Russian Brides

среда, 4 марта 2009 г.

How to Flirt With a Girl - 4 Killer Techniques

Learning how to flirt with a girl effectively is crucial in eventually dating her. Following these 4 killer techniques you can putting to use flirting techniques that actually work, and I will recommend my personal favourite program to you later on.

#1 Neg

A Neg (or tease) is basically a playful insult. By doing this you show your value and that you are not afraid of her beauty. It's all about the delivery. Do not wait for her to respond, just carry on with normal conversation. Try something like "I dont know who your boyfriend is, but he is not spanking you enough!" or No, I wont come back to your place and "check out your photo collection". I need comfort and trust first.

#2 Body Language

Relax your whole body. By being relaxed, you make her relaxed and look more approachable. Simply untense your shoulders, and smile as you walk around.

#3 Appreciate Her

Even though you neg to show your value, do not insult her or neg too regularly. If you do, you just look like you are being nasty. Make sure that you compliment her. Notice something about her appearance and she will respect you for noticing.

#4 Be Confident

Women love men who exude confidence. How else do you explain the stereotype of the man who is a genius but cannot get a woman and the rebel without any social status who gets all the women? It's all about confidence. The great thing is, you can fake confidence until you are actually confident. Just be playful, not afraid to make decisions, and maintain eye contact.

All these techniques are good. I've personally used them all and know that they can really change the way a girl looks at you. But I have found a program to truly take it to a totally new level. Through trial and error, buying every piece of rubbish on the internet, I came across this program and could not believe how the results mounted up so quick, to a normal guy like me too!

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