracted to me and interested to see me by the end of the night?

Well I did what most guys don't do.

I disarmed her by knowing how to handle her.

See the theory goes like this, women are not rude. They are just rude to you to see if you can deal with them.

So the ruder they are to you, the more you need to know how to deal with her.

If you have been studying seduction for a while, chances are you'll know that you need to just let her know that you won't be tolerating her nonsense. But how can you come across as being the funny guy without tolerating her rudeness AND be funny AND attractive at the same time?

Well this is what I did.

Me: You know what, ever since I met you, you've been so rude!
Her: What? I'm not rude...
Me: Yeah I know, you say you're not but you constantly are giving sarcastic responses and acting like a little brat. Actually it's quite cute really.
Her: I'm not giving sarcastic responses!
*Look to see if she's starting to become more nice, if she isn't just accuse her of being such a rude person, usually they back off from being rude*
Me: So anyways, apart from acting rude, you look like one too you know.
Her: What?
Me: I don't know, maybe it's your big eyes, your pretty lips and your features (describe other things about her you find attractive). I think that's what makes you look like a rude person.
Her: why?
Me: I don't know why. I just told you why! But you know, after talking to you for a while you probably aren't a so rude. That's a good thing.

Then go on and start talking to her normally.

By this time, if you did it correctly, you would have handled her rudeness by calling her out on it. Due to society's programming very rarely do people act in anti social ways after they have been called out on it! Use social conditioning to your advantage!

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